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Chapter 2223 The reason for the absence of the three generals

Chapter 2223 The reason for the absence of the three generals

Back in the capital when they separated, Ji Yang and the Macaque King returned to Linhai for the auction, and did not bring the generals, Cain and Mutu with them.

At that time, Ji Yang had explained to Cain and the others.

Let them follow Demon King Peng to participate in the Monster Clan Conference, and if they encounter trouble, they can also help.

After all, Cain, Mutu and the generals are very strong, even stronger than the Peng Demon King and the Jiao Demon King.

But after Ji Yang came to Mount Everest, he never saw the shadow of the three of them.

When Ji Yang first came, to be honest, he really forgot about the three generals, or in other words, he didn't have time to think about the three.

Because as soon as he arrived on Mount Everest, he started to fight with the scorpion.

When dealing with the scorpion spirit, Ji Yang is very attentive, and he must also concentrate without being distracted.

It wasn't until this time, after everything was over, that Ji Yang remembered about the three generals.

If the generals, Cain and Mutu were here according to my original plan, the previous battle would definitely be much easier.

There is no need to wait for Monkey King to go down to earth. With the joint efforts of the generals, Cain and Mutu, he will definitely be able to defeat the six-eared macaque.

"Let's go, Ji Yang, there is nothing to stay here, let's go down the mountain."

"Yeah, Ji Yang, what are you thinking there? You won't be thinking about your beautiful wives at this time, right?"

Ji Yang thought of the three generals and ministers, who stood there motionless.

Demon King Peng and others were already planning to go down the mountain, and they were a little surprised to see Ji Yang motionless. The Monkey King even teased Ji Yang.

"Brother Peng, why don't you see the generals, Cain and Mutu?"

"Shouldn't the three of them come to Mount Everest with you? Why haven't you seen the three of them? Did they get into trouble, so they didn't come?"

The Yaozu Conference is over, and there is indeed no reason to stay on Mount Everest.

But there is no rush to go down the mountain, Ji Yang has to understand the situation of the three generals and ministers before speaking.

Cain and Mutu were brought to China by Ji Yang. These two people are unstable factors.

If they really got into trouble, so they didn't come to Mount Everest, and the Peng Demon King was in a hurry to deal with the monster clan meeting and didn't take care of it, but if the generals took care of it, then Ji Yang would have to bear the main responsibility.

"Second brother, didn't you tell Ji Yang?"

"I thought you did."

"I've been fighting with Lao Qi all the time, how can I have time to talk to Ji Yang, Ji Yang, don't guess, the three generals and the others didn't cause trouble, but went to work."

Both Peng Demon King and Jiao Demon King thought that the other party had told Ji Yang about the three generals.

In the end, no one said anything, but fortunately, according to what King Peng said, the three generals and ministers did not cause any trouble, which made Ji Yang feel more at ease.

"Working? What are you doing? What's more important than helping you solve the troubles of the Yaozu."

But knowing that the three generals and ministers did not cause any trouble, Ji Yang was still a little upset.

The troubles of this Monster Race Conference are bigger than expected.

If the original plan is followed, many unnecessary troubles can be reduced, and things will go much smoother.

But the three generals and ministers didn't come, if the three generals and ministers were in front of them, Ji Yang would have to teach them a lesson.

"You really can't blame them for this matter. They also asked me about it at the time, but I think this matter is no less important than my Yaozu Conference, so I agreed with them to leave."

"It's no smaller than the matter of the Monster Race Conference. What is it?"

The Peng Demon King was a bit rambling when he spoke, so why not just talk about the main points?

Ji Yang was also drunk, but he still had to ask patiently.

"When you were in Kyoto, did you find the trace of Hou Qing?"

"That's right, Houqing caused all the villagers in a village to become zombies. Later, I took the general and others to kill all the zombies in that village, and I burned the village down."

"Could it be that the generals and the others met Hou Qing?"

When King Peng mentioned Houqing, Ji Yang's eyes changed.

Looking at the Peng Demon King with a slightly dignified look, the Peng Demon King nodded.

"Never met."

"On the way to Mount Everest, when we entered a mass grave, we found that there was a strong corpse there."

"The general felt that the corpse aura belonged to the Houqing's corpse family, so we took a look. We have to say that it was correct for us to go to check. Many of the corpses in that messy graveyard have become zombies, but the levels are all different. not tall."

"With the joint efforts of my second brother and the generals, I killed those zombies and avoided a disaster, because there is a town more than ten kilometers away from the mass grave."

The Demon King Peng paused for a moment when he said this.

He has to catch his breath after talking so much all at once, doesn't he?

When Ji Yang heard this, he took a deep breath.

The general minister had already told him about Houqing's ability.

Compared with the other three corpse clans, the Houqing corpse clan's combat effectiveness is relatively weak.

But Houqing can make the corpse become a member of Houqing's corpse clan under the trend of resentment and unwillingness.

If the general and the others hadn't happened to pass by and discovered something was wrong with the random graveyard, the towns more than ten kilometers away from the random graveyard would have suffered disaster.

Ordinary people will end up dead when they face zombies.

And this kind of death is destined to be full of unwillingness and resentment.

That is to say, those who are bitten by zombies will be turned into members of Hou Qing's corpse clan by Hou Qing.

When you think about it, it's really scary.

"Then have you seen Hou Qing?"

He didn't meet him, Ji Yang didn't understand what he said.

He questioned Peng Demon King with a serious face, and Peng Demon King shook his head.

"Not really, but the general feels that, judging from the fluctuations in the surrounding corpse aura, Hou Qing should have left not long ago."

"Houqing turns people into zombies everywhere. This incident is too harmful, and I don't know what he wants to do, so the generals and the others decided to follow the strong corpse left behind by Houqing to find Houqing."

"Although the Yaozu Conference is important, I think Hou Qing is more harmful, so I agreed with the generals and their ideas."

The Monster Clan Conference, speaking of it, is still an internal matter of the Monster Clan.

Although it is possible to change another demon king to be the queen of all races, it will bring disaster to mankind.

But this is possible after all.

But Hou Qing is different, he has already threatened the safety of human beings.

Zombies wreaked havoc on the world, and they were even more terrifying than the demon race. It was continuous destruction, and as more zombies joined in, it would be an immeasurable disaster.

Demon King Peng couldn't selfishly force the generals to stay for his own sake, so he chose to let the three generals leave.

"Brother Peng, your decision is right."

"On behalf of humanity, I should thank you."

Ji Yang's words are not polite, but from the heart.

Peng Demon King was a little embarrassed when he heard Ji Yang say that.

He waved his hand at Ji Yang, signaling that he doesn't have to do this.

But what Peng Demon King didn't see was that the way Xie Zijing looked at him became different when he said these things, somewhat like a little girl...

(End of this chapter)

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