The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2264 Pulled Your Teeth

Chapter 2264 Pulled Your Teeth


Turning into the real body of Dharma, Neshi's power is several times stronger than before.

Now he is the real Dharma protector.

In fact, although Neish and Lishi are both guardians of Ganesha, there is still a gap in their cultivation.

Neish's overall strength must be higher than that of Lish.

Therefore, after becoming Faxiangzhen, Neish's power is also stronger than Lishi's.

Seeing that Ji Yang was going to confront him head-on, Neishi's air was crazily released.

I had suffered a lot from Ji Yang before, but this time, I must not be let down again.

"Boom boom boom..."

Neish ran forward, and every time he landed, the ground was trampled out of deep pits one after another.

The elephant's trunk swayed like a huge iron chain, and the air became twisted because of Neish's trunk.

The two thick and sharp trunks were aimed at Ji Yang, and Neish wanted to use his trunk to directly penetrate Ji Yang's body.


Neish was getting closer and closer, and a cold light flashed in Ji Yang's eyes.

With a soft drink in his mouth, the force of his fist increased.


Neish's two tusks are extremely sharp, and the force of this punch is great.

He wanted to stab Ji Yang with ivory, but Ji Yang would not let him do what he wanted.

The body avoids the attack of the ivory, and Ji Yang's fist hits Neish's head.

The brain is one of the hardest places in the body, both for humans and animals.

Neish's brain is also extremely hard.

But being hit by Ji Yang's punch, accompanied by a huge roar, Neish felt that there were obviously tiny cracks in his brain bone, and the tissues in his brain were all disordered.

A strong sense of dizziness hit, and Nesh shook his head vigorously to keep himself awake.

Fortunately, he has the habit of practicing collisions on weekdays, which makes his head harder.

If it weren't for this, Ji Yang's punch might really have blown his head open.

"It's hard enough!"

"Then give me a few more punches!"

When he punched himself down, Neish's head was not completely cracked.

Ji Yang was not very satisfied with this result.

But he also has to praise Nesh, this guy's head is really hard.

But one punch can't break it, so let's give it a few more punches. Ji Yang didn't believe it, and he couldn't break Neshi's brain even after several punches in a row.

Neish, who had just woken up for a while, changed his eyes drastically when he heard Ji Yang's words.

He could really feel the power of Ji Yang's punch.

Although this punch did not blow his head completely, there were indeed some cracks in his skull.

If Ji Yang came to punch a few more times, he would definitely not be able to resist.


The sense of crisis hit, and Neish's potential was also exploded.

Anyway, Ji Yang doesn't intend to let him go, so he can only fight.

There was a surge of energy in his body, a layer of golden light shone all over Neishi's body, his trunk swung, and he violently drew towards Ji Yang.


The elephant's trunk was drawn, and the strong wind howled, Ji Yang flickered instinctively, avoiding Neish's attack.

The elephant trunk missed Ji Yang, and finally missed and hit the ground.

The ground was pumped by the elephant's trunk, and a huge crack several meters deep was drawn out, and the crack spread for 30 to [-] meters.

The strength of this nose is really not weak.

If he was drawn just now, even with Ji Yang's strength, it would be very painful.

If it doesn't work, it will really break a few bones.

No, Ji Yang is wearing the Golden Winged Dragon Hidden Armor that can withstand the ordinary attacks of a rank one immortal.

When Ji Yang is drawn this time, Ji Yang will feel a little pain at most, not a broken bone.

But why did Ji Yang find fault for nothing? Obviously, he can do without pain, so dodging is of course the right choice.


Of course Nesh would not be reconciled if the shot failed.

Ji Yang wants to smash his head, and he has to work hard for this life.

So after the shot missed, Neish's nose quickly twitched towards Ji Yang again.

And Ji Yang's choice is the same as before, that is, I hide.

I have to say, Neish's nose is really flexible, if he misses once, if he misses twice, then he will come three times, four times...

Neishi's elephant trunk beat Ji Yang continuously, and Ji Yang dodged again and again.

The entire ground, because of Neish's attack, was pumped out like a disaster scene, with huge cracks and deep pits everywhere.

"It's really giving you face, you're not done yet, are you?"

"But if you only have this ability, then you can end here."

Neish's continuous attacks made Ji Yang tired of dodging.

He squinted at Neish, observing Neish's attacks.

Soon, Ji Yang found the right opportunity. When he was speaking, Ji Yang stepped forward, grabbed the nose with both hands fiercely, and grabbed Neishi's nose that just missed the attack.

Pulling hard with both hands, Ji Yang hugged Neish's nose tightly in his arms.


Nesh's nose is very important to him.

For him, the nose is not only an organ for breathing and smelling, but also a sense of touch, ingesting food, drinking water, carrying objects and attacking. At the same time, it is also a tool for communicating emotions and transmitting information between elephants. .

Neishi's nose is very sensitive, being grabbed and pulled by Ji Yang like this, he felt that all the strength in his body was taken away.

Pulling up his strength again, Nesh wanted to draw his nose back.

But Ji Yang grabbed his nose so hard that Neshi couldn't pull it back at all.

"Ah... hey..."


Neishi's nose could not be pulled back, but Ji Yang put more force on his arm. Under the vigorous exertion, Neishi's tens of thousands of kilograms of body was unexpectedly grabbed by Ji Yang's nose, he swung it fiercely, and smashed it towards the ground.

Pulling the nose so vigorously, the skin of Neish's nose was ripped apart, blood flowed, and the whole nose was instantly stained red with blood.

The body weighing ten thousand catties was smashed to the ground by Ji Yang.

A big hole was smashed into the ground, and Neish's entire body was embedded in the ground.

The blow to Neish was not light. I don't know how many bones on his body were broken, and his internal organs were severely injured. He was completely stunned by the fall.


But this Neisha was also tough, when he felt that Ji Yang let go of his nose, he was so dazed that he poked Ji Yang with his ivory.

"If you can still resist, then I'll pull out your teeth!"

I thought that if Neish fell to the ground, Neish should have no strength to fight anymore.

But when he saw that he was still attacking himself with ivory, Ji Yang also became ruthless.

Grab it with both hands, and hold the ivory, which doesn't have much attack power, in your hand.

The veins on his arm popped up, and with a loud shout, he pulled Neish's ivory abruptly.

The ivory was pulled out, and blood gushed out.


For elephants, ivory is used more as a weapon. Even if it is lost, it will not kill the elephant.

But this is also the skeleton of the elephant itself, the pain of being pulled out by Ji Yang can no longer be expressed in words...

(End of this chapter)

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