The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 212 Flying Head Down

Chapter 212 Flying Head Down (Fourth Update)

Although Ji Yang's previous sword cut off Master Pan's neck, he did not cut off Master Pan's head.

But when Zhong Kui reminded Ji Yang to be careful behind his back, Ji Yang turned his head and saw that Master Pan's head had been separated from his body and was floating in the air.

Master Pan's head was floating in the air, his eyes were fixed on Ji Yang, his limbs and torso were all on the ground, but his digestive organs were still connected to his head, which looked terrifying.

Turning his head to see such a scene, it would be strange if Ji Yang didn't suddenly yell.

At the same time, Ji Yang also thought of a head lowering technique called flying head lowering.

Flying head drop is the most mysterious and most terrifying chief head drop among all head drop techniques.

Flying head drop is not lowering the head to others, but to lowering the head to oneself, and let one's head fly away from the body by flying head drop.

Through the practice of flying head drop, the head drop teacher has stronger skills. It is said that after the flying head drop is practiced to perfection, the head drop master can live forever.

However, it is very difficult to practice this flying head drop. Not only can it not be interrupted during the cultivation process, but it also needs to absorb a lot of blood every day.

During the cultivation period, if one day is not practiced or blood is not sucked enough, then all efforts will be wasted, not only will it be impossible to practice flying head drop, but also the skill may be completely lost, and it will no longer be possible to perform drop.

So this head-down master who is flying head down will never practice easily, but I didn't expect this master Pan to practice.

But judging by his appearance, there are still digestive organs connected under his head, it seems that his flying head drop has not been practiced to perfection.

After the consummation of the head-down master, when performing the flying head-down, the organs will not follow the flight.

"Fortunately, this guy's flying head drop has not been practiced to perfection, otherwise I might be really troubled today."

This can be regarded as the place where Ji Yang felt lucky after seeing Master Pan perform the flying head drop.

If this Master Pan really reached perfection, with Ji Yang's ability as a ninth-rank immortal, he might not be able to beat him.

When Ji Yang turned his head and saw Master Pan's head floating in the air, Master Pan's head also flew towards Ji Yang with its mouth wide open.

It looked like he wanted to bite Ji Yang, but although Ji Yang was astonished, he did not move slowly.

Master Pan flew towards him with his mouth wide open, and a stench came from him. Ji Yang dodged his body while listening to his chanting.

"Return the Qi to the palm, return the Qi to the palm, follow the Qi door, pass through the five fingers, reach the heart, help my Qi, the mantra arrives, and it must be followed..."

What Ji Yang recited was thunder in the palm of his hand. After reciting the incantation, Ji Yang slapped forward with his palm and hit Master Pan directly on the head.

The air in the palm was fired like a bazooka, and Master Pan's flying head let out a scream.


"If you fly your head down perfectly, I'm still a little afraid of you, but as you are now, that's death."

Ji Yang sipped softly, and stabbed the black sword in his hand, the organs under Master Pan's head fell to the ground, and the black sword was also inserted into Master Pan's mouth.

As soon as the black sword was inserted into Master Pan's mouth, with a bang, Master Pan's head exploded...

As Master Pan's head exploded, a soul floated out of Master Pan's body, but as soon as the soul appeared, he was grabbed by someone.

"Forgive me, forgive me."

It was Zhong Kui who grabbed Master Pan's soul, and when Zhong Kui caught him, Master Pan hurriedly begged for mercy.

No matter how awesome he was when he was alive, now he is dead, and he is just a dead kid.

For such a little ghost, Zhong Kui would crush him to death as easily as crushing an ant.

Sensing the terrifying aura emitted by Zhong Kui, Master Pan, who had turned into a ghost, trembled all over his body.

"Didn't you still want to accept me just now, why are you begging for mercy now?"

"Let me let you go, so why didn't you think of letting them go when you drove other ghosts?"

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As soon as Zhong Kui finished speaking, he swallowed Master Pan's soul in one gulp without waiting for Master Pan to speak again.

Watching Zhong Kui swallow Master Pan's ghost, Ji Yang's face was very calm.

In Ji Yang's view, a guy like Master Pan who even uses ghosts should end up like this after death, leaving him no chance to be a ghost, let alone reincarnate.

"Zhong Kui, thank you for your help today."

"I won't talk about more than a dozen ghosts. If you hadn't reminded me just now, I might have died today."

Ji Yang said sincerely, if Zhong Kui hadn't been reminding himself all the time today, Ji Yang would have been hit by the head lowering technique long ago.

"Hahaha, it's polite to tell me this. I've been a little tight recently, and I don't even have enough merit for changing wine."

"If you really want to thank me, give me some wine to drink. If you want strong wine, that XO is not strong enough."

Zhong Kui smiled heartily and said loudly.

"Isn't it just wine, I'll give you some tomorrow, I promise it's strong enough."

Wine, this is too simple, today Zhong Kui did him a big favor again, giving some wine to the other party is not a problem at all.

"Okay, that's it, I'm going first."

After Zhong Kui left, Ji Yang took out his mobile phone and called Lu Fan.

Now all the policemen in the city are looking for Master Pan, the head lowering master. After receiving a call from Ji Yang, Lu Fan seemed very excited when he heard that Ji Yang had killed the head lowering master.

After the death of the head master, the police in the whole city finally let go of their hearts, and the citizens of Linhai don't have to be afraid of being hurt.

Not long after Ji Yang made the call, a siren sounded, and Lu Fan rushed over with his men.

"Doctor Ji, where's the master?"

"This is it?"

Seeing Ji Yang, Lu Fan couldn't wait to ask.

Ji Yang pointed to the headless corpse on the ground and said softly.

Seeing the headless corpse, Lu Fan frowned, and asked loudly, "Where's the head?"

"It exploded, why do you suspect that I lied to you?"

Ji Yang narrowed his eyes and asked in a cold voice.

Seeing that Ji Yang was a little unhappy, Lu Fan shook his head.

When he first met Ji Yang, Lu Fan only thought that Ji Yang had great medical skills, but now he knows that Ji Yang is very capable.

A person like Ji Yang is not something that he, the deputy captain of the criminal police team, can do.

Arranging for someone to take Master Pan's body away, Lu Fan also bid farewell to Ji Yang.

After Lu Fan and others left, Ji Yang also drove back to Linhai Misty Rain.

At this time, the place on his body where he was hit by Master Pan's wooden staff was still very painful, and he felt that at least two of his ribs were broken.

Although protected by immortal energy, the healing speed of the ribs is faster, but it will not be cured immediately.

Ji Yang is going to take a special healing medicine first when he goes back, and then make some medicine to apply on the broken ribs tomorrow, so that the recovery speed will be faster.

When Ji Yang returned to the villa, he found that the lights in the villa were still on.

Seeing that the lights in the villa were still on, Ji Yang felt sweet, he knew that Huang Xiaoxin and Li Zixuan must be waiting for him.

The fact was as he expected, when he entered the villa, the two women were in the living room.

Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin were looking at the door with worried faces before, but when Ji Yang appeared, the worry on their faces turned into smiles, and they threw themselves into Ji Yang's arms.

Although this pounce caused Ji Yang's broken ribs to hurt, but there was always a smile on his face.

With such a beauty, Ji Yang feels that life is enough.

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(End of this chapter)

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