The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2281 Hard and soft are useless

Chapter 2281 Hard and soft are useless

Elder Sang's move was intended to save Elder Sa.

But he would never have imagined that Ji Yang's reaction speed was so fast that he not only avoided his own attack, but also blocked Elder Sa in front of him.

As a result, Elder Sang not only failed to save Elder Cheng Sa, but became the murderer of Elder Sa.

This result made Elder Sang somewhat unacceptable.

His fist sword was still stuck in Elder Sa's body, looking at Elder Sa who had lost his breath, Elder Sang seemed to be dumbfounded.

Helixiu Tuo, who was pushed away by Elder Sa, was also dumbfounded at this time.

My own people killed my own people, and it was still in this crisis situation.

Elder Sang and Elder Sa are Helixiutuo's last support. Elder Sa is dead, and Elder Sang will definitely not survive.

If both of them died, what would I do?
If he had known that such a thing would happen, he would not have taken the initiative to ask the family to interrogate the arrested members of the undercover team.

He also hopes that through this incident, he can gain benefits for the Brahmin family and establish prestige.

But now it's good, I want to put my life in it.

"It's so pitiful that he died at the hands of his own people."

"However, poor man, there must be something to hate. This is his fate. He is destined to die like this."

How does Elder Sa die, does it matter to Ji Yang?

It doesn't matter, since he's dead anyway, that's right.

It's just that when Ji Yang was there, there was a feeling of sarcastic remarks, and Elder Sang's chest heaved violently when he heard these words.

If it wasn't for Ji Yang, how could Elder Sang kill Elder Sa with his own hands.

This is obviously all Ji Yang's fault, all his fault.

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to avenge Elder Sa!"

Ji Yang's words stimulated Elder Sang.

He withdrew the fist sword stuck on Elder Sa's body, and rushed towards Ji Yang fiercely.

Elder Sang looked at Ji Yang as if he wanted to swallow Ji Yang alive.

He was really angry and really hated Ji Yang.

"Hmph, kill me? You killed him, not me."

"If you want revenge, you should kill yourself too, then I'll be a good person and help you!"

It's just that Elder Sang looks like this, but Ji Yang is quite disdainful.

Pointing to the ground, the body turned on the spot, while avoiding the attack of Elder Sang's fist and sword, he also came to Elder Sang's side.

"Elder Sang, be careful!"

When Ji Yang reached Elder Sang's side, Helixiutuo's heart beat violently.

He felt that Elder Sang was in danger, so he reminded him.

But what's the use of his reminder, Ji Yang's speed of action is much faster than his reminder.

In fact, Elder Sang himself felt something was wrong, but he had no chance to react, so Ji Yang's hand grabbed his arm.

"I said I would help you, and I will definitely help you."

"Aren't you going to avenge that dead guy? I'll help you now."

Grabbing Elder Sang's arm, a cold voice rang in Elder Sang's ear.

Then Ji Yang grabbed Elder Sang's arm and pressed it towards Elder Sang's abdomen.

Elder Sang is still holding a fist sword in his hand.

When Ji Yang pressed, the sword in Elder Sang's hand was directly inserted into his belly.


" are so cruel..."

Ji Yang could clearly kill Elder Sang himself, but he just let Elder Sang stab himself with a fist and sword.

With this punch and sword, Elder Sang's stomach was poked a big hole, and several intestines were broken.

Elder Sang looked at Ji Yang unwillingly, with deep hatred in his eyes.

His eyes will not make Ji Yang feel any discomfort, nor will he feel any guilt.

"I have always been cruel to my enemies, especially those who have hurt my women."

Instead of feeling guilty, Ji Yang accepted Elder Sang's words calmly.

While he was speaking, he held Elder Sang's arm and stroked towards Elder Sang's chest.


Accompanied by a strange sound, Elder Sang's expression was extremely distorted by the pain.

Elder Sang's sword was very sharp, and Ji Yang's movement made the sword cut from his abdomen to his chest, and Elder Sang was cut open by his own sword.

However, Elder Sang felt all of this process.

Death is not scary, feeling the coming of death is the most frustrating thing.

The current Elder Sang is feeling the process of death coming.


He cut himself open, and Elder Sang let out a scream that made the hairs stand on his body.

The disgusting bloody scene, the horrific sound that makes the whole body shudder, Helixiu Tuo, who was less than ten meters away, saw this scene, his face was pale and bloodless.

Ji Yang's cruel methods have already made Heli Xiutuo feel regretful.

If he had known that Ji Yang was so powerful and his methods so ruthless, he would not have dared to trouble Ji Yang if he was killed.

But it was too late to regret, he had already provoked Ji Yang.


Throwing Elder Sang, whose stomach had been disemboweled and blood and internal organs flowed all over the floor, Ji Yang turned to look at Heli Xiutuo.

Ji Yang's hands were still stained with blood, but there was no discomfort on his expression.

It was as if Elder Sang's death had nothing to do with him.

"Don't come here. I'm the young master of the Brahman family. If you dare to hurt me, the Brahman family will not let you go."

"Don't let me go? Why don't you let me go?"

"I killed the elder of your family, wouldn't the Brahmin family not bother me if I didn't kill you?"

Ji Yang looked at Heli Xiutuo playfully, his voice was very calm.

But Helixiu Tuo's body trembled when he heard his calm voice.

"I can release all of you and let you leave YD safely. I can also give you money, a lot of money."

"You let me go, and I promise that the Brahmin family will not trouble you. Isn't Huaxia wanting to let the two countries coexist peacefully by joining forces with the Kshatriya family? I can let the Brahmin family sign an agreement with Huaxia."

"You have to know that the Brahmin family has more influence in YD than the Kshatriya family. The Brahmin family can make YD and China sign a permanent peace treaty."

"Let me go, let me go, it's better than killing me, right, let me go!"

Threats are useless to Ji Yang, Helixiu Tuo saw this clearly.

Threats are useless, so take out enough chips and enough temptations.

It’s okay to be hard, so let’s be soft. Anyway, Heli Xiutuo doesn’t want to die. As long as he can live, Heli Xiutuo will definitely do whatever Ji Yang asks Heli Xiutuo to do now.

"Helixiu Tuo, you already knew today, why did you do it at the beginning?"

"Leave Huaxia and return to YD obediently, don't make trouble for me, don't have evil thoughts about my woman, how did you get to where you are today?"

"If you do something, you have to bear the consequences and face it, so you should die!"

Either soft or hard.

No matter what Helixiutuo said, Ji Yang could not let him go.

With a move of the arm, Helixiutuo, who was several meters away, tightened his neck, and his body was lifted off the ground abruptly.

Just when Ji Yang's palms were slowly clenched, Helixiutuo's breathing became more and more difficult, his face turned purple, and he was about to die of suffocation, a loud noise came from the ground, shaking the ground 30 meters deep. The corridor is shaking...

(End of this chapter)

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