Chapter 2229

Have you been blocked by the Nine Heavens Saintess?

Looking at the contents of WeChat on the phone, Ji Yang was completely dumbfounded.

Nine Heavens Xuannv really said what she said, and she did what she said.

Just now the Nine Heavens Saintess said that if Ji Yang told her about Chi You again, she would turn against Ji Yang.

Now that the other party blocks him directly, isn't this a turn of events?

Absolutely, it's absolutely amazing, Ji Yang has to say something to the Nine Heavens Profound Girl.

It's a pity that he was blocked by the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, and he couldn't even post a word of obedience.

From the time Ji Yang got the mobile phone from Tianting to now, he has chatted with countless people like gods and ghosts, and he has made some people unhappy and angry.

But it was Ji Yang's first time to be blacklisted.

For my first time, I gave it to the Nine Heavens Saintess.

It's just that this is the first time, it's a bit uncomfortable.

"How is it? When did you start repairing the body of the snake dragon king?"

Nine Heavens Xuannv blocked herself, and when Ji Yang was extremely depressed, Chi You came to urge Ji Yang again.

Hearing the voice in his head, Ji Yang really didn't know what to say.

"Boy, I asked you something, why don't you speak?"

Ji Yang didn't give himself an answer, Chi You asked again.

This time, he did not communicate through spirit, but directly walked out of the world in the pot.

The huge soul body stood in front of Ji Yang, with two eyes bigger than a bull's eye, staring at him firmly.

At this moment, Chi You looked very angry, and he seemed to have the urge to beat Ji Yang up.

"Don't look at me like that, I think I've tried my best, who made you so "powerful" back then!"

Chi You was obviously about to lose his temper, Ji Yang had to stop talking at this moment.

However, what he said was great was not a compliment to Chi You, but a derogatory term.

Chi You was indeed powerful back then, but his methods were also a bit cruel. It is understandable that Nine Heavens Xuannv hated him.

Because there were too many people who hated Chi You back then.

"Stinky boy, do you think I, Chi You, don't understand what you mean? Is it because the Nine Heavens Profound Girl refuses to give you the Nine Heavens Holy Water?"

"This hateful woman, she just wants a few drops of water from her, and she is so stingy. When my strength recovers, let's see how I deal with her then!"

Ji Yang's words were derogatory words, and Chi You really recognized it.

Knowing that things were not going well for Ji Yang, Chi You narrowed his eyes, and Chi You immediately brought out his battle axe.

Seeing Chi You's posture, Ji Yang really wanted to call Chi You stupid.

Now I am begging for the Nine Heavens Xuannv by myself, is it useful to come hard?
If Nine Heavens Xuannv saw Chi You's attitude, Nine Heavens Xuannv would definitely not give Jiutian Holy Water.

"It's useless to say these things now. It's true to think about how to get the Nine Heavens Holy Water."

"Without the Nine Heavens Holy Water, it would take a hundred years to repair the snake dragon king's body. Do you want to wait that long?"

"Even if you are willing, I am not willing. The enemies I encounter are getting stronger and stronger. I still hope that you will quickly recover to your peak state so that you can fight with me."

Not to mention the unknown enemies, among Ji Yang's known enemies now, there is a powerful existence at the level of God.

Facing God, Ji Yang knew very well that he couldn't fight alone now.

Ask the gods from heaven to come down to earth to help, but you can find someone who can deal with God.

But sometimes, I have to have time, and I have the opportunity to call a helper, right?

It is safer for Ji Yang to have a strong helper by his side at any time.

And Chi You is undoubtedly the best choice.

In his heyday, none of the four corpse kings was his opponent.

"It's useless to say what I said, but is it useful to say what you say?"

"What happened back then has already happened, can you still change the history? Anyway, you need to find a way to fix the body of the snake dragon king anyway, otherwise I will really lose my temper."

Chi You would not comment on the wrong and right of what he did back then, and Ji Yang did not really comment either.

But this feeling of begging others really made Chi You feel a little uncomfortable.

After he told Ji Yang again that he wanted to finish repairing his body, he returned to the world in the pot.

Leave the worries to Ji Yang alone.

At this time, the sky had already begun to turn white, and Ji Yang was standing alone at the window, he was now the first two big.

If you want to restore the snake dragon king's body as soon as possible, you have to rely on the Nine Heavens Holy Water.

But now that I have been blocked by Nine Heavens Profound Girl, how can I ask Nine Heavens Profound Girl for Nine Heavens Holy Water?

"Headache, headache!"

"Ji Yang, what are you doing, what are you doing hitting the wall?"

Ji Yang felt a headache, and subconsciously bumped his head against the wall a few times.

Li Zixuan and the girls woke up just in time to see this scene, and worriedly asked what happened to Ji Yang.

At this moment, Ji Yang was depressed and wanted to talk to others, so he told his women about his search for Nine Heavens Profound Girl.

Knowing what happened, Li Zixuan and the girls looked at Ji Yang understandingly.

Whoever this kind of thing happens to will have a headache now.

"Nine Heavens Profound Girl has blocked you, you can't go to her directly, but you must get Nine Heavens Holy Water, so it seems that you can only ask others for help."

"Yes, you find someone who has a good relationship with the Nine Heavens Saintess, and ask that person to ask for the Nine Heavens Holy Water for you."

"If it doesn't work, you can go to the Jade Emperor and ask the Jade Emperor to put pressure on the Nine Heavens Holy Maiden. If the Nine Heavens Xuannv can't bear the pressure, she will definitely give you the Nine Heavens Holy Water..."

Knowing Ji Yang's troubles, of course I want to help him solve them.

Xu Tiantian and the girls expressed their opinions, Ji Yang frowned.

Now that I just have a headache and depression, I can't solve the problem.

He couldn't give up completely just because he was blocked.

He can also start from other aspects, there is still a chance, there is a way to obtain the nine-day holy water.

"It's not a good way to ask the Jade Emperor to put pressure on me. Although this way may have a better chance of obtaining the holy water of the Nine Heavens, the Nine Heavens Xuannv will definitely think that I am bullying others, and will be even more disgusted with me. This is not appropriate."

"From this point of view, I can only find someone who has a good relationship with Nine Heavens Profound Girl to help me talk about her."

Although Jiutian Xuannv blackmailed Ji Yang, although Ji Yang was unhappy, he didn't get carried away because of his unhappiness.

He still hopes to resolve this issue in a way that is acceptable to both parties.

So he resolutely denied it and came to find a way to put pressure on the Jade Emperor.

Find a god who has a good relationship with Nine Heavens Xuannv to talk to her, who should I turn to?
The Yellow Emperor and the Nine Heavens Xuannv are masters and apprentices, and they have a good relationship.

But Huangdi definitely can't count on it. Huangdi's attitude was already obvious before, and he was scared when he saw the Nine Heavens Profound Girl.

If you can't find the Yellow Emperor, who should you go to?
"Ding dong!"

When Ji Yang was thinking about who to contact, someone sent a message on his WeChat.

Click on WeChat and see that this WeChat is from Chang'e.

Chang'e sent a series of angry expressions...

(End of this chapter)

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