The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2315 Tongtian leader has a way

Chapter 2315 Tongtian leader has a way

When was the last time he checked his merits, Ji Yang himself couldn't remember clearly.

The exact time is uncertain, but it should be before the Yaozu Conference.

Looking at the specific number of merits, his impression is also very vague. The number of merits at that time should be around [-] million.

Now I have grown to [-] million merits, part of which comes from the WeChat store, and the other is various rewards.

Think about it, Ji Yang has experienced a lot since the Yaozu Conference.

And the enemies he faced were all that strong.

The scorpion spirit, the yellow wind monster, and the six-eared macaque at the Yaozu Conference, and several gods and protectors from YD, including Ganesha.

Although some of them were not solved by him, he also gained a certain amount of merit.

If he solves it himself, the current merits are more than that.

Looking at the changes in merit, it is indeed related to these things.

But under such a difficult circumstance, Ji Yang also felt a little surprised and excited after going through these things and being able to make his own merits reach [-] million.

Seeing Ji Yang yelling out of excitement, everyone else smiled understandingly.

Although Xiaolongnv failed to absorb the power of the golden-winged roc, hidden dangers remained.

But there are still things to be happy about today.

The golden eagle successfully absorbed power and broke through its own cultivation, and Ji Yang's merit reached [-] million. This is a happy thing, and it is also a comfort to everyone.

After reading the WeChat merits in his hands, Ji Yang was excited, but he quickly settled down.

Now is not the time to be excited, he still has work to do.

Since I promised to post to Moments for help, I must post it.

The sooner the blood power of the golden-winged roc bird in Xiao Longnu's body is cleared, the better for Xiao Longnu.

Because this force is an uncertain factor, no one knows when it will explode.

It might explode in the next second.

Thinking of this, Ji Yang didn't waste any more time, clicked on his circle of friends, and sent out a post.

"Help: During this trip to YD, I met Garuda Guardian, who has the blood power of the golden-winged roc bird. I wanted to rely on this blood power to help Xiaolongnv improve her strength, but I didn't want to cause serious rejection. Who can do it?" Absorb this power, or it can be easily expelled from the body, thank you afterwards."

Ji Yang's WeChat post is simple and straightforward, basically expressing the content of asking for help.

As for what the heavy thanks are, Ji Yang did not explain.

Anyway, if he said thank you very much, it would definitely not be a disadvantage to the other party.

If Ji Yang can satisfy the request made by the other party, he will definitely not be stingy.

The dynamic is issued, and the next step is to wait.

Soon, there were comments under Ji Yang's feed.

Nezha: Xiaobai, you are too careless. You let the little dragon girl absorb the blood power of the golden-winged roc. You are really good enough. You are letting the little dragon girl die.

Qin Guangwang: Xiaobai, I really admire you now, you dare to touch anything, you dare to do this kind of thing, you are awesome
Chang'e: How is Xiaolongnu's situation now?Such a dangerous thing, why don't you think about it beforehand, Garuda and the Dragon Clan are deadly enemies, the blood power completely suppresses the Dragon Clan, you are too reckless

Uncle Feng: There is another person whom I admire the old man, you are amazing...

There are quite a few people commenting, but none of them are useful.

And most of the comments were blaming Ji Yang.

This made Ji Yang, who was already blaming himself, feel even more uncomfortable, and his idea of ​​helping Xiaolongnu became more determined.

"Ding Dong"

At this moment, Ji Yang felt depressed enough and blamed himself enough.

At this time, someone sent him a private chat.

When he saw the person who sent the WeChat message, his face became even uglier.

Because it was Linhai Dragon King who sent the WeChat message.

Seeing the head of Linhai Dragon King jumping, Ji Yang's expression was extremely unnatural.

Although he hasn't seen what the other party sent, he can guess that the other party is probably here to train him.

Xiaolongnv is the daughter of Linhai Dragon King, if I didn't take good care of Xiaolongnv, why can't the old man come to settle accounts with me?

Linhai Dragon King sent a voice, and the content of the voice was the same as Ji Yang guessed, that is, blame.

"Xiaobai, what's the matter with you, didn't you agree to help me take care of Xiaolongnv, how could you make such a mistake."

"The blood power of the golden-winged roc bird, is that something that the dragon clan can touch casually? The little dragon girl was confused for a while, and you are also confused. You are joking with the little dragon girl's life."

"I'm also looking for help. If something happens to Xiao Longnu, I won't let you go!"

Linhai Dragon King's words are very rude.

But Ji Yang couldn't get angry, because he had an inescapable responsibility for this matter.

"Linhai Dragon King, don't worry, no matter what price I have to pay, I will guarantee the safety of the little dragon girl."

Don't get angry, Ji Yang can only give Linhai Dragon King such an answer.

The Linhai Dragon King was probably thinking of a way at this time, so he didn't reply to WeChat immediately.

In this way, Ji Yang also heaved a sigh of relief, because if Linhai Dragon King replied again, he would still blame him, and Ji Yang didn't know how to answer.

While continuing to wait, Ji Yang has been watching the dynamics of Moments.

There are continuous comments, but none of them are worthwhile.

The point is, Ji Yang found that there are still people who like it.

Fuck me, the person who praised this is out of his mind.

This is not a good thing, why are you praising it.

And more than one person liked it, which made Ji Yang's face black.

"If you can't help it, don't talk. If you talk, say it well. What the hell is praising? Are you stupid if you are a god?"

Ji Yang was already in a bad mood, but when he saw a group of people praising him, he felt even more annoyed.

He yelled with some dissatisfaction, upon hearing his words, the expressions of Xiao Longnu and the others were unnatural.

They also feel that those who can like it under this kind of dynamic really have problems in their minds.

"Ding dong!"

When Ji Yang yelled, he received another private chat on WeChat.

The black-faced Ji Yang looked at WeChat, and saw that the person who sent the WeChat turned out to be his master Tongtian Jiaozhu.

Seeing the WeChat message sent by the leader of Tongtian, Ji Yang felt a little hopeful in his heart.

I am a master but one of the three Qings. He must have encountered many things, maybe he has a way.

"Teacher, look at your circle of friends, you are in trouble, but it is not difficult to solve this matter."

Expectantly, he clicked on the dialogue box of Tongtian Cult Master, and seeing the words sent by Tongtian Cult Master, Ji Yang, who had been in a state of haze, finally showed a smile on his face.

I didn't find the wrong master. At the critical moment, my master, Master Tongtian, is still reliable.

"Master, do you really have a way?"

"Yes, the method is actually simple, but for this method, you have to ask the little dragon if he is willing."

"How could she not agree!"

"You don't want to answer so simply. You'd better answer me after listening to me tell me the solution."

Although Master Tongtian has a solution, he still says it is simple.

But judging from what he said, it seems that this method is not simple...

(End of this chapter)

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