The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 226 Linhai Dragon Palace

Chapter 226 Linhai Dragon Palace (Part [-])
Based on Ji Yang's original intention, today he must get rid of the giant squid.

But when he heard that the giant squid had something to tell him, Ji Yang began to hesitate, and his eyes looked at the giant squid.

Seeing the gloomy eyes of the giant squid, it seems that the sword was thrown quite accurately just now, and it hurt an important position.

Although the eyes of the giant squid are dim, it can be seen that there is a bit of pleading in its eyes.

Ji Yang wondered what this giant squid wanted to tell him, could it be big enough to change its life?

"Okay, I'll keep it for a while. If what it tells me later is worthless, I'll kill it and make it into a squid."

Now Ji Yang can't communicate directly with the giant squid, he can only communicate through the fish in front of him.

After Yu told the giant squid what Ji Yang said, the giant squid opened its mouth and said something, but Ji Yang couldn't understand.

"My lord, the Squid King has said it, and what it wants to say must be useful to your lord."

Hearing what Yu said, Ji Yang nodded.

My own water-repelling pearls have been used for so long, and the time for one use has passed.

But now the giant squid has something to tell him, and Ji Yang can't leave the seabed immediately.

Fortunately, the cooling time of the Beast Sea Pearl is not long, it doesn't need ten days and half a month, otherwise, even if the cooldown time of the Beast Sea Pearl is over, I won't be able to stay on the bottom of the sea.

After the cooling time of the beast sea pearl passed, Ji Yang took out the beast sea pearl again, and following the spell in his mouth, the seven-color light of the beast sea pearl shone brightly.

Seven colors of light shrouded the giant squid, and Ji Yang was finally able to communicate with the squid.

"Giant squid, tell me, what do you want to tell me?"

My time at the bottom of the sea is limited, and it has been less than four hours now. Just as I was able to communicate with the giant squid, Ji Yang asked directly.

Hearing Ji Yang's question, the giant squid spoke weakly.

"My lord, it was the little one that was wrong just now, the little one didn't know that you had the sea pearl."

"If I knew you had the beast Haizhu, I wouldn't dare to fight you."

The giant squid felt a hatred in its heart, why was it so impulsive before it hated itself.

If it wasn't for my impulsiveness, I wouldn't be in such a mess now.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and talk about business directly."

Ji Yang lazily listened to what the giant squid had to say, and now he just wanted to know what the giant squid had to say.

"My lord, come with me, and I will take you to a place."

The giant squid heard the impatience in Ji Yang's words, and when he spoke, he asked Ji Yang to sit on it, and then led him towards the depths of the ocean.

Ji Yang didn't know where the giant squid was taking him. Anyway, he knew one thing, and that was that he was definitely not within his [-]-mu sea area now.

Even if Ji Yang has water-proof pearls, there is no difference between being in water and on land, but to be honest, his moving speed is still not as fast as that of a giant squid.

The giant squid took Ji Yang to a deeper sea area, and Ji Yang calculated the time, almost an hour passed.

"Giant squid, where are you going to take me?"

I can only stay at the bottom of the sea for more than two hours. If this continues, even if the giant squid really finds a treasure for me later, I will be useless.

"Sir, it's already here."

The giant squid stopped, and it brought Ji Yang to a reef that was too huge to see its size.

Looking at the reef in front of him, Ji Yang frowned. Did the giant squid bring him to see the reef?
"Are you kidding me? Isn't this a huge reef?"

Ji Yang's voice was a little unhappy, and he looked at the giant squid with cold eyes.

Seeing Ji Yang's eyes, the giant squid hurriedly opened his mouth in fear.

"My lord, how dare a villain play tricks on you, this is Linhai Dragon Palace."

The words of the giant squid exploded in Ji Yang's mind like a bomb. Is this the Linhai Dragon Palace?

But this place is obviously a huge reef, and there is no way to see the appearance of a dragon palace.

Seeing the doubts in Ji Yang's heart, the giant squid also revealed its secret.

It turns out that the ancestor of the giant squid was once a subordinate of the Linhai Dragon King.

After the law of the Three Realms checked and balanced the Three Realms, all the dragon clans went to the Heavenly Court, and some subordinates were also brought to the Heavenly Court. The ancestor of the giant squid was also taken to the Heavenly Court.

But people can go to the Heavenly Court, but the Dragon Palace cannot be taken away, so before leaving, Linhai Dragon King ordered some aquariums with special bloodlines to guard the Dragon Palace.

However, in order to prevent people from discovering the existence of the Dragon Palace, the Dragon Palace stated that there are restrictions. Although it looks like a huge reef on the surface, it is actually where the Dragon Palace is located.

And the bloodline of the giant squid is one of the aquariums guarding the Dragon Palace.

No wonder this giant squid can grow so big, and it has such terrifying strength, its emotional blood is extraordinary,

But the Dragon Palace in front of me is obviously a huge reef, and if you can't get into the Dragon Palace if you can't get rid of the restriction, what should I do?
"My lord, although our family of giant squids are the aquarium guarding the Dragon Palace, I don't know how to enter the Dragon Palace."

"However, since you can own the Beast Haizhu, my lord, it shouldn't be difficult to ask someone how to enter the Dragon Palace."

The words of the giant squid awakened Ji Yang, although he and the giant squid didn't know how to open the Dragon Palace ban to enter the Dragon Palace.

But the Dragon Clan who went to Heaven must know it. Thinking of this, Ji Yang took out his mobile phone.

The quality of Tianting's mobile phone is really nothing to say, it is invulnerable to water and fire, the signal is always full, and it does not need to be charged.

"Little Bailong, can you help me find the Linhai Dragon King?"

The four dragon kings in the southeast, northwest and north are the heads of the dragon clan, and there are many other dragon kings under them, but their status is worse than them.

"You want to find Linhai Dragon King, what's the matter?"

Ji Yang found Xiao Bailong and asked Linhai Dragon King, Xiao Bailong was a little curious and asked back.

Ji Yang didn't need to hide the matter of Linhai Dragon Palace from Xiao Bailong, anyway, he found Linhai Dragon King to enter the Dragon Palace, and Xiao Bailong must have known about it in the later stage.

Ji Yang told Xiao Bailong that he found Linhai Dragon Palace, but could not enter because of the ban.

"That's it, you don't need to look for Linhai Dragon King, I can remove this restriction."

"I have to say, you kid is really lucky to be able to find Linhai Dragon Palace."

"Although most of the things in the Dragon Palace were taken away when the Dragon Clan came to Heaven, there must be some left behind. You will definitely gain something when you enter the Linhai Dragon Palace."

"I'll teach you the spell to unlock the ban now, but don't forget to open the ban when you leave."

After Xiaobailong finished speaking, he told Ji Yang the spell to undo the Dragon Palace's restriction and to open the restriction.

After obtaining the spell to unlock the restriction of the Dragon Palace, Ji Yang looked at the huge reef in front of him expectantly, and said the spell in his mouth.

With the chanting of the incantation, the huge reef began to become unreal, and a huge and resplendent palace appeared in front of Ji Yang.

 Thanks to some readers for their suggestions to Xieben, the Linhai Dragon Palace has appeared, and Ji Yang’s awesome journey will embark on a new journey, I hope everyone will support it
(End of this chapter)

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