The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2144 The Four Great Corpse Kings Are Indistinguishable

Chapter 2144
From Cain's mouth, I learned some characteristics of the Houqing Corpse Clan.

What Cain meant was that the zombies of the Houqing corpse clan were the weakest of the four corpse clans in the early stage.

But in the later stage, it can be said that it is the most difficult to deal with among the four corpse clans.

"The living dead? It's interesting. After the fourth level, it is more difficult to deal with. How many levels are the zombies of the Houqing Corpse Clan?"

The other three corpse clans called the Houqing corpse clan the living dead, and the corner of Ji Yang's mouth curled up.

Regarding the situation of the Houqing Corpse Clan, Cain only briefly explained, but Ji Yang still didn't understand the details.

He didn't even know how many ranks the Houqing Corpse Clan was divided into.

"The zombies of the Houqing Corpse Clan are divided into six ranks. In fact, it is more accurate to say that the fifth rank is more accurate."

"Because in the entire Houqing Corpse Clan, there is only one rank-[-] zombie, and that is their Corpse King Houqing."

When the general opened his mouth, Ji Yang nodded slightly.

This is the same situation as the other three zombie clans. The strongest zombie level of each corpse clan has only one zombie, and that is the corpse king.

And this strongest zombie level is specially designed for the corpse king.

"You said that the zombies of the Houqing Corpse Clan can even be said to be the strongest among the four corpse clans after their level has been raised. Does that mean that among the four corpse kings, Houqing is the strongest among the four corpse clans? Where is the strong one?"

Ji Yang is still very concerned about this issue.

Although they are all corpse kings, no one can give a real answer as to who is the strongest.

The generals Ji Yang had seen had similar combat effectiveness to Hanba, and Cain was slightly weaker.

Cain would feel weak, which should have something to do with his becoming a vampire.

If it was still the original body, he shouldn't be bad.

In other words, it should be difficult to distinguish between General Chen, Hanba and Yinggou.

As for whether Hou Qing would be better than them, Ji Yang asked too much.

"When we say strong, we only mean zombies below the corpse king."

"As for Hou Qing, if we are singled out, our strength is comparable to ours. It is difficult to judge which one is stronger and which one is weaker."

Each corpse king has its own characteristics, according to the legend, the generals should be stronger.

But legends are legends after all, at this time the general himself said that it is difficult to judge, which means that the combat effectiveness of each corpse king should be indistinguishable.

After hearing this answer, Ji Yang didn't ask any more questions.

His eyes looked at Peng Caixuan and Mu Hang who were in the battle. At this time, the two had killed more than half of the zombies of the Houqing Corpse Clan.

There are only five people who can still fight with the two of them.

The bodies of these five zombies were precarious, as if they were about to fall down at any time.

In about 1 minute, under the joint attack of Peng Caixuan and Mu Hang, the last five zombies lay on the ground one after another, becoming headless corpses.

Don't worry about how weak the zombies of the Houqing Corpse Clan are at a low level.

But they are zombies after all, and their vitality is still very strong.

Severed hands and feet are of no use to them.

If you want to kill them, you have to smash their heads.

"Boss, these guys are so weak, they don't look like zombies at all."

"Yeah Ji Shao, they have stronger vitality, and their combat effectiveness is really weak. Are these guys really zombies?"

Both Peng Caixuan and Mu Hang didn't seem to be enjoying themselves after getting rid of the dozen or so first-order zombies of the Houqing Corpse Clan.

They looked at the dozens of headless corpses on the ground with some disdain, and turned to look at Ji Yang.

"The first-order zombies of the Houqing Corpse Clan can only be regarded as walking corpses, living dead, and the weakest among the four major corpse clans, so they are easier to deal with."

"But don't underestimate them. If you encounter high-level Houqing corpse clan zombies, you have to be careful."

"Now you stand back, I will burn these corpses."

Become a corpse, as if there is no threat anymore.

But Ji Yang saw that the blood flowing out of the corpses was corrosive to a certain extent, and some corpse poison also spread from their corpses to the surroundings.

If you ignore these corpses, you will still cause trouble.

Therefore, Ji Yang had to completely dispose of the corpse in order to reduce unnecessary troubles.

Waving his arms in the air, more than a dozen headless corpses piled up together.

Two purple flames were launched from Ji Yang's palm, and more than a dozen corpses burned instantly.

A pungent and stench filled the air, and more than a dozen corpses were completely burned to ashes.

But that's not all. Although the corpse was burned, the surrounding area was still affected by the corpse poison of Houqing's corpse clan.

Although these corpse poisons cannot turn people into zombies, they will still have a bad effect on people if they come into contact with them.

"Cain is indeed right. The corpse poison of the Houqing Corpse Clan is indeed very strong."

"If you want to clean it up, you have to clean it up. There are so many people coming and going to the Forbidden City every day. If it is affected by the corpse poison, it will be bad."

"Shen Nong Ding!"

A good man will do it to the end, Ji Yang muttered softly, and directly called out the Shennong Ding.

The Shennong Ding was flying in mid-air, and traces of green energy full of vitality floated out.

The residual corpse poison in the air dissipated under the breath of Shennong Ding. When Ji Yang felt that the surrounding corpse poison was completely removed, he took Shennong Ding back.

"Caixuan, you can have a temporary assignment here."

Although the Houqing Corpse Zombie who did all this has not been killed yet, since he knows who the other party is, it should not be difficult to find him.

The murder case here in the Forbidden City has basically been solved.

Hearing what Ji Yang said, Peng Caixuan nodded to Ji Yang, and went to the side to make a phone call.

Ji Yang didn't care who he called, anyway, he must have reported what happened here.

"The identity of the murderer has been clarified. Is there any way for you to find the murderer?"

The reason why Ji Yang felt that it would not be difficult to find the real culprit was because there were generals and Cain.

They are all zombie kings. It is not difficult for them to find a zombie.

Even if it is the zombies of other corpse clans, Ji Yang thinks they should have a solution.

Otherwise, this zombie king deserves to be a bit LOW.

"Let me do it. I didn't do anything just now, but after I find the bastard who caused me to be wronged, I must twist his head off with my own hands."

Sure enough, Cain had a way to find the other party.

He said in a cold voice with an angry face, and a scarlet corpse gas floated out of his body.

This corpse gas floated out, and after spinning around in the air, it floated in one direction.

"My corpse aura has already sensed the direction that guy left, following this corpse aura, we will be able to find him!"

Looking at the scarlet corpse aura floating in the air, Cain looked at Ji Yang.

"Then let's go now."

"Caixuan, I suggest that you temporarily arrange some people from the Xuan Group to stay in the Forbidden City. You should be more careful in these two days."

"Do you want to go with us? If not, I will notify you after the real culprit is solved."

"Of course, give me a minute!"

Ji Yang said that the first-order zombies of the Houqing Corpse Clan are weak, and the higher the level, the stronger they are.

Whether it's out of curiosity about Hou Qing's corpse clan, or because of the responsibility to catch the real culprit, Peng Caixuan always wants to take a look...

(End of this chapter)

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