The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2272 Really Imprisoned

Chapter 2272 Really Imprisoned

Before coming to the Kshatriya family manor, it can only be said that it was Ji Yang's expectation to meet Abel in the Kshatriya family manor.

Really saw the other party, Ji Yang felt that he was lucky.

The members of the undercover team were finally taken away by Abel.

Then Abery must know where the members of the undercover team are.

After catching him and asking him about the location of the undercover team, Ji Yang can officially start the rescue.

"Little Dragon Girl, don't be polite to them."

"If you don't tell me, I won't be polite to them."

Ji Yang told Xiao Longnv, but Xiao Longnv smiled coldly.

When to be kind and when to be cruel, Xiao Longnu herself has the ability to distinguish.

These people below are all not good people, so Xiao Longnu will not be polite to them.

When Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv were about to make a move, Abel, who had returned to the Kshatriya family manor, was looking at everything in front of him proudly.

When he entered the manor, several people were already waiting for him outside the house.

"Sir, you are back."

"Well, those Chinese people, have you come to Alberta these two days?"

"Yes, they come every day. Just two hours ago, they came, but they were driven away by our people."

"Hmph, a bunch of stupid guys, they'll never see Alberta again in their lifetime."

In the past, Aberle never called Alberta by his name.

When he called Alberta, he always called the other party the head of the house, even in private, he had to call the other party big brother.

Although Abel and Alberta are brothers, there is a difference in their identities.

This ancient family pays great attention to identity, status and appellation.

But today's Aberle not only calls Alberta by his name, but when he mentions it, not only does he not have the slightest sense of respect, but he is also very disdainful and disgusting.

"Did they still make trouble while I was away?"

"Yes, but after being taught a lesson by our people, I became much more honest, and now I am very quiet."

"It's just a bunch of idiots who don't know how to live or die. They still can't see the status quo clearly. The era of Alberta will soon pass. The next head of the Kshatriya family is me, Abel."

"If they have been like this all the time, then don't blame me, Abelie, for not thinking about our old relationship."

"Mr. is right. They are just a bunch of ignorant idiots, so you don't have to be angry with them. When you officially become the head of the family, they will definitely kneel on the ground and beg for your forgiveness and pledge their allegiance to you."

Sure enough, Ji Yang and Yang Haibin's previous guesses were correct.

Alberta and those close to him were indeed imprisoned by Alberta.

Through his words, it can be known that these people are alive now.

But since the people of Aberle would be rough on the imprisoned, even if they were still alive, they would not be doing very well.

"When I became the head of the family, I only wanted to be loyal to me. What's the use of them?"

"A person who can't even see reality clearly has no need to live."

"Come on, I'll go and see these idiots. Today is the last time I give them. If they still refuse to support me after today, then they will have no chance."

If Abelie wants to successfully take the position of Patriarch, he naturally needs the support of many people.

These imprisoned people are more or less influential, in charge of some official departments or sources of funds.

That's why, Aberle just imprisoned people instead of killing them directly.

But if Abelie became the head of the family, these people would think about loyalty.

In Abelly's view, it is no longer necessary.

"Okay sir, are we going to see Alberta, or... what is that..."

The person waiting outside the house should be the steward responsible for imprisoning Alberta and others.

Abelie was going to meet the imprisoned, so he asked Abelie who he planned to meet first.

But when he asked, he happened to see something in the air falling towards the ground.

It's just that the distance is still a little far away, and he can't see what it is.

"That's two people, hurry up and protect Mister!"

"They must have come to assassinate Mr. Hurry up and bring Mr. into the house, hurry up!"

"Thinking to break into the Kshatriya family's manor to assassinate, this is courting death..."

Ordinary people will be amazed when they see someone flying down from the sky, and wonder why people can fly without the aid of anything.

But the dozen or so bodyguards of Abelly are not ordinary bodyguards.

They are all practitioners similar to ancient Chinese warriors.

So even if they saw someone flying from the sky, they wouldn't be surprised, and some of the dozen or so bodyguards could do it.

At this time, the bodyguards found Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv flying down from the sky, and directly guessed the purpose of Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv.

While letting some bodyguards lead Aberle into the house quickly, the rest took out their guns and started shooting at Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv.

"Bang bang bang..."

Gunshots sounded and bullets flew, but these bullets couldn't hit Ji Yang and Xiao Longnu at all.

No, it should be said that it has no effect on them.

Facing these bullets, Ji Yang and Xiao Longnv neither dodge nor dodge.

But before the bullet actually hit them, it exploded more than ten centimeters in front of them.

Ordinary bullets were nothing more than unable to break through the protection of Ji Yang and Xiao Longnu's immortal energy.

"Stop shooting, bullets are useless to them, prepare for close combat!"

After a round of shooting, Ji Yang and Xiao Longnv were only ten meters away from the ground.

After realizing that the bullet attack was ineffective, the bodyguards stopped shooting and took out things like swords from their bodies.

Then I saw four of the bodyguards jumping up and charged towards Ji Yang and Xiao Longnv.

"It does have some strength, but it's a pity that they met us today."

Seeing someone flying up and charging, Ji Yang smiled coldly.

The Kshatriya family is an aristocrat in YD, a very old one.

Since members of the Brahmin family can summon gods, given Abel's status in the Kshatriya family, it would be strange if his bodyguards were just ordinary bodyguards.

So seeing bodyguards flying up, Ji Yang was not surprised at all.

While talking in a disdainful voice, two bodyguards had already arrived in front of Ji Yang.

The other two bodyguards arrived in front of Xiao Longnu.

These four bodyguards all held cold weapons in their hands.

YD's cold weapons are somewhat different from Huaxia's in shape.

But it can be vaguely seen that the cold weapons in the hands of these four bodyguards are all knives.

In fact, whatever weapons these four bodyguards use, for Ji Yang and Xiao Longnv, the outcome is the same.

When they got close to Ji Yang and Xiao Longnv, Ji Yang and Xiao Longnv's shots were very consistent, both throwing two punches at the same time.

Two punches were thrown out, hitting the attacking bodyguards respectively.

Hit by the fists of Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv, the four bodyguards fell to the ground with the sound of bones breaking and screams...

(End of this chapter)

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