Chapter 2155 Graffiti
Isn't it about Hou Qing's ability to use the power of the curse to bring resentful people back from the dead and turn them into zombies?

Could it be that this matter is still a big secret, the general and Cain are still playing with Ji Yang's mystery.

However, the expressions of the two of them seemed to be a bit entangled, so Ji Yang stopped asking them.

It happened that Tang Bohu came back to WeChat again, so Ji Yang simply opened WeChat and went to find Tang Bohu.

"My lord, I don't know what to do with the little one?"

"Master Zhong Kui asked the younger one to draw a self-portrait for him. The younger one was painting for Master Zhong Kui just now, so he didn't reply immediately. I hope the adult will not blame him."

Clicking on WeChat, seeing Tang Bohu's reply, Ji Yang's expression was a little unnatural.

Why is Zhong Kui so leisurely? He even asked Tang Bohu to make a self-portrait for him.

"The self-portrait of Zhong Kui painted by Tang Bohu should be very realistic. It must be good to ward off evil spirits. Once the portrait of Zhong Kui is hung, the kid will definitely run away when he sees it."

Ji Yang said to himself a little funny.

What he said was not to belittle Zhong Kui, but in reality, there are indeed many people who use Zhong Kui's portrait to suppress evil.

After all, it is Zhong Kui's duty to catch ghosts and eat ghosts.

"Tang Bohu's painting of Zhong Kui, if it is in the mortal world, it will definitely be the only one. If it is sold, it is probably worth a lot."

There were two more murmurs in his heart, and Ji Yang stopped thinking about it.

If he had just been able to contact the Three Realms and had no money in his hands, he would probably have been able to ask Zhong Kui for a self-portrait.

But now Ji Yang himself is not short of money, he just thinks about this kind of thing.

"It's nothing serious, and I have nothing to blame you for, I just want you to help me see a painting."

"Looking at the painting? Does the adult want the little one to help you appreciate the quality of the painting?"

"No, no, I got a painting here. Some people say it was drawn by you, while others say no. I hope you take a look and see if it is from your hand."

"So that's the case, then please send the painting over, let the little one have a look."

When he first heard that Ji Yang had paintings for him to see, Tang Bohu thought that Ji Yang wanted him to help him appreciate the quality of the paintings.

After learning that he had misunderstood, Tang Bohu asked Ji Yang to send the painting to him.

Tang Bohu has painted many paintings, and Tang Bohu himself can't remember how many paintings there are.

But he can tell whether the painting is drawn by himself or not.

"Okay, I'll send it to you."

While speaking, Ji Yang threw the scroll in his hand into the phone, and with the flash of the phone screen, the scroll disappeared.

Peng Caixuan and Mu Hang on the side looked envious after seeing the picture scroll disappear.

Although this is not the first time Ji Yang took out a mobile phone that looked ordinary but completely different.

But every time they see Ji Yang using WeChat to chat with Tiantingdifu and send things, they are still very envious, okay?

Because compared to ordinary mobile phones in the world, Ji Yang's mobile phone is really awesome. It would be great if I could have a mobile phone that can directly transmit real objects.

Peng Caixuan and Mu Hang's envy can only be envious, because the entire mortal world is only Ji Yang's.

When they were envious of Ji Yang, the scroll sent by Ji Yang had already entered Tang Bohu's hands.

After getting the scroll, Tang Bohu didn't waste any time, just opened the scroll and read it.

His eyes swept over the maid on the scroll, and looked at the seal where the signature was placed. After a few glances, Tang Bohu rolled up the scroll, then nodded, and sent the scroll to Ji Yang.

Ji Yang was waiting for Tang Bohu's reply. Seeing the scroll flying out, he grabbed the scroll.

"Send it back to me directly? Is this painting fake?"

When Ji Yang was puzzled, WeChat rang again.

When Tang Bohu sent the scroll to Ji Yang, he had already replied to him.

"My lord, this picture of a lady is indeed drawn by me."

"This is my random graffiti. It's just a clumsy one. If you like it, I can draw a few better ones for you to enjoy."

Random doodles, clumsy works.

Seeing Tang Bohu's reply, Ji Yang's heart beat violently.

Tang Bohu really doesn't know the value of his paintings.

Just this graffiti, which he said was clumsy, is worth more than 2000 million yuan.

Although this price may be a little watery, because those who deceived Village Chief Song may have already designed it.

Call a high price, anyway, the money is paid by the government, and they can get more money, which is great.

But Tang Bohu's paintings are very valuable, it's true.

This graffiti work must be worth more than ten million.

"Cough cough cough..."

"For the first time, I discovered that making money is so easy."

Ji Yang coughed a few times, and thought of it like a self-deprecating thought.

He felt that he would never have to be afraid of being short of money.

Whenever he was short of money, he would go to those dead ancient famous painters and writers in the underworld to tease him, and he would just get one and sell it, which would be enough to squander it for a while.

I thought so in my heart, but Ji Yang didn't really do it.

After calming himself down a bit, he sent Tang Bohu back to WeChat.

"I don't need it for now. When I need it, I'll find you again."

"Good adults, small ones can provide good paintings for adults at any time."

"Okay, then I won't bother you, this bottle of wine is for you, take it and drink it."

"Thank you, my lord, thank you, my lord..."

After Ji Yang sent a bottle of Scotch vodka to Tang Bohu, he looked at Tang Bohu's thank you, and after he replied no thanks, he put away his phone.

No matter who is good, it cannot be used in vain.

In case Ji Yang really had a whim one day, maybe he really asked Tang Bohu for a few paintings.

At that time, he will ask other ancient painters for some, such as Wu Daozi (Painting Saint), Huang Gongwang (Fuchuan Mountain Dwelling), Wang Ximeng (A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains)...

At that time, I will hold an exhibition of paintings by famous ancient masters myself, and I will hang up when I think of it.

"Boss, what's the matter, is this painting real or fake?"

When the picture scroll flew out of the phone, Peng Caixuan actually wanted to ask.

But when he saw that Ji Yang was still chatting on WeChat, he didn't bother, for fear of delaying Ji Yang's affairs.

At this time, Ji Yang put away the phone, and he asked softly.

"This painting is real!"

"Really, those bastards deserved their own death!"

After learning that the painting was real, Peng Caixuan said angrily.

Mu Hang, the general and others on the side also nodded in agreement.

"Those people deserve to die, but these villagers are too innocent!"

"Hey, send a WeChat message to Hades later, and ask him to take care of them a little bit. If he can arrange reincarnation as soon as possible, let them reincarnate."

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, your life is completely over!"

Ji Yang murmured to himself, he clapped his palm several times, several purple flames flew out from his palm, and landed in several places in the village...

(End of this chapter)

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