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Chapter 2141 Determine the identity of the murderer

Chapter 2141 Determine the identity of the murderer
Although Ji Yang can be sure that the things in the Forbidden City were not done by the three of Cain.

If he wanted to say that the three of Cain did not do it, the members of the Xuan Group would not dare to say anything.

But if you don't say it, you will inevitably have other thoughts in your heart.

Ji Yang couldn't let the people in the Xuan group think that he was bullying others, so he had to find out the situation and let the people in the Xuan group know that this matter had nothing to do with the three of Cain.

All the monitoring equipment in the Forbidden City failed, and more than a dozen staff members were killed. It is certainly not a coincidence.

Ji Yang was also curious as to who the hell would do such a thing.

"Okay boss, let's go to the Forbidden City now, let's go!"

Peng Caixuan didn't know what Ji Yang was thinking.

But who killed more than a dozen staff members in the Forbidden City, this matter must be found out.

After hearing that Ji Yang was going to find out the truth, Peng Caixuan waved to the surrounding Xuanzu people and drove towards the Forbidden City.

"Don't be angry, I can only say that you were unlucky this time, and were photographed by surveillance equipment around the Forbidden City."

"Come on, let's go and see who did this."

"Hmph, you actually made us scapegoats. If you let me know who did it, I'll tear him apart."

Peng Caixuan and members of the Xuan group had already left, Ji Yang smiled and comforted the three of Cain.

Cain snorted with a displeased face.

The Xuan Group was at fault for this matter, and the real murderer was also hated by Cain...

There was a murder case here in the Forbidden City, and it was a major case in which more than a dozen people were killed.

When Ji Yang, Peng Caixuan and others came to the Forbidden City, they couldn't see anything unusual outside the Forbidden City. Except for the armed police who were on duty normally, they didn't see the police or the cordon.

The armed police are on duty, and they don't look unusual, as if they don't know anything.

"The Forbidden City is different from other places. When a murder case occurs here, it can only be handled in a low-key manner."

"I also received a call from my grandfather just now. He told me that this matter has been handed over to the Xuanzu, and the higher-ups have given the Xuanzu an order to find the murderer and deal with it within three days."

"To inspect the site, we only have one night today, and tomorrow we need to receive tourists normally, so boss, our time is very tight."

Looking at the Forbidden City without a trace of strangeness, Ji Yang was somewhat strange.

After hearing Peng Caixuan's explanation, he also understood.

The Forbidden City is the most representative cultural relic building complex in Kyoto. It is the royal palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties in China. It was once called the Forbidden City. It is the essence of ancient Chinese palace architecture. It is also the largest and best preserved ancient wooden structure in the world. one.

Whether it is tourists from various countries who come to Kyoto or missions visiting China, the Forbidden City can be said to be a must-see place.

The collection of cultural relics in the Forbidden City has reached millions of pieces. It is conceivable how terrifying the value of the collection in the Forbidden City is.

In such a representative place, if the outside world finds out that more than a dozen staff members died, what kind of public opinion will be aroused in the later stage, I really can't imagine.

It is even possible for some forces and countries to use this time to make a fuss about China.

If it weren't for this, the higher ups wouldn't have put pressure on Xuanzu, and they wouldn't have chosen to continue receiving tourists as normal tomorrow.

This is all helpless.

"Since this is the case, how do we get in?"

"Boss, do you think we will continue to climb over the wall? Of course, we will enter through the main entrance. The arrangement has been made by the superiors, so we can just go in directly."

Some things cannot be exposed, but in order to find out, it is impossible to completely cover them up.

What Ji Yang and others have to do is to handle this matter well while causing minimal follow-up effects.

Peng Caixuan walked in the front. Seeing Ji Yang and his party of more than ten people approaching, the armed police on duty immediately became vigilant and warned everyone not to enter the Forbidden City right now.

But after seeing the mysterious group certificates that Peng Caixuan showed, they let everyone in.

"Young Master Peng, Young Master Ji, you are here."

Ji Yang and others entered the Forbidden City, and a group of five or six people came over.

These people are all wearing the work clothes of the Forbidden City, but their aura is not that of ordinary people.

If Ji Yang's guess is correct, these people should be members of the Xuan group.

They are now only wearing the work clothes of the Forbidden City for the convenience of doing business.

It is estimated that their clothes will have to be worn until the matter is resolved.

That is to say, whether it is tonight or tomorrow, as long as the matter is not found out, they have to stay in the Forbidden City.

On the one hand, it is to find out the truth, and on the other hand, it is to avoid another death incident.

"Let's go, take us to the scene to see."

Ji Yang didn't know the other party, but the other party knew him.

As for Peng Caixuan, he naturally knew these mysterious people.

Peng Caixuan nodded to signal, and several people from the Xuan Group led Ji Yang and his party to the depths of the Forbidden City.

"The blood is getting heavier!"

The further he walked into the Forbidden City, Ji Yang could feel the smell of blood in the air getting stronger.

Because the further you walk, the closer you are to the scene of the crime.

"Peng Shao, Ji Shao, this is the place."

"This is the rest area and accommodation area for the staff of the Forbidden City. All the staff who are on duty at night live here."

"Except for some people who went out to patrol tonight, everyone who stayed here was killed."

"What's even more weird is that their bodies are relatively intact on the surface, but their blood has been completely sucked out, and according to our survey just now, although these people showed fear on their faces, they didn't show any obvious resistance."

"We suspect that when they were killed, they should have been controlled by some kind of force, so they couldn't resist."

Walk to the scene of the crime, which is the rest area of ​​the Forbidden City staff.

The smell of blood here is even stronger.

At the same time, Ji Yang also felt that besides the smell of blood, there was also a very familiar smell.

This smell is somewhat like the stench of rotting flesh.

But it stands to reason that people who have just died should not have this smell.

"The blood is sucked dry, but the body is still intact. You should be familiar with this method of killing."

Ji Yang thought of something based on what he heard from the mouth of the Xuan group he surveyed earlier.

He thought of zombies, because in addition to the smell of blood and stench, there was also the smell of zombies in the air.

Adding all the signs together, if Ji Yang hadn't believed in the three generals, Ji Yang would have associated this incident with them immediately.

Because both Cain and the generals are among the four corpse kings.

When Ji Yang spoke at this time, he was also looking at the general and Yinggou.

"What do you mean, do you think we did this now?"

Hearing Ji Yang's words, the general narrowed his eyes, but didn't say anything.

But Cain quit, he looked at Ji Yang angrily, and shouted loudly.

"I just confirmed the identity of the murderer, but I didn't say it was you, don't you feel what the murderer is?"

"What's more, the strength of the remaining breath in the air is much worse than your breath."

Cain misunderstood himself, Ji Yang shook his head and said...

(End of this chapter)

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