Chapter 2119

The Four Swords of Jade Immortals are now located in the front, rear, left, and right directions of the Snake Dragon King, which are equivalent to the four different directions protected by the Eastern Emperor Bell.

Attacking from four different directions, the protection of each direction, under the attack of Zhu Xian's four swords, has obvious cracks.

"Kakaka...Boom boom boom..."


The leader of Tongtian is in the air, counting points with his fingers.

He manipulated the Four Swords of Jade Immortals in the air, and under his control, the four swords of Jade Immortals stabbed or slashed, making the cracks in the protection of the Eastern Emperor Bell bigger and bigger.

Although the Donghuang Bell can heal the protective cracks, the speed of healing is obviously not as fast as the destruction speed of the Four Swords of Jade Immortals.

But the Donghuang Bell is one of the top ten ancient artifacts after all, and it is said to be the strongest artifact.

Therefore, it is impossible for the Four Swords of Jade Immortals to break through these defenses all at once.

But breaking through the protection is inevitable, and it's just a matter of time.

"No, don't, it's impossible, don't..."

Looking at the cracks in the protection, the snake dragon king was completely panicked.

This is his last resort, the one to save his life.

If the Donghuang Bell broke like this, wouldn't he be finished.

But what's the point of his frantic yelling?
Even if he uses the evil energy to stimulate the power of the Eastern Emperor Bell in his body (the Eastern Emperor Bell is in the snake dragon king's body and was swallowed by him), but it will not help.

Because he didn't know how to control the Donghuang Bell so correctly.

The Donghuang Bell just instinctively protects the snake dragon king, not to mention that the snake dragon king is in poor health and his evil spirit is also very weak.

Even if you know how to control the Donghuang Bell, it may not be effective, let alone don't know it at all.

"You beast, today is your day of death."

Seeing the flustered look of the Snake Dragon King, the sneer on Master Tongtian's face deepened.

The words in his mouth pronounced the death sentence of the snake dragon king, and the speed at which he manipulated the four swords of Jade Immortal also became faster.

The defense of Donghuang Bell, under the continuous attack of Zhu Xian's four swords, has been covered with spider webs.

This kind of protection is no longer able to protect the snake dragon king.

As long as Zhu Xian's four swords attack a few more times, the defense of Donghuang Bell will undoubtedly be broken.

"...break it for me..."

Master Tongtian saw that the defense of the Eastern Emperor Bell was about to be broken, and the power to control the four swords of Zhu Xian increased again. With a loud shout, the four swords of Zhu Xian stabbed at the Donghuang Bell's defense at the same time.

"Crack clap..."

The four swords of Jade Immortal pierced the defense of the Eastern Emperor Bell at the same time, centering on the position where the four swords of Jade Immortal were stabbed, the dense cracks expanded again.

There was an ear-piercing cracking sound, and with a bang and explosion, the protection of the Donghuang Bell disappeared completely.

"Hey... poof..."

The Donghuang Bell's defense was broken, and the Donghuang Bell in the snake dragon king's body suddenly emitted a strange force, impacting the snake dragon king's body.

There was something wrong with the snake dragon king's body, and when this force hit, the snake dragon king suffered unspeakably.

There was a miserable cry of pain, and a mouthful of blood was spit out directly.

The injury that had already begun to recover had aggravated again at this time.

The snake dragon king looked much more sluggish than before.

"I said before, this Donghuang Bell can't protect you, an evil beast."

"The Four Swords of Zhuxian, get up!"

The four swords of Zhu Xian broke through the protection of the Donghuang Bell, and the master of Tongtian controlled the four swords of Zhu Xian to fly up at the same time.

Zhu Xian's four swords flew up, and the tip of the sword pointed down at the Snake Dragon King.

As long as the four swords of Zhu Xian fall, the snake dragon king will be completely destroyed today.

At this time, the Snake Dragon King had no strength to struggle at all, he could only look up feebly at the Four Swords of Zhu Xian above his head.

He was unwilling to die like this, but he had no choice at all.

Because the current self, even if a hundred-year-old little demon comes over, he can kill him.

"Master, no!"

However, just when Master Tongtian was planning to let the four swords of Zhu Xian fall, and directly destroy the body and spirit of the snake dragon king, Ji Yang hurriedly spoke to stop Master Tongtian.

"Why stop me? Do you still want to save his life?"

Looking at Ji Yang suspiciously, Master Tongtian didn't know what Ji Yang's intention was to stop him at this time.

"Master, you misunderstood, this guy must be killed today."

"To tell the truth, master, you just saw that Chi You is only in the state of soul at this time, and the body of the snake dragon king is very strong, which is very suitable for Chi You."

"Although the snake dragon king's body is covered with scars at this time, I still hope that the master can kill the snake dragon king without destroying his body."

Even if a person can be resurrected after death, there must be a way to restore a seemingly broken body.

That's what Ji Yang thought of, so he stopped the Master Tongtian.

Originally, Master Tongtian had always wondered why Ji Yang wanted to keep the body of the snake dragon king, but now he understands.

It turned out that Ji Yang planned to use this body for Chi You.

"It is indeed a good physical body. If so, then I will stay."

Knowing Ji Yang's intentions, Master Tongtian will definitely not use the Four Swords of Zhuxian again.

With a wave of his arm, Zhu Xian's four swords flew back together, and then all disappeared in front of Tongtian Cult Master, who took it back.

"Teacher, do you want to kill him with your own hands?"

"Yes, of course."

Withdrawing the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, Master Tongtian looked at Ji Yang with a smile.

The Snake Dragon King is a thousand-year monster, stronger than ordinary first-rank immortals.

Killing the snake dragon king with his own hands is a lot of merit, how could Ji Yang not think about it.

"Then I'll give you this chance!"

"This is my heart-piercing lock. Hitting him with the heart-piercing lock can lock his three souls, seven souls, internal organs and internal organs without destroying his body, so that all his three flowers and five qi will disappear. "

PS: The three flowers on the top refer to the essence, qi, and spirit, and the five qi in the chest refer to the five internal organs or the five elements, which are the heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney or metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

The heart-piercing lock is the supreme innate spiritual treasure of the leader of Tongtian, and the supreme treasure of the neck ornaments of the leader of Tongtian.

Although the snake dragon king's vitality is weak now, if Ji Yang were to kill him, it would not be easy to take his life while destroying his body.

Master Tongtian also saw this, so he was willing to lend his heart-piercing lock to Ji Yang.

He took off his heart-piercing lock and handed it to Ji Yang. Ji Yang looked like a long-lived lock. The body of the lock was golden yellow. There were strange inscriptions of heaven on both sides of the lock. There were three white jade chains piercing the heart lock under the lock. Some excitement.

He secretly said in his heart, if this is his own, that would be great.

"Don't think about it, kid. This is my top-grade innate spirit treasure. It's impossible to give it to you. Now I'm just borrowing it from you. It's going to kill him soon."

Master Tongtian seemed to see through Ji Yang's thoughts, his words made Ji Yang's face turn red.

But how did Ji Yang know how to use the heart-piercing lock, he could only look to the leader of Tongtian for help.

"Master, how do you use this heart-piercing lock?"

"I almost forgot to tell you how to use it. You can use the heart-piercing lock like this..."

Master Tongtian told Ji Yang how to use the heart-piercing lock. After Ji Yang wrote it down, he sneered and walked towards the snake dragon king.

"Don't, don't kill me, don't kill me, I will return the Donghuang Bell to you, to you."

"Give it back to me? It's too late. I gave you a chance before, but you committed suicide!"

"Heart-piercing lock!"

The Snake Dragon King begged Ji Yang for mercy, Ji Yang would not give him a chance, and threw the heart-piercing lock in his hand directly at the Snake Dragon King...

(End of this chapter)

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