The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2251 Is it YD God

Chapter 2251 Is it YD God
Yang Haibin's residence is not close to the Ganesha Temple.

Under normal circumstances, it takes about half an hour.

And the roads on the way are not all major roads, there are many small roads.

He brought Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv here only once, but Ji Yang actually said that he had memorized the way, why Yang Haibin didn't believe it.

"Ji Shao, do you really remember the way?"

"If you think we can get information faster if we act separately, I can pick you up later."

What Ji Yang was thinking, Yang Haibin could still guess.

It is definitely better to act separately and collect their own information and intelligence than everyone in one place.

But Yang Haibin was still not at ease, and said to Ji Yang with a smile.

"Don't worry, I can't lose it, I can go back by myself."

"I might as well tell you directly that my woman is a member of the undercover team. The most important reason for me to come here is to bring my woman back to China safely."

"Every minute of delay, she will be in more danger. If you want to help me and save the surviving undercover members, don't waste your time on me. Collect as much information as possible. important."

Yang Haibin had good intentions, but Ji Yang couldn't waste his time like this.

The road conditions in Bangalore are really bad.

It's a waste of time to go back and forth.

If you have the time to pick yourself up, you can really grasp a lot of situations.

Ji Yang's words sound a bit selfish, but they are from his heart.

Yang Haibin frowned slightly when he heard such straightforward words, and finally nodded.

"Well, if you really can't find the way back, please contact me, and I will pick you up as soon as possible."

"Okay, let's separate for now."

"If there is any danger during your investigation, please notify me and send your location to my WeChat, and I will be there in a few minutes."

Arrive in minutes?

Hearing Ji Yang's words, Yang Haibin shook his head and smiled.

Isn't this nonsense, the road conditions in Bangalore, how far can you go in a few minutes.

What's more, Ji Yang is not familiar with the road and has no means of transportation, so he doesn't believe it.

However, Yang Haibin still nodded with a smile, saying that he would contact Ji Yang if necessary.

At the same time, he told Ji Yang to be careful. He felt that if the plans of the Kshatriya family had been known to the Brahmin family, there should still be people watching around the Ganesha Temple.

Although Yang Haibin believed it, Ji Yang saw that Yang Haibin didn't believe his words, so there was nothing to explain.

After winking at Xiao Longnu, the two got out of the car directly.

After waving away from Yang Haibin, Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv walked towards the elephant head temple.

"Carry me!"

"Huh? What?"

"I said to hold me. I can feel that there are indeed some people around who are staring at the pedestrians passing by, and some are also looking at us. Let's not attract too much attention and pretend to be a couple."

When Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv imagining the head temple approaching, Ji Yang suddenly asked Xiaolongnv to carry him.

Xiao Longnv was willing, but this request was a bit sudden, which still made her blush and feel a little shy.

The usual Ji Yang has never been so proactive.

After listening to Ji Yang's explanation, Xiao Longnv's perception was released, and she really felt that some people's eyes were looking at herself and Ji Yang.

As for the reason why these people are staring at themselves and Ji Yang, it is not clear for the time being.

It may be that, like those disgusting people before, they have evil thoughts about them.

It may also be that for some reason, it is necessary to stare at them.

Since someone was staring at him, Xiao Longnv grabbed Ji Yang's arm, and she didn't resist anyway.

Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv approached the Elephant Head Temple like a young couple visiting YD.

While walking, they communicated in a low voice and commented on the Ganesha Temple. They really looked like a couple.

This elephant head temple came to visit, and there were really many people who came to pray.

There are many people coming and going at the gate. Outside the elephant head temple, some people are also meditating, and some people kneel on the ground and kowtow to worship.

With Ji Yang's hearing ability, he also heard some people discussing.

These people said that this elephant head temple is very efficacious, and wishes can basically come true.

For these, Ji Yang is not just listening.

He knows that the gods that people believe in all exist.

The elephant-headed god in front of me also exists in the YD heaven.

Moreover, after Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv approached the elephant-headed temple, they clearly felt that the atmosphere of this elephant-headed temple was not simple.

In this temple, there really is an aura similar to immortal energy.

In other words, Ganesha really appeared here, or other YD gods appeared.

"Ji Yang, do you feel that there is a strong wave of immortal energy around the periphery of the elephant head temple (an aura similar to immortal energy is called immortal energy, which is relatively simple to understand)."

"The fluctuation of immortal energy here is stronger than that in the temple."

Although Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv have not yet entered the Elephant Head Temple, even if they are on the periphery, they can compare which one is stronger inside and outside.

Xiao Longnv asked Ji Yang, and Ji Yang nodded.

"Not only is the breath stronger, but also a little irritable."

"Such violent immortal energy should be released during the battle."

"It was released during the battle. Could it be that what the dark crossing team encountered last night was not a human being, but a YD god?"

Thinking of this, Ji Yang's expression changed instantly.

The gunshots lasted for a short time, which is what puzzled Ji Yang, Xiaolongnv and Yang Haibin.

Although there are not many people in the secret crossing team, they are all elites in the Huaxia Army, and their combat effectiveness is very strong.

Even if you face an enemy that is several times your own, you will not be wiped out instantly.

But if they are not facing ordinary people, but gods, then the problem will be solved.

If it is really a god, it is really dangerous.

No matter how powerful the combat power of the members of the dark crossing team is, they are mere mortals. Even Mu Hong's strength is not at the level of a heavenly warrior.

Facing the gods, they have no ability to resist at all.

"This elephant-headed temple has a wave of immortal energy, so there must have been a god."

"Didn't Pang Hong say that what happened to DL before was also instigated by the Brahmin family."

"At that time, we met a big monkey in DL that was comparable to the strength of a fourth-rank immortal. That big monkey must have been invited by the Brahmin family by some method."

"And this elephant-headed temple is also under the jurisdiction of the Brahmin family. If the Brahmin family really knows the plan of the Kshatriya family and invites the gods to come out to deal with Mu Hong and the others, it is very possible."

Xiao Longnv's mind is very clear at this time, and her analysis is also in place.

Her analysis made Ji Yang's face even more ugly, and his heart sank.

The immortal energy in his body was almost uncontrollable and was about to burst out.

"Please gods deal with ordinary people, these bastards, if it's true, I won't let the Brahmin family, and I won't let these hateful YD gods go!"

Ji Yang tried his best to control the immortal energy in his body, and at the same time secretly communicated with Xiaolongnv...

(End of this chapter)

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