The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 251 Don't use wrong diagnosis to affect me

Chapter 251 Don't Use Misdiagnosis to Affect Me (Part [-])
At this time, the old man who was carried into the hospital was already in a semi-comatose state, and the doctors and nurses had put the old man on an emergency bed.

"Doctor, save my grandpa quickly, save my grandpa quickly."

He Feng was at work when he suddenly received a call from his grandfather, saying that he was not feeling well and his stomach hurt badly.

Hearing what his grandfather said, he quickly came to his grandfather's house. After entering the door, he found that his grandfather's condition was more serious than he thought.

Fortunately, the place where grandpa lived was not far from Linhai Hospital. He found that something was wrong with grandpa, so He Feng carried the old man to the hospital.

"Don't get excited, the condition of the old man is still clear, we need to check before we know how to treat it."

The doctor comforted He Feng while talking softly.

Treatment after examination is also the normal process of hospital treatment.

He Feng was a little anxious just looking at his grandfather who was lying on the emergency bed in a semi-comatose state.

"Leave the patient to me, you go and do other things."

While He Feng was talking with the doctor, Ji Yang had already walked over.

Hearing that someone was going to take over the patient, the doctor frowned, but he was taken aback when he saw that it was Ji Yang.

Although Ji Yang is just an intern doctor, everyone in Linhai Hospital really knows his reputation.

There are two reasons why this guy is famous. One is that he doesn't come to the hospital very often. During the internship period, there is no one else but him.

If it were someone else, he would have been kicked away by the hospital long ago.

The second is the superb medical skills, even Ji Deming's tricky surgery can be solved by him.

At this time, behind Ji Yang, there were still a large number of people following.

Apart from the leaders of Linhai Hospital, these people are European and American medical experts.

The purpose of European and American experts coming to Haihai Hospital is now known to the whole hospital.

Seeing this scene, no matter how stupid the doctor is, he can still detect some problems.

"Okay, then there is Dr. Lao Ji."

After handing the patient over to Ji Yang, the doctor also turned and left under Ji Deming's gaze.

Chinese medicine emphasizes seeing, hearing, asking, and knowing. Ji Yang put his hand on the old man's wrist and began to feel the pulse.

At the same time, he asked the old man: "Grandpa, can you tell me exactly where you feel uncomfortable?"

Hearing Ji Yang's question, the old man opened his mouth, but he couldn't make any sound, his mouth just moved dryly.

Although the old man didn't speak, Ji Yang had already discovered the old man's problem when he felt his pulse.

The old man has been poisoned, and looking at the old man's current appearance, he has been poisoned by neurotoxins.

Under the action of the neurotoxin, the old man has already suffered from obvious nerve paralysis and has a language barrier.

But there are many reasons for the neurotoxin, if the old man doesn't say anything, Ji Yang won't be able to determine the cause for a while.

"Do you know what happened to your grandpa?"

The old man couldn't speak, so he could only ask He Feng.

He Feng told him about the old man calling him.

"The old man has a stomachache, so I called you. Is there no one else at home?"

"No, my parents and I don't live with grandpa. Grandpa lives alone."

It turned out that this is an old man living alone. He usually has no children to take care of him, and only lives alone.

Before this situation happened, the old man was still able to call his own He Feng, and He Feng still came, he was already lucky.

Some elderly people who live alone may even die at home for months without being discovered.

"The old man is old, and as a child, he has to be taken care of by his side. If something happens to the old man today, it will be too late for you to regret it."

"Since you don't live together, the old man's diet must be solved by himself."

"When you went home, did you notice what the old man ate today?"

There are many reasons for stomach pain, and the probability of eating is very high.

Ji Yang now suspects that the old man ate some poisonous food by mistake, which is why he behaved like this.

Charles is an expert in virology in the United States, and he is also observing the situation of the elderly at this time.

He also saw that the old man had been poisoned by neurotoxin, but seeing that Ji Yang didn't check on the old man's condition, he began to blame He Feng and his parents for not taking care of the old man, Charles felt a little funny.

"You are now examining the patient's condition, not asking you to get to know the other's family."

"The old man has been poisoned by a neurotoxin. If you can't do it, you should send the old man for a check-up."

"If the treatment time is delayed and the old man has a problem, you are very responsible."

When Ji Yang heard what Charles said, his eyes widened, and he said in a cold voice.

"Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to seeing, hearing, and asking. I'm just asking a doctor. What do you know?"

"Don't you want to know the magic of Chinese medicine, then just stand aside and watch obediently."

Ji Yang's voice was very cold, and he didn't save any face for Charles.

This made Charles very unhappy and snorted coldly.

"Hmph, then I want to see how amazing Chinese medicine is."

"I am a virology expert in the United States. I don't believe that I am not as good as an intern like you."

"I want to participate in the diagnosis and treatment together and compare with you."

When he said the words "intern doctor", Charles bit the words very hard.

"Bi, Bi, that will have to wait until I finish asking."

"Quickly answer the question I just asked."

He Feng was stupefied, when Ji Yang was talking to Charles, he just stood there stupidly.

He didn't react until Ji Yang called him.

"When I went to grandpa's house, grandpa was lying on the dining table."

"At that time, I noticed that there was a plate of green vegetables, a fish, and potatoes on the dinner table..."

Just as He Feng mentioned potatoes, Charles suddenly called out.

"I see. The old man was poisoned with solanine after eating sprouted potatoes."

After potatoes germinate, there will be a lot of solanine around the bud space, which is a neurotoxin that can inhibit the respiratory center.

This poisonous solanine is also what we often call solanine. Eating this toxin can easily cause poisoning, and it can even be fatal in severe cases.

The doctors around are all experts in medicine.

They also heard what He Feng said, and they also knew about toxin solanum. These people all felt that what Charles said was reasonable.

It was obviously He Feng who was asked by Ji Yang, but now he was upstaged by Charles, who seemed very proud.

"Dean Ji, the cause of the old man's poisoning has been determined, please induce vomiting and gastric lavage quickly, and don't delay the treatment."

Charles looked at Ji Deming and said softly.

Charles was clearly stealing Ji Yang's limelight, which made the people in Linhai Hospital very upset.

Now he is not just trying to steal the limelight, this moment of stealing the limelight will basically cut off Ji Yang's chance to practice Chinese medicine.

"What you say is what you say. Don't think that the conclusion you draw as an expert is right."

"Now I'm the one who diagnoses and treats. Don't use your wrong diagnosis to affect my treatment."

But before Ji Deming could answer, Ji Yang spoke up.

As soon as Ji Yang said this, everyone looked at him in shock.

 Thank you Leng Yao, Sad and others for the rewards. Today is the Army Day. I wish the national soldiers a happy holiday. I wish the motherland is getting stronger and stronger. Ask for monthly tickets, recommendations, and rewards
(End of this chapter)

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