The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 214 Arrogant City Management

Chapter 214 Arrogant Urban Management (Part [-])
Mei Hong could doubt Ji Yang's words, but after Ji Yang's 500 million was transferred to Mei Hong's account, she had no reason to doubt it.

Looking at the extra 500 million in the account, Mei Hong felt her heart beating faster.

This is 500 million, and this 500 million is undoubtedly a timely help.

The icing on the cake is far better than giving charcoal in the snow.

The current Mei Hong is very grateful to Ji Yang, and she is very moved that Ji Yang is still willing to invest in this situation.

"My winery registration is 1000 million. In this case, if you take out 500 million, I will share 50.00% of the company's profits with you."

"I'll ask the financial department to draw up a contract for you as soon as possible."

Mei Hong is also a straightforward person, she handles things neatly, after receiving Ji Yang's 500 million, she said to Ji Yang.

"Okay, I believe you."

"By the way, although your wine is good, there are still some minor problems. This is a new recipe and suggestion. You can hand this over to the winery."

After Du Kang told Ji Yang the suggestion yesterday, Ji Yang also changed the recipe of the wine.

Looking at the formula Ji Yang handed her, Mei Hong gave Ji Yang a thumbs up.

"I give you a thumbs up. This recipe is indeed better than mine. I didn't expect you to be an expert in wine making."

Faced with Mei Hong's praise, Ji Yang didn't know what to say.

But who made Ji Yang thick-skinned enough? He just smiled lightly, and after chatting with Mei Hong for a few more words, he left the Mei Hong Winery.

Both Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin like to eat fruit, and the fruit at home has been eaten up.

After leaving Meihong Winery, Ji Yang came to the market, ready to buy some fruits to go back.

When Ji Yang walked into the market, he found that the market was a bit noisy.

Although the market is a very noisy place, but at this time the market is not noisy, but noisy.

Ji Yang frowned, he saw a group of people gathered somewhere in the market, and the noisy voice came from inside.

"Let go, I told you to let go, did you hear that, you are occupying the road illegally."

"Please, don't confiscate my apples, can I go now?"

"No, this must be confiscated. The image of Linhai is lost because of you people who illegally occupy the road."

"Please, my wife is still in the hospital, this apple is sold to pay for the medical bills."

"Tell you, let go, or I will sue you for obstructing law enforcement. At that time, not only will your apple be confiscated, you will also have to go to jail."

Although Ji Yang hadn't seen the situation inside clearly, the voices seemed to be the voices of several young people and an old man.

After passing through the crowd, Ji Yang finally saw the situation inside clearly.

I saw a few people in city control uniforms holding two baskets of apples, and an old lady in her 50s was kneeling on the ground.

The old lady was kneeling on the ground with tears all over her face, holding a city management officer holding a basket of apples with both hands.

The urban management who was being dragged looked at the old lady with a look of disgust, and her legs twitched several times.

But the old lady held on tightly, so the urban management officer couldn't pull it back.

Seeing that his leg could not be pulled back, the city manager's face changed obviously.

"Let go, or I won't be polite."

The urban management yelled loudly, handed the apple in his hand to another urban management, and looked at the old lady with unkind eyes.

The old lady had no intention of letting go when she heard what the city management said.

She looked at the city management with a firm face, and cried.

"Give me back the apple, or I won't let go."

The old lady's stubbornness completely angered the city management, and the city management kicked the old lady directly.

"You old thing, I won't let you go."

The urban management kicked and cursed at the same time.


It's just that before the city management kicked the old lady down, he felt a burning pain on his face.

It turned out that when he was talking, someone slapped him, and he was also stunned by the slap.

The urban management kicked the old lady's feet, but was also stopped.

"A dog can't spit out ivory. Didn't your mother teach you to respect the old and love the young?"

"The old lady is so old, you still want to kick her, don't think that wearing leather is awesome."

It was Ji Yang who gave the city management a slap.

After Ji Yang slapped the urban management officer, he looked at the other party with a gloomy face and said in a cold voice.

"Auntie, get up first. Here is 1000 yuan. You take it. Your two baskets of apples are mine now."

While scolding the urban management, Ji Yang also helped the old lady on the ground up, and at the same time gave the old lady 1000 yuan.

The old lady looked at the 1000 yuan that Ji Yang gave her but did not accept it.

Although she has two baskets of apples, these two baskets of apples are only about fifty catties at most.

A catty of apples does not cost more than three yuan, and Ji Yang gave her 1000 yuan, which is several times higher than the value of the apples.

And now that Apple is not in her hands, how could she have the nerve to take the money.

Seeing the old lady hesitate, Ji Yang smiled and forced the money to her.

"Auntie, you keep the money. Don't you have to pay the medical expenses for the uncle, and the extra money will be treated as my donation to the uncle."

"Thank you, thank you, I kneel down for you."

Hearing what Ji Yang said, thinking of his wife who was still lying in the hospital, the old lady was about to kneel down to Ji Yang with tears streaming down her face.

When Ji Yang saw that the old lady was about to kneel down, he hurriedly supported her.

"Mother, don't be like this, you stand aside first, and watch me deal with these guys who don't know how to respect the old and love the young."

During the time when Ji Yang was talking to the old lady, the urban management who was slapped by Ji Yang just now also came to his senses.

I have been an urban management for so long, I have always bullied others by myself, and when have I been taught a lesson by others.

"Paralyzed, who are you, you dare to hit me."

The city manager looked at Ji Yang in front of him, and roared angrily.

Hearing the chengguan's roar, Ji Yang smiled and walked directly in front of the chengguan.


"What's wrong with hitting you, I'll hit you."

Ji Yang slapped him again, last time he slapped him on the left cheek, this time he slapped him on the right cheek.

Both sides of the face are slapped, and it looks more harmonious and comfortable.

Seeing Ji Yang slap the urban management again, both the other urban management and the people watching around were dumbfounded.

It's definitely the first time they've met someone as awesome as Ji Yang.

Being slapped twice by Ji Yang in succession, although the city manager's face was swollen from the slap, he felt that he had lost all face.

If you don't get back your face today, don't say that you will continue to be arrogant here in the future.

Even facing other urban management, he was embarrassed.

"You guys still read jokes, let's make fun of him together."

The chengguan who had been slapped twice shouted at the other chengguan who were standing aside stupidly.

Hearing what the other party said, the other city management also reacted.

The one who was beaten was his own, so why did he stand still.

A few city management officers walked towards Ji Yang with their arms and sleeves rolled up, and immediately surrounded Ji Yang.

Seeing several urban management officers surrounding him, a sneer of disdain appeared on the corner of Ji Yang's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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