Chapter 2231
Finally, he said that Tong Chang'e helped him to persuade Jiutian Xuannv, and Ji Yang felt relieved a lot.

Ji Yang had a feeling, and it was very strong.

He felt that Chang'e would definitely succeed in finding the Nine Heavens Xuannv.

All I need is to wait for the good news.

"Ji Yang, seeing you are so happy, did you make an agreement with Sister Chang'e?"

"Well, it's settled. Sister Chang'e has already gone to find the Nine Heavens Profound Girl. I believe she will understand the Nine Heavens Profound Girl."

Ji Yang had a smile on his face, and based on what Dongfang Mei and his daughters knew about him, they knew that the matter was a success.

Ji Yang thought that Chang'e could talk about Nine Heavens Profound Girl, and Dongfang Mei and the girls all nodded.

At this time, no matter whether they believe it or not, they cannot pour cold water on Ji Yang.

When Ji Yang was talking to his woman, Chang'e had already put on her clothes and left Guanghan Palace.

Chang'e knew that Ji Yang was in a hurry, so she agreed to help Ji Yang, so she would not waste time.

Chang'e left Guanghan Palace and flew to the Xuannv Palace where the Nine Heavens Xuannv was.

"I've seen a fairy."

"Is Xuannv here?"

"Fairy, Xuannv is waiting for you in the boudoir, if you want to come, just go to the boudoir."

When they came to Xuannv Palace, two fairies greeted Chang'e.

After knowing the location of the Nine Heavens Xuannv, Chang'e walked to the boudoir with ease.

Generally speaking, the boudoir is definitely not the place to receive guests, as it is not formal enough.

But the relationship between Nine Heavens Xuannv and Chang'e is different, they are boudoir friends, it is more appropriate to meet in the boudoir.

"Xuannu, I'm here."

"Chang'e, why did you come here? I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"I asked someone to make the red dates and white fungus soup that you like to drink, and it's cold."

Chang'e didn't even knock on the door, so she pushed the door open and entered the boudoir of the Nine Heavens Profound Girl.

The relationship between the two is best friends, if they knock on the door or something, they will seem unfamiliar.

And Chang'e believes that when she arrives at the door, Nine Heavens Profound Girl should have sensed that knocking on the door is unnecessary, so it's not that she doesn't understand etiquette.

"This jujube and white fungus soup has a special taste if you drink it cold."

"It's you, how's your appetite these two days? I haven't seen you for two days. I feel like you've lost weight."

Chang'e came to the table with a smile and drank the soup of red dates and white fungus that Nine Heavens Xuannv had prepared for her.

Then he looked at Nine Heavens Profound Girl with some concern, and asked with concern.

"Hey, it's still the same."

"Originally, I saw Xiaobai earlier... Forget it, I will get angry when I mention Xiaobai."

Nine Heavens Xuannv's prophecy stopped, and she felt a little regretful.

Although Nine Heavens Xuannv didn't finish her sentence, Chang'e knew something from Ji Yang.

So the Nine Heavens Xuannv's prophecy stopped, and she knew what was going on.

Chang'e knew that she was right. The chocolates and wafers that Ji Yang had sent earlier had really moved the Nine Heavens Xuannv a little bit.

This is a good sign, with a smile on her face, Chang'e waved her arm, and some chocolates and wafers appeared on the table.

"Chocolate? Wafers?"

"Where did you get it? I went to Xiaobai's WeChat store just now and found that the shelves were empty. Both items were sold out."

Nine Heavens Profound Girl has a bad appetite, and she doesn't want to eat anything from Heavenly Court.

Chocolate and wafers really gave her the urge to eat, because these are not only mortal things, but also her favorite sweets.

But because he was angry, he could only return the things to Ji Yang.

Later, Xuannv Jiutian planned to use her merits to buy it herself, but found that the chocolates and wafers in Ji Yang's WeChat store were sold out.

This matter made Nine Heavens Xuannv a little depressed. When she saw the chocolate and wafers, she looked at Chang'e in surprise.

A feeling of lost and found made her more interested in chocolate and wafers.

"Don't worry about where it came from, do you want to eat it?"

"This is your favorite sweet. If you don't want to eat it, then I will give it to Seven Fairies. I think they will like it."

"Don't even think about it, since it was sent to me, how could I let you take it back."

"Those dead girls of the Seventh Fairy haven't come to my Xuannv Palace for a long time, and they even told me that they are girlfriends. I think they are plastic sisters, and you treat me better. Come to see me and don't forget to bring them with you." I like to eat over here."

As soon as she heard that Chang'e wanted to take the things back, Nine Heavens Xuannv brought all the chocolates and wafers in front of her with lightning speed.

That way, it seems that she is afraid that Chang'e will rob her.

"It was originally for you, but you are afraid that I won't be able to snatch it from you, so hurry up and try it."

"Hmm... delicious... I haven't had any appetite for the past few days. It's rare for me to have the urge to eat something."

Nine Heavens Xuannv had already put a wafer into her mouth while Chang'e was speaking.

Savoring the crunchy and sweet taste of the wafers, she looked at Chang'e with a satisfied face.

Nine Heavens Profound Girl has already eaten, and this first step is considered complete.

But things can't be rushed, Chang'e pretended not to know anything, and started chatting with Jiutian Xuannv about Ji Yang.

She asked Jiutian Xuannv why she was angry with Ji Yang. She did this to prove whether what Ji Yang said before was true or not.

"That Xiaobai is so annoying, I even warned him, but he didn't listen, forcing me to block him."

Nine Heavens Xuannv put another piece of chocolate into her mouth, and said softly with an unhappy face.

Hearing her words, Chang'e shook her head and smiled, Ji Yang was really blocked by Nine Heavens Profound Girl.

"As for being so angry, Xiaobai shoulders the important task of unlocking the laws of the Three Realms. Now many gods have a good relationship with him. If you have trouble with him, aren't you afraid that other gods will trouble you?"

"What am I afraid of? Why should I be afraid? I didn't do anything wrong. Here's the thing..."

When Chang'e mentioned that Ji Yang had a good relationship with many gods, the expression of Nine Heavens Xuannv somewhat changed.

It seems that she said she was not afraid, but she was still a little worried.

She told Chang'e about the process of chatting with Ji Yang. Chang'e had already heard the process, and her story was exactly the same as Ji Yang's.

"Chang'e, do you think I did something wrong in this matter? Then Chi You is really hateful."

"If it's just to help Xiaobai, I will definitely do my best to help, but to help Chiyou, I can't do it."

Nine Heavens Xuannv hates Chi You very much, and Chang'e, who is a best friend, of course knows it.

If it were normal, when Chi You was mentioned, Chang'e would definitely speak on the side of Nine Heavens Xuannv.

But this time was different, Chang'e came with preparations, and she promised to help Ji Yang convince the Nine Heavens Profound Girl.

"Xuan Nu, don't blame me this time, I'm also doing it for the law of the Three Realms, so that the Three Realms can communicate with each other."

Saying something silently in her heart, Chang'e looked at Jiutian Xuannv with a serious face.

"Xuannv, do you want me to tell the truth?"

"Of course, do you still need to tell lies between me?"

"Well, this time, I think you are wrong."

When Chang'e said this, Nine Heavens Xuannv was stunned.

Chang'e is my best friend, shouldn't she help me to speak up...

(End of this chapter)

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