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Chapter 2310 Immortal in the pot, is your mouth open?

Chapter 2310 Immortal in the pot, is your mouth open?

6 million yuan, which is more than [-] million Huaxia coins.

It doesn't take so much money to rebuild the Ganesha Temple.

But the Brahmin family deliberately wanted to embarrass the Kshatriya family and let them spend the money for nothing. They just wanted to make the Kshatriya family unwilling.

But everyone in the Brahmin family did not expect that as soon as the news reached the Kshatriya family, the Kshatriya family responded.

They agreed to take the money, and were willing to spend [-] million yuan as the cost of rebuilding the Ganesha Temple.

The Kshatriya family took the money so simply, and doubled it.

This result surprised the Brahmin family.

Heli Soman was so angry that he almost vomited blood after hearing the news.

It was a good opportunity, but it was miscalculated.

Now the Kshatriya family not only did not make YD people unhappy, but increased their prestige.

What is this? This is Heli Soman giving a big gift to the Kshatriya family.

Not only did he not get any benefits, but he gave the Kshatriya a chance to increase his family's prestige. Heli Soman fell ill directly because of this incident.

The plan for the Kshatriya family also had to be shelved.

The Kshatriya family was very happy when they learned that Khali Soman fell ill because of this incident.

"This is a good opportunity. [-] million yuan is exchanged for the people's goodwill towards the Kshatriya family. This money is well spent. I will give [-] million yuan."

These are the original words of Alberta, the patriarch of the Kshatriya family, after hearing about the rebuilding of the Ganesha Temple.

Of course he knew that the Brahmin family made things difficult for him on purpose.

But in his view, this is not a difficulty, but an opportunity...

The matter of YD has come to an end at this point.

How the Kshatriya family will continue to join forces with Huaxia, and how the Brahmin family will find opportunities to suppress the Kshatriya family will not be mentioned for the time being.

When the Brahmin family and the Kshatriya family were fighting openly and secretly, Ji Yang had returned to China safely.

The [-] divine soldiers sent by the Snow Mountain Goddess tracked Monkey King's aura all the way, but found nothing in the end.

Because Sun Wukong's avatar disappeared after a certain period of time.

"You don't pay much attention, kid. You came to my place when you went to YD, so why don't you come and see me?"

Ji Yang's life in YD was not easy.

All the way back, Ji Yang didn't dare to stop.

So after he returned to Huaxia, he didn't go back to Linhai immediately, but went to DL's barracks, found Huang Yi, and took a rest by the way.

After meeting Ji Yang, Huang Yi inevitably complained to him.

Seeing Huang Yi's resentful wife, Ji Yang shook his head and smiled.

He is the chief military officer here, he doesn't look like a military chief now.

"I was in a hurry to go to YD to save people, how could I come to see you."

"Look, I just came back from YD, Linhai didn't come back, so I came to see you."

"By the way, I have a few people here. You arrange for people to be sent back to Linhai and handed over to General Pang. Although I have treated their injuries, they still need to be checked."

"I think General Pang also has a lot to ask them, so please arrange it as soon as possible."

Ji Yang wanted to rest here, but the people he rescued had to be brought to Pang Hong as soon as possible.

What happened in YD, these people must report to Pang Hong.

Ji Yang didn't specifically say what he did when he went to YD, and Huang Yi was very tactful and didn't ask.

Secret mission, he understands.

But when Ji Yang said that he would send several people back to Linhai and hand them over to Pang Hong, he also guessed some of them.

Because some of the previous plans were related to the DL barracks.

But even if he knew it in his heart, he still didn't ask.

Huang Yi arranged a car to send the members of the secret crossing team back to Linhai, then asked someone to make some food and wine, and chatted with Ji Yang while drinking.

It was rare to relax, Ji Yang and Huang Yi ate and drank even more.

But no matter how good Huang Yi's drinking capacity is, he can't compare with Ji Yang now.

After Huang Yi passed out drunk, he was helped down by the guards, and Ji Yang also returned to the barracks that had been arranged.

Back in the barracks where he lived, Ji Yang did not fall asleep directly, but entered the world in the pot.

The little dragon girl and the golden eagle have been absorbing the blood power of the guardian god of Garuda, Ji Yang still doesn't know what's going on now.

He has to enter the world in the pot to take a look before he can rest assured.

"Ji Yang, you are here."

"You kid is willing to come in."

When Ji Yang entered the world of Huzhong, he saw Chi You and Immortal Huzhong.

The place where the little dragon girl and the golden eagle absorb the blood power is next to the blood pool where the snake dragon king's body was repaired.

Seeing Ji Yang, Hu Zhongxian and Chi You obviously had different attitudes.

Hu Zhongxian is relatively normal, why is Chi You a little dissatisfied?

It is estimated that Chi You is here alone to repair the body of the snake dragon king, and everyone is fighting outside to make him depressed.

However, it doesn't matter what the attitude of the two is, anyway, there is no malicious intention.

"How are they? Nothing wrong?"

At this moment, Xiao Longnu and Jin Diao have become their real bodies instead of human forms, and there is a layer of bloody mist floating on the surface of their bodies.

These bloody mist were formed from the blood they drank.

Ji Yang could feel that the power in the blood was being absorbed by the little dragon girl and the golden eagle.

"No problem for now, everything looks normal."

"However, before absorbing these forces, accidents may happen at any time, so we still have to be careful."

Hu Zhongxian answered Ji Yang's question, but did not forget to remind him.

But Ji Yang really didn't want to hear this reminder.

At this time, it’s okay to say something pleasant, even if the fairy in the pot said the truth, Ji Yang still didn’t want to hear it.

Tossing around in YD, I was not in any danger, but it was still very tiring.

Now that he has safely returned to Huaxia, he hopes that the process of absorbing blood power will go smoothly.

He really doesn't want anything to happen, his energy is limited now.

Although he didn't like to listen, Ji Yang didn't say anything.

He just watched the little dragon girl and the golden eagle silently, preventing accidents from happening.

But sometimes, the more you don't want to have something, the more you have something to speak out about.

The process of the Golden Eagle's absorption seemed to be going very smoothly.

After all, he already has the blood of the Golden-winged Roc in his body, and the power he absorbs is also from the same source.

But Xiaolongnv's situation felt more and more wrong.

I saw the little dragon girl in the blood mist, her body was twisting strangely, feeling like she was in some pain.

Her silver-white scales began to turn red slowly, because of the bond with the little dragon girl, Ji Yang felt a little uneasy in his heart, he felt that the little dragon girl was getting more and more wrong.

"Uh... hoo..."

When the little dragon girl who had kept her eyes tightly closed to absorb the blood power suddenly opened her eyes, red light flickered in her eyes, and a somewhat shrill dragon roar came out of her mouth, Ji Yang was sure that the little dragon girl was indeed in trouble.

"I said Immortal Pot, is your mouth open, be careful next time you speak!"

"Stop talking nonsense and help!"

Ji Yang grinned at Hu Zhongxian with a wry smile, Hu Zhongxian simply rolled his eyes at him, sipped lightly, and rushed towards Xiao Longnu first...

(End of this chapter)

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