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Chapter 2215 Even Said He Didn't Know

Chapter 2215 Even Said He Didn't Know

The Peng Demon King looked ecstatic, and the feathers all over his body felt like they were standing up comfortably.

Looking at his appearance and listening to his voice, if you don't know him, you can't believe that he is the Peng Demon King.

"Brother Peng, you are the king of all monsters, can you pay attention to your image!"

Ji Yang doesn't know if Demon King Peng is really cool.

But he really couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help but speak.

There must be more than one person who can't stand it, Ji Yang can be sure of this.

Ji Yang felt that if he didn't open his mouth to let the Peng Demon King pay attention to his image, the Peng Demon King would probably be beaten.

The Monkey King and the Macaque King on the side are already gearing up.

"Ahem, cough, yes, yes!"

Hearing Ji Yang's reminder, Demon King Peng looked in Ji Yang's direction.

When he saw the warning eyes and movements of Sun Wukong and the macaque king, he, who hadn't planned to cooperate, immediately became serious.

He didn't exaggerate the comfort just now.

It was really uncomfortable when the horse poison entered his body. He couldn't express the pain in words. Anyway, it was really painful.

And if his cultivation was not weak, he would have died long ago.

But when the scorpion essence absorbed the toxin in his body, as the toxin dissipated, the uncomfortable feeling also disappeared.

A feeling of relaxation and tingling made him unable to bear the previous reaction.

Ji Yang reminded him, adding that Sun Wukong and the macaque king looked like they were going to beat him up, and let the demon king know that he might have gone too far.

"Okay, the toxins in your body have been sucked out by me, you are fine."

The Peng Demon King got serious, and the scorpion spirit also drew back his tail.

Demon King Peng moved his body, and he felt no discomfort.

"Is this the end?"

"What's the matter, do you still want me to pierce you a few more times?"

There is no discomfort in the body, and there is no longer any toxin in the body, which is a happy thing.

But why is Peng Demon King still unfinished? Xie Zijing really wonders if he has a tendency to be abused.

"Your poison is too powerful, my head may be poisoned, so I'm talking nonsense, don't take it seriously, don't take it seriously."

Of course, Demon King Peng has no tendency to be abused, he just said it casually just now.

If I have to say why that sentence came out, I can only say that I don't want to just end the "zero distance" contact with the scorpion spirit.

But let the scorpion spirit prick him again, the Peng Demon King thinks it's okay.

The scorpion's tail pricked, it was really painful.

Who dares to say that it doesn't hurt, then you go try it.

After Demon King Peng finished speaking with a wry smile, Scorpion Spirit didn't speak either.

The current scorpion spirit is not free, she is in a state of coercion.

At this time, the scorpion essence cannot be willful.

"Brother Peng, are you really all right?"

Neither the Peng Demon King nor the Xie Zijing spoke anymore, and Ji Yang asked the Peng Demon King concerned.

The Peng Demon King didn't speak, but spread his wings, and with a flick of his wings, accompanied by a gust of wind, his body flew directly into the air.

His speed was very fast, he disappeared in the blink of an eye, and then reappeared, accompanied by a strong wind, and fell to the ground.

"Do you think I am in trouble now?"

No amount of talk is as direct as action.

Demon King Peng proved that he was fine with his actions, and all those who cared about him were relieved.

The Peng Demon King is fine, and it's time for Sun Wukong to get down to business.

"I said Monkey King, you are still going to finish, don't torture me, just kill me."

When Sun Wukong turned around, he approached the yellow-haired marten who was still lying on the ground with a weak breath.

Yellow-haired marten's body trembled, a little bit bitterly, but also a little resolutely shouted at Monkey King as much as possible.

He already looked like this, if Monkey King abused him again, he would rather be killed by Monkey King directly.

"If you want to die, I won't kill you now, nor will I beat you."

"But wait a minute when I ask you a question. If your answer doesn't satisfy me, I'll let you realize what life is worse than death."

Angry, angry, there will always be a time to calm down.

After hitting the yellow-haired marten earlier, Sun Wukong's anger has been reduced by half.

Seeing that Peng Mowang is fine now, Sun Wukong felt relieved, and all his anger disappeared.

I am no longer so angry, and of course I will not beat him now, not to mention that I still have things to ask if I keep him.

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, his body instantly grew bigger.

Picking up the yellow-haired marten with one hand, he threw it directly beside the scorpion spirit.

At this time, the scorpion spirit has turned into a woman.

Seeing the yellow-haired mink thrown beside him, Xie Zijing frowned.

Observing closely, the yellow-haired marten looks even worse, and Monkey King is really ruthless.

The yellow-haired mink and the scorpion spirit got together, and Sun Wukong pointed to the Peng Demon King with his eyes.

The Peng Demon King understood, and made all the monsters watching around retreat to the distance.

Although Monkey King directly let these monsters disperse, they will disperse, but Monkey King can't turn the guest into the master.

In any case, the current Demon King Peng is the king of all monsters. He can't steal the Demon King Peng's aura just because the monsters around him are afraid of him.

The surrounding monsters scattered, and the immortal energy gushed out from Sun Wukong's body.

A sound-proof barrier was formed, and in the barrier, apart from Monkey King and Ji Yang, there were only Scorpion Spirit and Yellow-haired Marten.

The next thing Monkey King wants to ask is very important, and Monkey King doesn't want to be heard by other monsters.

"What I want to ask you, I think you all know."

"Tell me, one of you is in Lingshan, and the other is in Little Sumeru Mountain. How did you come to the mortal world?"

"Who resurrected the six-eared macaque? Did the power that erupted from his body just now belong to that person? Did that person instruct you to go down to earth to do evil?"

"You'd better answer me obediently, otherwise I will let you taste my golden cudgel."

Counting the time since I came to the mortal world, it seems that most of the day has passed.

It is not long that Monkey King can stay in the mortal world.

So after the formation of the enchantment, Sun Wukong didn't talk too much nonsense, and directly asked what he wanted to ask.

"I do not know."

"I do not know either."

Sun Wukong's eyes were fixed on the yellow-haired marten and the scorpion spirit, his words were indifferent, and his eyes were sharp.

What he said was not joking with yellow-haired martens and scorpions.

But when he expressed his attitude so clearly, the yellow-haired mink and the scorpion said that they didn't know.

"The two of you don't cry when you see the coffin, right? Think my old grandson is joking with you?"

"I don't know? One of them doesn't know, then my old grandson will hit you until you know."

The scorpion spirit and yellow-haired mink have already arrived in the mortal world, and they don't even know what to say to themselves.

How could Sun Wukong accept this kind of answer.

Angry in his heart, Sun Wukong raised his golden cudgel, planning to give the scorpion spirit and the yellow-haired marten a feast of sticks.

"It's useless for you to kill me, because I really don't know how I came to the mortal world. I just fell asleep, and when I woke up, I was no longer in Lingshan!"

Sun Wukong had already raised the golden cudgel, and the scorpion spirit shouted in horror.

Judging by her appearance, it seems that she is not lying...

(End of this chapter)

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