The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 246 Teaching Mu Zha to Pick Up Girls

Chapter 246 Teaching Mu Zha to Pick Up Girls (Part [-])

It was rare for Lu Fan to go home today, but he didn't want to be woken up by the phone in the middle of the night.

Seeing that the caller turned out to be Ji Yang, he quickly answered it.

Hearing that Ji Yang actually arrested a group of people using waste oil, although he, the deputy captain of the criminal police team, should not be in charge of this matter, since it was Ji Yang's call, he had to go there.

Before arriving at the location Ji Yang mentioned, Lu Fan also called several criminal police officers on duty.

When Lu Fan brought people over, they all frowned when they smelled the smell from the van.

When I saw the four people rolling all over the floor, I was also a little curious.

"Ji Shao, what's wrong with these guys?"

"It's okay, I just gave them ten catties of waste oil."

Ji Yang answered easily, but Lu Fan and the other policemen were dumbfounded, and secretly said that Ji Yang was ruthless.

Ten catties of waste oil is enough for them. It is certain that they will have diarrhea. As for the extent, only people like them who have drunk ten catties of waste oil know.

When he saw a policeman with a bitter face driving a van filled with waste oil, Ji Yang silently wished him not to be fainted by the smell of the van.

"I don't care about the rest of the matter. They must have a den that specializes in making waste oil. Don't forget to take it away."

"This kind of harmful thing cannot be kept."

Ji Yang didn't forget to remind Boss Li and others when Lu Fan took them away.

When Lu Fan and others left, only Ji Yang and Marshal Li were left.

Marshal Li was looking at Ji Yang with admiration. Seeing Marshal Li's eyes, Ji Yang coughed twice. He didn't know why Marshal Li was here today, so he asked him.

When he heard that Marshal Li was originally an apprentice at the Conscience Restaurant, but was driven away because he persuaded Boss Li and others not to use gutter oil, and today he came to collect evidence and prepare to call the police, Ji Yang also nodded.

"Your character is good, and you have a conscience. Now you are out of work, right?"

"Well, it's out of work."

Marshal Li originally came to Linhai to find a job, but now that the conscience restaurants have to close, how can he still have a job.

"Well, I'll recommend you a job, but it's not a chef. You can go there if you want."

"Really, great, where is it?"

Dashuai Li looked at Ji Yang in surprise, and asked excitedly.

Seeing how excited he was, Ji Yang told him the location of the farm and asked him to find Wang Ji and Quan Chang tomorrow.

Although the job is not a chef, at least there is a job to do, which is better than no income. Marshal Li also thanked Ji Yang repeatedly.

After parting from Marshal Li, Ji Yang drove back to the villa.

It was already midnight at this time, Li Zixuan had already gone to bed, and even Xiao Longnv was asleep.

Seeing that they were all asleep, Ji Yang didn't bother, so he tiptoed back to the room directly.

Back in the room at this time, Ji Yang didn't have any pajamas yet.

Now that he was alone again, Ji Yang was bored, so he was going to check Moments, to see if anyone was bored.

Mu Zha: "Heavenly Court can fall in love freely, but due to my inexperience, Yue Lao asked me to pursue it by myself, who can tell me what to do?"

Ji Yang saw Mu Zha's activity in Moments, and Ji Yang became energetic.

Last time, Yuelao also mentioned to himself the matter of free love in heaven, and when he encountered trouble, he also gave advice to the other party.

But it seems that the people in Tianting are used to being conservative, and there is nothing they can do to pick up a girl.

Although Ji Yang's experience in picking up girls is not rich, he still has three girlfriends.

Besides, there are too many ways to pick up girls in the mortal world now, just pointing out the other party a few times is enough for them.

Moreover, the identity of this Mu Zha is very impressive. Lao Tzu is Li Jing, the king of Tota, one of the four heavenly kings in Lingxiao Temple, his elder brother Jin Zha is a disciple of Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, and his younger brother is Nezha, the great god of the Santan Haihui.

He himself is also a disciple of Puxian, one of the Twelve Immortals, who has learned all kinds of martial arts, and he is a master.

With such an identity, it is almost enough to walk sideways in the heavenly court.

If he can help him, it will definitely be more convenient for Ji Yang to find Tianting Hell to handle affairs in the future.

Thinking of this, Ji Yang prepared to approach Mu Zha and ask him which female fairy in Heaven he liked, and prepared to help him.

"Muzha, I'm Xiaobai."

"Xiaobai, Heavenly Court has never heard of a character like you. What kind of god are you? What can a little eighth-rank fairy do for me?"

This Mu Zha really has a deep background, and he speaks well.

He opened his mouth and called himself Maoshen, but thinking about it, he is now an eighth-rank immortal, what else is he not Maoshen.

"I'll let you hang with me, there will be a time when you give in."

However, Ji Yang was somewhat annoyed when Mu Zha directly called him God of Mao.

After he reveals his identity to the other party, he won't believe that the other party won't give in to him.

"I'm in the mortal world, not in heaven, so it's normal that you don't know me."

Although Ji Yang couldn't see Mu Zha's expression, he believed that Mu Zha's expression must be wonderful now.

Mu Zha in the heavenly court was also as Ji Yang thought, and he was really surprised when he saw Ji Yang in the mortal world.

Even Niu Ru, his father, Li Jing, and his younger brother, Nezha, were unable to go to the mortal world under the constraints of the laws of the three realms. Although the other party was an eighth-rank immortal, he was still in the mortal world, which had to surprise him.

"You are in the mortal world, what do you want from me?"

Hearing that Ji Yang was in the mortal world, Mu Zha spoke more politely.

Seeing that the other party spoke politely, Ji Yang also told the other party that he saw Mu Zha distressed about picking up girls in Moments.

Hearing that Ji Yang turned out to teach him how to chase female fairies, Mu Zha also cheered up, and told Ji Yang about his situation.

It turned out that the fairy that Mu Zha had a crush on was Fairy Qiangwei, but Fairy Qiangwei was innocent and indifferent.

Mu Zha didn't know how to impress the female fairy, so he couldn't handle her for a long time.

"Actually, chasing girls is not that difficult. A man has to take the initiative to attack and try to find the right time to hit a hit, but he must not be reckless."

"If you like Fairy Qiangwei, then you should learn more about her preferences and give her some small gifts."

"At the same time, let her feel that you are strong enough to protect him. With your own cultivation and background, this should be very simple."

"The most difficult thing is to know what Fairy Qiangwei likes and what to give her to please her."

Ji Yang was completely searching the Internet while making suggestions to Mu Zha.

But Ji Yang felt that these few moves should be enough to deal with Fairy Qiangwei.

When Mu Zha saw Ji Yang's words, although he was still a little confused, he was not to blame, because Mu Zha used to be a little white in chasing female fairies.

But after observing Fairy Qiangwei for so long, Mu Zha has a clearer understanding of her liking for Fairy Qiangwei.

He was going to continue chatting with Ji Yang, tell Ji Yang about Fairy Qiangwei's preferences, and ask Ji Yang to give him some advice by the way.

 Thanks so handsome.Hanshu and others donated rewards, the next update will be later, but there will definitely be four updates a day, so don’t worry

(End of this chapter)

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