The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2133 I am a fool if I receive merit

Chapter 2133 I am a fool if I receive merit
In the Doumu Yuanjun Palace, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit sat in the lobby with a frown.

The return of the Master Tongtian who disappeared for thousands of years is a great event for the immortals of Jiejiao.

The immortals of Jiejiao proposed an idea, which is to host a welcome banquet for Tongtianjiao.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit does not need to worry about this matter.

After all, whether she was in the Jiejiao before the Conferred God War or after the Conferred God, her status among the Jiejiao's immortals was very high.

This kind of banquet can be handed over to other people.

But she was one of the four great disciples of the Jiejiao. After Taoist Duobao was gone, she has become the highest status of the Jiejiao (not counting the leader of Tongtian).

Even if there are some Jiejiao disciples who become gods, their status is higher than her.

When you see her, you have to call her senior sister, and you have to be polite to her.

After all, among the immortals, sometimes, it is not because your rank in the immortal class is high, that your strength must be strong.

Among the immortals in the Heavenly Court and the Underworld, the strength of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit can still be ranked first.

"Hey, although I don't have to worry about welcoming the banquet, but during the banquet, I can't go to see Master empty-handed."

"But Master has many magic weapons, and the magic weapon in my hand was given to me by Master."

"What should I give to Master?"

It turned out that after everyone proposed to hold a welcome banquet for the leader of Tongtian, the Holy Mother of Jinling was worried about what to give to the leader of Tongtian.

Although no one directly raised the matter of giving things, everyone knew it well.

This can also be regarded as a rule of not using words, and it is a respect for the Master Tongtian.

What do you give, Master Tongtian may not say who gave it well and who gave it badly.

But everyone has their own ideas in their hearts, and of course they all hope that the things they give to Tongtian Cult Master will like it.

The identity of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit is placed here, so she has to consider these even more.

"Ding dong!"

"Who is sending me a WeChat message at this time?"

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, who was in trouble, was not in a good mood.

When she heard the notification tone on WeChat, she frowned and said a little unhappy.

Although she was unhappy, she still took out her mobile phone and clicked on her WeChat.

"Friend request? Who could it be?"

Seeing that a friend request was displayed on WeChat, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit looked puzzled.

Of all the immortals in the heaven, she has added everything that should be added.

Now someone applies for a friend, she is really weird.

"Senior sister, I'm Xiaobai."

"It was him!"

Click on the WeChat friend application, and seeing the request sent by the other party, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit suddenly shines in front of her eyes.

Master Tongtian has a new apprentice, and this apprentice is Ji Yang in the mortal world. Almost everyone in the heavenly court knows about this.

Because after the Lord Tongtian came down to earth that day, all the immortals in the heaven were basically watching through the Xuanguang mirror.

Everyone has seen the scene where Master Tongtian accepted Ji Yang as his disciple.

Ji Yang is in the mortal world, and now the three realms cannot communicate with each other, and the mortal world is developing so fast.

Through Ji Yang, there should be some gains.

Thinking of this, the Holy Mother of Golden Spirit accepted Ji Yang's friend request.


Ji Yang in the mortal world, after sending out the friend request, did not see the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit and immediately agreed.

But he is still quite patient. Anyway, he is now a fellow student. Ji Yang believes that the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit will definitely agree.

Seeing that the friend application was approved at this time, Ji Yang smiled and quickly sent a WeChat message to the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit.

"Senior Brother pays homage to Senior Sister, Senior Sister's name is like thunder, and Junior Brother is very happy to be able to add Senior Sister as a friend today."

"This is some product of the mortal world. It is a meeting gift for the younger brother. I hope the older sister will not dislike it."

Ji Yang is very good at life.

And he wanted to get closer to the Virgin of the Golden Spirit, so while greeting the Virgin of the Golden Spirit, he had already taken some items from the WeChat store.

He didn't care what he took, he just sent it to the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit.

They are all products of the mortal world, and there are quite a few of them. Ji Yang estimates that they are worth 10,000+ merits.

Of course, the amount of merit is not the key, the point is that things come from the mortal world.

What's more, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit should be very happy to give it away.

"Little brother's mouth is so sweet, your name is in the heaven and earth, but no one is ignorant, no one knows, I am more famous than my senior sister."

"Senior Sister, I have long wanted to know you, but I have no chance."

"I just added friends today, and you gave me so many things. Senior sister is really embarrassed to accept them. I'd better send merits to you at the original price."

Ji Yang knows how to be a man, and the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit has lived for so many years, and her emotional intelligence is not low.

Seeing what Ji Yang sent, she nodded in satisfaction, secretly thinking that when Ji Yang knew how to be a human being, she really sent Ji Yang 100 million merits.

100 million merits, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit doesn't care.

And she knew that her own merits were definitely far higher than what Ji Yang sent.

Although the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit has never been in contact with Ji Yang, she has been in Ji Yang's WeChat store.

She has also bought things from Ji Yang's WeChat store, and she knows the prices of some things.

"I want to take this merit, that's a fool."

Seeing the 100 million merits sent by the Virgin of the Golden Spirit, Ji Yang smiled faintly through the phone.

100 million merit is nothing to Ji Yang who has [-] million merit.

But under normal circumstances, Ji Yang would definitely accept it.

Because now, it is not easy for him to earn merit.

To be promoted to the next immortal position, one billion merits are needed, and now there is still a shortfall of [-] million.

So he doesn't want to waste every bit of merit.

But he absolutely can't have this 100 million merits, otherwise he will appear to be too ignorant and his EQ is too low.

"Senior sister, you are slapping junior brother in the face, I can't accept this kind of merit."

"I said I gave it to you, so that's what I gave you."

"We are brothers and sisters of the same school now, so we are a family, right, so I can't accept this kind of merit."

What Ji Yang said is not a lie, although there is a bit of a close meaning in the words.

But it is true that he and the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit are brothers and sisters of the same sect.

These things seem to be of high value in the WeChat store, but in the mortal world, they are really nothing.

He wouldn't foolishly accept the other party's merits.

"Junior Brother, since you said that, then Senior Sister will not say anything."

"If the younger brother needs the senior sister in any place in the future, just tell the senior sister, and the senior sister will definitely help you."

Ji Yang didn't accept merits, and the Virgin of the Golden Spirit nodded through the phone.

Regarding Ji Yang's performance today, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit is very satisfied.

She felt that the new apprentices accepted by Master Tongtian were very good.

"Senior sister, you said this, so I won't be polite to you in the future."

"You're welcome, just say something."

"Since the senior sister said so, then the senior sister doesn't have to be polite to me. I just saw a series of question marks and sighing expressions in your circle of friends. I think you have encountered some troubles? You can talk to me about it. Junior brother may be able to help you."

The foreplay is done, it's time for Ji Yang to get straight to the point...

(End of this chapter)

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