The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2194 The Monster Clan Fights After All

Chapter 2194 The Monster Clan Fights After All

The scorpion spirit breathes fire when it says it breathes fire, but Ji Yang is still in a dazed state.

It wasn't until the flame was less than five meters away from him that Ji Yang's face was stabbed by the heat from the flame, and he didn't react.

But at such a close distance, Ji Yang has no way to dodge.


Ji Yang just watched the flame burn.

In an instant, Ji Yang was swallowed by the flames of the scorpion spirit.


The flames engulfed Ji Yang, and Ji Yang's screams sounded immediately.

His scream made all the monsters feel tight.

"Ji Yang!"

"Ji Yang, Ji Yang!"

"Ji Shao...Ji Shao..."

Ji Yang's scream was very loud, and it wasn't just the monsters watching this scene who cried out worriedly for Ji Yang.

Even the Peng Demon King, Jiao Demon King, and Macaque King who were fighting were all exclaiming.

Looking at Ji Yang, he couldn't see the specific situation of Ji Yang at all.

Because the flame of the scorpion spirit is really fierce, Ji Yang has been completely swallowed by the flame. Through the flame, one can only see a faint figure moving in the flame.

"Ji Shao! Save Ji Shao!"

Xiong Da saw Ji Yang's screams from being burned by the flames, and his whole body was shaken with demonic energy, and he yelled to save Ji Yang.

He didn't care if he could beat the scorpion spirit, anyway, he had to save Ji Yang.

Under his call, some demon kings were also preparing to rush over.

But as soon as they moved, the monsters on the other side also moved.

"Stop them!"

I don't know which monster yelled, and the monsters after that moved instantly, stopping the monsters like Xiong Da who wanted to help.

The two monsters, who were originally in a state of harmony, suddenly became in a state of confrontation.

"Go away!"

The relationship between Xiong Da and Ji Yang is a bit complicated.

It is not accurate to say that Xiong Da is Ji Yang's subordinate.

But the bear monster asked Xiong Da to follow Ji Yang, this is a fact.

Now that Ji Yang is in trouble, how can Xiong Da ignore it.

Seeing the other monster blocking him at this time, Xiong Da stared at him, shouted angrily, and punched a monster king in front of him.



Xiong Da's strength is very high among the demon kings participating in the demon clan meeting this time.

It can't be said that he is the strongest except for the fighting Peng Demon King, but it's about the same.

And the monster who was hit by his punch had just reached the age of a thousand years, so how could he bear his angry punch.

So Xiong Da punched down, and the thousand-year-old monster vomited blood and flew out backwards.

"Old cat... ah..."

"Scorpion spirit, the yellow wind monster has a high level of cultivation, our choice is not wrong, today's competition for the king of all monsters, they will definitely win, stop these guys!"

"Yes, stop them..."

The one who was beaten and vomited blood by Xiong Da was a thousand-year-old cat spirit.

There is a monster who has a good relationship with the cat spirit. When the cat spirit falls to the ground with serious injuries, it rushes towards Xiong Da.

When the other monsters saw that someone made a move, and after seeing the fight between Peng Demon King and others, they finally chose to continue to support Xie Zijing.

As someone took the lead and yelled forward, the other monsters also rushed forward after a little hesitation.

The melee battle between the monster races begins here...

The monsters who come here are all famous among the monster clan.

They fought together, all kinds of monster aura floated up, various attacks collided, and roaring explosions sounded one after another.

Flames, water mist, toxins, strong winds, heavy rain... All kinds of attacks are released continuously like fireworks.

The chaotic scene was simply indescribable.

It can only be said that the scene in front of me is really chaotic, intense, and tragic.

In almost an instant, some monsters lost their fighting power and even died directly.

The miserable screams, the flowing blood, this kind of picture makes people feel chills and sadness at the same time.

Because they are both monster clans, this is basically one of their own fighting against their own, which is internal fighting.

The former friends, former brothers and partners, at this moment, turned out to be enemies.

"Hahaha... The fire poison of the third brother is extremely powerful. Even if my eldest brother and I are burned, the result will be very miserable. That kid will die today."

The instigator of the scuffle among the monster clans below was the three monsters, Huang Fengguai.

But the Yellow Wind Monster didn't feel any regret after seeing the monsters fighting in the melee.

In his opinion, the Yaozu respects strength, and the weak are killed. This is a normal phenomenon.

This is the same as he kills those monsters who don't want to follow them and are weaker than himself.

At this time, Ji Yang was still in the fire, and the sound of screaming in pain continued.

The yellow wind monster looked at the position of the flame, and blocked the macaque king's Fenghuo Ruyi pestle with three steel forks in his hand, and said with a wicked smile.

"If he really dies, you three don't want to live, and I can imagine that your death will be very miserable."

"But don't be complacent, don't underestimate him, even if the flame of the scorpion spirit is extremely powerful, it is not so easy to burn him to death."

The Macaque King was right to be worried about Ji Yang, but he also believed in Ji Yang.

In terms of combat effectiveness, Ji Yang may not be as good as the scorpion spirit.

But Ji Yang has many means, the treasure on his body can protect his life at a critical moment.

And on Ji Yang's body, he also brought a big helper, Chi You.

Chi You hasn't come out yet, if Ji Yang's life is really in danger, it's impossible for Chi You to ignore him.

So he believed that although Ji Yang was in pain at this time, his life was not threatened yet.

As for his saying that if Ji Yang died, the Yellow Wind Monster, the Scorpion Spirit, and the monsters who fought with the Peng Demon King and the Jiao Demon King would die miserably, this was not to scare the Yellow Wind Monster.

Because the existence of Ji Yang is related to the communication between the three realms.

If he died, the communication among the three realms would be affected, and the gods in the heaven would definitely be furious.

At that time, I will definitely find a way to send the gods down to deal with these three monsters.

Moreover, the Macaque King already knew that Ji Yang worshiped a master, one of the Three Purities, the leader of Tongtian Sect.

If Ji Yang died, it would be strange if Master Tongtian didn't ask Huang Feng to blame them.

Huang Feng strangely saw that the macaque king had a serious face, and he was not threatening indiscriminately, so his expression changed slightly.

But he still shook his head quickly, he didn't believe that Ji Yang could survive the fire, and he didn't believe that Ji Yang would have any big backer.

In his opinion, the Macaque King, Peng Demon King, and Jiao Demon King in front of him are his backers.

"Hmph, who are you scaring!"

"If he has the ability to get rid of the flame of the third child, why is he still trapped in the flame..."


The Yellow Wind Monster wanted to say why he was still trapped in the flames, but before he finished speaking, he heard an explosion.

Startled in his eyes, the Yellow Wind Monster saw that the flames that had trapped Ji Yang were collapsing at this moment.

The flames collapsed, and Ji Yang's figure slowly appeared.

A thing in the shape of an ancient clock floated in front of Ji Yang, and a simple and powerful force emanated from the ancient clock. It was this force that dispelled the flames...

(End of this chapter)

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