The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2550 Why should I explain to them

Chapter 2550 Why should I explain to them

Ji Yang has been looking forward to it, and when he saw Li Lao today, Li Lao did not disappoint Ji Yang.

The other party looked very easy-going, but there was a faint aura about him.

This aura is not intentional, it's just sitting in a certain position for a long time, accumulated over the years.

Li Lao said that his own affairs should be put behind the country, which made Ji Yang admire him even more.

At this time, Dongfang Yu handed over the matter of explaining Zuoren to Peng Caixuan, which was arranged in advance by everyone.

Although Peng Caixuan was not directly involved in the killing of Zuoren, he still knew more about the situation than Dongfang Yu.

Moreover, this matter was originally entrusted by Li Lao to Xuanzu.

Furthermore, the Guardian Alliance basically does not participate in official affairs, and only takes action when needed.

So it is more appropriate for Peng Caixuan to say than Dongfang Yu.

On Li Lao's side, from Peng Caixuan's words, he felt something was wrong.

Although he didn't get angry directly, his voice sounded calm, but there was a gleam of light in his eyes.

Even Ji Yang felt the feeling of not being angry and self-prestige deeply.

"Old Li, this matter is a bit complicated, let me tell you slowly."

"Then take your time, the time is coming quickly, just now the royal family of country R called again, because of the weather, they can't come today, they will arrive early tomorrow morning, so you have a lot of time to talk, I can listen to you slowly explain."

It is also a good thing for Ji Yang and others that the trip of the royal family of country R is delayed.

Feeling the pressure from Li Lao, Peng Caixuan circulated the true energy in his body, stabilized his mind, and began to talk about what happened in Linhai.

"Two days ago, I went to Linhai, where I met Prince Zuoren from the royal family of Country R."

"At that time, he actually flirted with a woman. This woman was the wife of the Young Master Ouyang's family of the Guardian Alliance..."

Peng Caixuan was not there at the time, and he was able to say all this because Ji Yang told him.

Although he was not at the scene, Peng Caixuan knew some things, and he also wrote down everything Ji Yang said.

When Peng Caixuan was talking about the day's events, Li Lao and Xu Yunshan's expressions changed a little when they heard Zuo Ren molested the wife of the young master Ouyang's family in the guardian alliance. They both looked a little angry.

In addition to being angry, his brows were also wrinkled, looking heavy.

Molesting a woman is already hateful.

Zuoren also flirted with the woman who guarded the alliance, isn't that a death sentence?

No wonder Dongfang Yu came here today. Some things, by this time, can actually be guessed.

"Although Zuoren is the prince of the royal family of country R, ​​he is doing things like molesting women, which really makes people angry."

"On that day, my boss...that is, Ji Yang, the leader of the Guardian Alliance, happened to meet him. My boss's temper is the kind of jealousy. When he saw Zuoren molesting a woman, he naturally became angry, not to mention that he was molesting Ouyang The young master's wife, of course the boss can't bear it."

"So on that day, the boss and the people from Ouyang's family fought against Zuoren's people..."

Peng Caixuan didn't see the process of fighting, but he can make it up, anyway, this is not the point.

"Continue to talk, how to fight is not the point, let's talk about the result."

"Yes, what happened to Zoren? Is he still alive?"

Although Peng Caixuan is making it up, he thinks it's very vivid.

But Xu Yunshan and Li Lao are not interested in these, they just want to know the result of Zuoren.

Although Xu Tiantian had called Xu Yunshan earlier, she didn't tell everything on the phone.

Xu Tiantian just told Xu Yunshan to support Dongfang Yu and Peng Caixuan as much as possible when he met Dongfang Yu and others.

It's just that Xu Yunshan didn't expect that things would come to this point.

No wonder Xu Tiantian repeatedly emphasized that no matter what happened, no matter what Dongfang Yu said, Xu Yunshan must support him.

"Zuo Ren was killed by the young master of the Ouyang family, and his body was destroyed by my boss."

"Zoren is dead?"

"Yes, dead, nothing is left, and the body doesn't exist anymore."

"My boss handled it very safely, without leaving any clues. Even members of the royal family of country R will not find any clues."

After finishing everything, Peng Caixuan felt relaxed.

The atmosphere of the narration just now was very depressing.

He could see the reactions of Li Lao and Xu Yunshan. These two people obviously found it hard to accept Zuoren's murder.

"Dead, actually dead, too impulsive, simply too impulsive."

"What's the matter with Ji Yang? He's the prince of the royal family of country R. How could he kill someone? Even if Zuoren is not a prince, he can't just kill him."

"What should we do now? People from the royal family of country R will come to the capital tomorrow. If we let them know that Zuoren was killed, they will definitely not let it go."

Both Li Lao and Xu Yunshan have experienced great storms.

They have been in their current position for a long time and have experienced many things.

But in the face of Zuoren's killing, he couldn't keep calm at all.

Not afraid of country R, ​​that's for sure, but being troubled by the other party is always not a happy thing.

Country R's royal family has no real power, but in the hearts of the people of Country R, ​​it has a lot of prestige.

"It's just a scum. If you die, you will die. Why are you two so nervous?"

"I'm here today. I think the two of you should know by now what the purpose is."

"A scum from country R who molested a woman should have been killed. He molested the wife of the young master of Ouyang's family, who was a member of the alliance, so he should have been killed even more. So he was killed because he asked for it. What do you think? Woolen cloth?"

Li Lao and Xu Yunshan panicked, it was time for Dongfang Yu to come forward.

"Patriarch Dongfang, you are right, Zuoren deserves to be killed."

"But he is the prince of the royal family of country R, ​​and now the royal family of country R is an important person, how should we explain it?"

Li Lao and Xu Yunshan were telling the truth.

What Zuoren did was really shameless and infuriating.

But when he died, there were too many things involved.

I am in a different position, look at problems from different angles, and consider different things.

For Li Lao and Xu Yunshan, there are some things that should be done but cannot be done.

There is also a reason for Li Lao's previous statement that his own affairs should be put behind the country.

Just after hearing what they said, Dongfang Yu smiled coldly.

"Explain, why should I explain to them..."

(End of this chapter)

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