The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2177 Can you move forward and talk a little bit

Chapter 2177 Can you move forward and talk a little bit

[-] million Huaxia coins and [-] million rice yuan are not the same.

Because converting Huaxia currency into rice yuan would have to be multiplied by more than six times.

30 million yuan, that's more than [-] billion Huaxia coins.

When Jesse said that he was talking about rice yuan, the people in the auction hall were completely blown away.

As people who eat melons, at this moment, I feel that today's show is really enjoyable.

Now Jesse and Heli Xiu Tuo are not just competing for the auction of Brahma's golden statue, but also a kind of competition between each other.

Jesse doesn't feel very interested in the golden statue of Brahma.

If it was too big, it would be impossible for him to say what he would take back to plug the hole in the wall.

When he said Mi Yuan, he was clearly deliberately provoking Heli Xiutuo, and he was deliberately embarrassing the other party.

"Master Jessie, but what kind of family is this Brahman, do you know?"

"How do I know, but it looks like it should be a very powerful family from YD. Otherwise, how dare this Helixiu Tuo increase the price so much, one hundred million at a time, do you dare?"

"I really want to hear something about the Brahmins, but no matter how strong the Brahmins are, Master Jesse is from the Rockefellers. Is it still afraid that he will fail?"

"That's right, let's just watch the show and talk less. Anyway, it's true that the two of them are the ones we can't afford to sin..."

Everyone could see that Jesse was deliberately provoking Heli Xiu Tuo.

But for the Brahmin family, as I said before, there are still too few people who know about it.

Even if I have heard some things, it is very one-sided and I don't understand it very well.

Everyone discussed softly, Helixiu Tuo's chest rose and fell violently, he was so angry.

Originally, I called out [-] million yuan, which was calculated in Huaxia currency.

Now it has suddenly become rice yuan, which is more than three billion yuan.

Although the Brahman Brahma family's order is to bring this golden statue of Brahma back to YD at any cost.

But who would have thought that this golden statue of Brahma would cost more than three billion yuan.

"[-] million yuan, if you are sure, then this golden statue of Brahma belongs to you."

"If I remember correctly, Brahma is the symbol of your Brahman Brahma family. If I take it back to block the wall, it seems really inappropriate, but I have no place to put it. Hey, apart from blocking the hole in the wall, I really Can't think of any other use."

Anyway, his attitude is so clear.

Everyone also saw their intentions, and Jesse wasn't afraid to make things worse.

Jesse didn't care how angry Helishutu was.

What Jesse has to do is to follow Ji Yang's words and finish what Ji Yang told him.

However, it suddenly became [-] million yuan, and Jesse also felt that the amount was indeed a bit large.

So he deliberately opened his mouth and used words to stimulate Helixiu Tuo.

Jesse looked at Helixiutuo with a smile on his face, and if you don't want it, I will take it back to block the wall. This is the symbol of your Brahma family!
"Jessie, you have repeatedly insulted the Brahman family and the Lord Brahma."

"You and your family will be rewarded. What you did today will be punished. Brahma Lord God will not let you go."

"[-] million yuan, I will pay [-] million yuan, will you still increase the price? Who else will increase the price?"

Helixiu Tuo's teeth were tight, and his eyes were so red that they were bleeding from anger.

He was angry and shouted angrily.

If his eyes could kill, Jesse would have been killed hundreds of times by now.

No one raised the price for 5000 million Huaxia coins.

Lilith and Jesse also followed Ji Yang's request, so they increased the price.

Now that the price has reached [-] million yuan, Ji Yang secretly nodded, indicating that it was enough, Jesse and Lilith had no intention of continuing to increase the price.

If the two of them don't raise the price, it's even less likely for the others to raise the price.

"It's a pity, such a good statue, it's just right to take it back to plug the hole in the wall."

"But I see that you want to get this golden statue of Brahma so much, so I will give it to you. I am also giving up my love. My heart aches."

Jesse looked at Heli Xiutu with regret, with a little reluctance in his eyes.

It's as if it's a pity that you don't raise your price.

From his appearance, Helixiu Tuo really wanted to go up and give him two punches.

Nima, I spent [-] million yuan to shoot the golden statue of Brahma, you are a big-headed ghost.

"Since Master Jesse no longer bids, I don't think other people will continue to increase their bids."

"As the host of this auction dinner, I would like to congratulate the guests from YD, Heli Xiu Tuo of the Brahmin family, who won the golden statue of Brahma for [-] million yuan. Xiaoxin, what are you waiting for if you don't hit the hammer yet?"

During the entire charity auction, Ji Yang didn't speak seriously.

But at this moment, his heart was refreshed, and the irritability of being surrounded by the crowd before had been swept away.

Feeling at ease, Ji Yang shouted loudly.

While he was talking, Helixiu Tuo looked at Ji Yang.

This was the first time he looked at Ji Yang squarely tonight. He did not expect that Ji Yang would be the host of this auction party.

As for Huang Xiaoxin, because Lilith and Jesse suddenly raised their prices just now, she was a little confused.

Especially when he heard Heli Xiutuo's [-] million yuan, he was even more stupid.

That's why she didn't knock down her auction gavel for a long time. Now that Ji Yang spoke, Huang Xiaoxin couldn't react.

At the same time, Huang Xiaoxin also understood something.

No wonder Lilith and Jesse suddenly increased their prices, the relationship is the attention of their own men.

But why Ji Yang did this, Huang Xiaoxin didn't know.

But what do you do with so much, anyway, now that the Brahma statue can change from 5000 million Huaxia coins to [-] million meters, that is a great thing. This will be a lot of money for the Xinyang Charity Foundation that will be organized next. .


"Congratulations to Heli Xiutuo, who won the golden statue of Brahma at [-] million yuan."

"I hereby declare that this charity auction party is over."

"All distinguished guests who have won the auction, please wait a moment. A special person will go through the formalities with you later. After paying the auction fee, you can take the collection away, or you can entrust us to deliver the collection to your home."

The golden statue of Brahma is the last collection of this auction party.

Now that it's out, that's the end of it.

As Huang Xiaoxin announced the end of the auction party, there was thunderous applause in the auction hall.

"In order to celebrate the success of this charity auction, we have prepared champagne and food in advance."

"Everyone can move to the banquet hall, and the VIPs who have won the collection can also wait for the special person to go through the formalities in the banquet hall."

This auction lasted for a relatively long time.

Although it was already the middle of the night, some people must be hungry after such a long time.

Ji Yang moved to the banquet hall with everyone. After all, he is the host, so he can't leave yet.

In the banquet hall, Ji Yang was inevitably surrounded by some people who wanted to make friends with him.

"You are the host, right? I have some questions I want to ask you. Can I move over and have a chat?"

When Ji Yang dealt with the people around him with a smile on his face, Heli Xiutuo, who asked the bodyguard to go through the formalities, found Ji Yang...

(End of this chapter)

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