The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2323 You can relax when I come

Chapter 2323 You can relax when I come back

According to the situation of the fight that day and the investigation and resolution of the guardian family, Dongfang Mei locked the opponent's identity as the black wizard of the YN Black Witch Society.

This result may not be wrong, but in Ji Yang's eyes, it is not that simple.

The blow against the Black Witch Society that day was very heavy.

The Dark Witch Society was destroyed, all the top executives of the Black Witch Society were killed, and more than 90.00% of the black wizards in the entire Black Witch Society died.

In the end, most of the dark wizards who survived by chance allegiance to the macaque king who is in charge of the black witch society.

The Macaque King is also looking for the remaining dark wizards who are hiding.

So, even if there are still dark wizards from the Black Witch Society, they should be able to hide as far away as possible.

To seek revenge on Ji Yang is simply to die.

No matter how strong Ji Yang is, the members of the Black Witch Society should know that they came to seek revenge on Ji Yang, not for death.

To make them dare to come to China's Linhai Jiyang's base camp to do things under such circumstances, there is definitely a conspiracy in it.

Behind these surviving black wizards, there must be someone or a force supporting them, otherwise they would never dare to come.

"Mei'er, let people continue to investigate, and investigate deeper. This matter is definitely not as simple as it appears on the surface. There must be stronger opponents behind them."

"If you can keep alive that day, then the problem will be much simpler."

"Unfortunately, they all died."

Ji Yang narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Dongfang Mei, who nodded heavily.

She also thought of Ji Yang's thoughts.

"I have asked people to investigate more deeply, but there is no big harvest yet."

"They attacked very suddenly that day, and we wanted to catch them alive, but they were all desperate. We had no chance at all, so we had to kill them all in the end."

"As a result of the current investigation, although the identity is determined to be the black wizard of the YN Black Witch Association, except for the dozen or so people who attacked us that night, no one else has been found, but I believe that there must be black wizards in Linhai."

Dongfang Mei, the lady of the Dongfang family who guards the alliance, is not in vain.

Her leadership skills are still good, and she has a lot of brains and ideas.

Hearing Dongfang Mei's words, Ji Yang nodded in agreement.

"These black wizards are all shady guys, and their methods are relatively dark. Find their foothold, and leave this matter to me. As long as they are within the area near the sea, they can hide underground. And dig them out."

Ji Yang sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said softly with indifferent eyes.

Hearing the same words, no one raised any doubts, and they all absolutely trusted Ji Yang.

"Mu Hong's injury has not healed yet, you take her to rest first, I'm back, you can also relax."

Because of the previous incident, although Dongfang Mei's daughters are protected by Ao Ye and Bai Qi.

But the tired look on the faces of the girls was still obvious.

Ji Yang saw that they were tired, so he told them to go to rest.

After the girls left, Ji Yang gave Ao Ye a few words, released the golden eagle, guarded it in human form, and then took out his phone.

"Ji Shao, why are you calling me when you have time? You must go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything, right?"

"You come to the sea immediately, I have a task for you."

"So urgent, I just married my wife and I'm about to bridal chamber, you..."

"Come here immediately, or I will wipe out all the descendants of your mountain. Hurry up, the matter is very urgent. You have so many descendants, there are no less than one litter or two."

Ji Yang's call was to Miao Jiang Weisuo.

Wei Suo's strength is definitely at the bottom among Ji Yang's current helpers.

But his role and ability in certain aspects are far from what others can compare.

Hearing the coldness in Ji Yang's voice, Wei Suo stopped talking nonsense and told Ji Yang that he would book a plane ticket there immediately, then hung up the phone.

Wei Suo wasn't afraid that Ji Yang would really come to destroy his descendants, but he felt Ji Yang's urgency, he couldn't delay the matter.

Wei Suo's luck was not bad. When he arranged for his subordinate Xiao Yao to book the tickets, there was actually a flight to Linhai.

After booking the air ticket, Wei Suo notified Ji Yang before boarding the plane, and asked Ji Yang if he needed to bring someone there.

Ji Yang didn't ask him to bring more people, but only one.

This time Wei Suo was not asked to fight, he just wanted to use Wei Suo's appeal.

Wei Suo has been a golden-haired mouse demon for more than 600 years. His strength is nothing compared to Ji Yang's now, but his influence is great.

In the entire Linhai, Ji Yang is not sure if there are any rat monsters.

But Ji Yang felt that even if there were, there should not be anyone who could reach Weisuo's level.

If there is, Ji Yang will not fail to feel it.

In other words, with Wei Suo's strength, he is the Mouse King if he gets here.

As the mouse king, he can call the mice in Linhai to find those black wizards, which is much faster than humans, mice are everywhere.

Some people may mention the Yellow Wind Monster. The Yellow Wind Monster is different from Wei Suo.

Although the Yellow Wind Monster is a monster, he was cultivated in Lingshan after all. In some respects, he is not as open as Wei Suo.

Even though Ji Yang asked him to do it, the Yellow Wind Monster would definitely do it.

But Ji Yang felt that this was too good for Huang Feng, and a good knife must be used wisely.

Wei Suo is safer in this matter, anyway, this is not the first time Wei Suo has done such a thing.

Speaking of the Yellow Wind Monster, after Ji Yang came back, he really didn't see him.

"Ao Ye, you should have seen the Yellow Wind Monster, why don't you see him here? Bai Qi is not here either, where did they go?"

Thinking of the Yellow Wind Monster, Ji Yang found Ao Ye.

Only then did he notice that not only was the Yellow Wind Monster not within the range of the villa, but there was no sign of him around.

Ji Yang didn't even see Bai Qi.

"They guarded here with me before, but it feels a bit wasteful for three people to be here."

"The two of them went out, trying to see if they could find where those people were hiding."

"Why, are you worried about the Yellow Wind Monster? I heard that guy is very powerful, and it's not voluntary to stay by your side."

The yellow wind monster wore a gold hoop on his head, and he knew what the consequences would be if he ran away.

It is not impossible for Ji Yang to find the Yellow Wind Monster, so Ji Yang is not worried about where the Yellow Wind Monster is going.

"Indeed, it is enough to have you here, as long as it is not a big trouble, there will be no problem."

Ao Ye's strength now seems to be around the third rank.

This kind of strength, just some dark wizards, is not a problem at all.

Now that the golden eagle is added, it is more secure, so it is not wrong for Bai Qi and Huang Feng to go out to find it.

Finally, after instructing Ao Ye and Jin Diao to guard the place carefully, Ji Yang left the villa and drove to the airport to pick up Wei Suo...

(End of this chapter)

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