The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2255 Guessed something right

Chapter 2255 Guessed something right

"Ji Shao, I've already returned to my residence. You haven't come back yet. Do you not remember the way? Do you want me to pick you up?"

Ji Yang dialed Yang Haibin's phone number, and Yang Haibin answered it quickly.

Knowing that Yang Haibin had returned to his residence, Ji Yang frowned.

I separated from Yang Haibin, but let the other party collect information, why did he return to his residence?

"I remember Lu, I have other things for you to do."

"Is there anything Ji Shao wants me to do?"

Yang Haibin was skeptical of Ji Yang's words after all, he thought it was impossible for Ji Yang to remember the way back.

At this time, hearing Ji Yang say that the call was not because he didn't remember the way, but because of other reasons, Yang Haibin was a little disappointed and a little strange.

"There's no rush on this matter, you can talk about it later."

"I ask you, why did you go back? Didn't you ask you to collect information? Have you collected any clues?"

When Ji Yang asked this question, his tone sounded a little cold, with obvious questioning.

The information collected by Yang Haibin is related to the undercover team, that is, it is related to Mu Hong.

This matter is Ji Yang's most important matter at present. If Yang Haibin dares to be lazy, Ji Yang will definitely teach Yang Haibin a lesson, regardless of whether he is an intelligence officer under Pang Hong's subordinates.

"Ji Shao, don't worry. I did have some clues. I thought you had come back and wanted to tell you."

"Is there a clue? What clue, tell me quickly."

Yang Haibin actually found a clue, which made Ji Yang feel unhappy and asked loudly.

His voice was so high that Prina in the alley could hear him.

But Purina didn't know what Ji Yang was talking about, but she was a little scared when she heard a man's voice.

"Ji Yang, you scared her."

"Knock her out!"

"What did you say?"

"I said to faint her, sooner or later she will faint, do you think we will wait here until Yang Haibin comes over?"

"Make her dizzy, seal her soul consciousness with immortal energy, don't let her wake up, wait for Yang Haibin to pick her up."

What happened to Purina was originally an episode and was not planned at all.

Ji Yang is willing to continue to take care of her because of Xiao Longnu.

He would not delay his search for Mu Hong because of Purina.

So he had long thought of making Prina dizzy.

Regarding Ji Yang's proposal, the little dragon girl was a little bit entangled, but in the end she gave Purina an apologetic look, and then shot out a burst of dragon energy, knocking Purina unconscious without hurting her.

When Purina was in a coma, Yang Haibin had already told Ji Yang some clues he had.

"Ji Shao, I contacted other intelligence personnel earlier, and they told me a very bad news."

"Bad news, what is it?"

"The head of the Kshatriya family, Alberta, hasn't shown up for a week. During this week, it was Alberta's younger brother, Alberta, who was in contact with the undercover team."

"We didn't pay attention to this matter, because Alberta is already old, and he will often leave things to Alberta to do."

"However, according to the information collected by the intelligence personnel, a week ago, members of the Brahmin family looked for Abel, and since that day, Abel has never appeared again."

"And according to our further investigation, not only Alberta, but Alberta's wife, son, grandson, granddaughter, and some of his most trusted officials have all disappeared one after another."

"On the day before the accident in the undercover team, 50.00% of YD's top officials were replaced. This was all our mistake, and we didn't find out what was wrong in advance."

When Yang Haibin said this, his tone was full of self-blame.

And Ji Yang's expression also became colder at this time.

Ji Yang is a smart person. Hearing this, Ji Yang has already thought of something.

Ji Yang's previous guess was correct. Although it was not 100% consistent, he guessed some things correctly.

"You want to tell me that the Brahmin family has bought Abel, or that Abel and the Brahmin colluded to lock up Alberta, the current Patriarch of the Kshatriya family, and his wife, children and cronies, and even killed Did it drop?"

"That is to say, the Kshatriya family has a traitor, and the Brahmin family has long known about the actions of the undercover team. It is the Brahmin family who ambushed the undercover team, right?"

Ji Yang had guessed before that the Kshatriya family's accident might be the cause of the accident in the undercover team.

If what he said is not wrong, then his guess is right.

If this is the case, all the actions of the undercover team are under the control of the Brahman family. The Brahman family has already set up a trap for the undercover team to drill.

"Ji Shao, our current analysis is basically consistent with what you said."

"However, according to our analysis, Alberta and his relatives and cronies should have been imprisoned rather than killed."

"Alberta is the head of the Kshatriya family. He has been in charge of the YD officialdom for decades. It is impossible for Alberta to replace him immediately. He needs a suitable time to replace Alberta, so they Should be alive."

"However, something will happen to the undercover team. Now it is basically certain that it was done by the Brahmin family, and the person who revealed the information is Abel."


"Ji Shao, what happened, have you been attacked?"

While Yang Haibin was speaking, he suddenly heard a loud explosion.

This voice made Yang Haibin's heart tighten, and he asked nervously.

"Abelly, I want to make his life worse than death."

"I'll send you a location now. When you get here, if you don't see me, just wait for me. There is a small alley here. There is a little girl in the small alley. She was fainted by me. You put her Take it to your car."

"Little girl? Who is it?"

"It's just a stranger, you just do what I tell you, and don't ask other questions."

"Come here right away!"

The explosion that Yang Haibin heard was not Ji Yang being attacked.

It's just that because of the anger in his heart, the immortal energy he released shattered the ground.

After asking Yang Haibin to come over immediately, Ji Yang hung up the phone.

The accident of the dark crossing team has something to do with the Brahmin family. After Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv felt the immortal energy near the elephant-headed temple, they had already thought of it.

It's just that Ji Yang didn't expect that this matter did have such a big relationship with the Kshatriya family.

Ji Yang doesn't care whether Alberta, the patriarch of the Kshatriya family, is dead or alive, but if he dares to tell the Brahman family about the undercover team and put Mu Hong in danger, Ji Yang will never let him go of.

"Little Dragon Girl, Yang Haibin will be here soon, we should go."


"Destroy the temple!"

Ji Yang is very angry now, he needs to vent his anger...

(End of this chapter)

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