The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2564 Who is blind

Chapter 2564 Who is blind
The thousands of pirates of the Red Skull Pirates were all eliminated under the attack of Cain, Mutu, and a hundred members of the Ouyang family.

Although there are a large number of pirates in the Red Skull Pirates, it is roughly estimated that it should be nearly ten thousand, or more.

But even so, thousands of pirates were lost, which was one-tenth of the entire Red Skull pirate group.

Under normal circumstances, not to mention the death of thousands of subordinates, even if a few subordinates died, Redbeard and other pirates would be angry.

But the pirates of the Redbeard and Red Skull Pirates didn't look sad or angry at all. Instead, they all had strange smiles on their faces, which looked quite strange.

Now that Red Beard said "Do you really think they are finished", it made Xiao Longnu and others feel even more strange.

Offensive pirates include zombies and ghosts.

In the attack just now, the ghost-type pirates were shattered and disappeared.

Zombie-type pirates, except for those who were attacked by Cain and Mutu so fiercely that the corpses were like minced meat, the other dead corpses were all floating on the sea like real corpses.

Hundreds of corpses floating on the sea surface, this picture actually looks quite disgusting, quite infiltrating.

"They have all become real corpses now, isn't this the end?"

"The remaining eye of yours is probably also blind, you can't even see it!"

When Cain and Mutu heard what the red beard said, although they were puzzled in their hearts, there were mocking sneers on their faces.

Everyone could see the situation in front of them clearly, it was a joke for the red beard to say such a thing.


"I hate people to make fun of my eyes and call me blind!"

"Wait, I'm going to disembowel you, dig out your heart and make wine, and then throw your body into the sea to feed the sharks!"

Redbeard has only one eye and one full arm.

When he first became a pirate, he was beaten when he was fighting for territory.

At the cost of one hand and one eye, Red Beard has the Red Skull Pirates.

Although he got what he wanted, for Redbeard, this was still his pain point.

The appearance of the red beard makes him look a bit evil, but he can allow others to be afraid of him, but he forbids others to make fun of him.

Mutu's words have already stimulated the red beard.

Because of the anger, the red beard's breathing became heavy, and his body began to tremble.

"Dig out my heart and drink, what a big breath, then let me see, is your broken hook sharp, or my claws are sharper!"

What the red beard said, Mutu listened with a disdainful smile.

He is the ancestor of the werewolf, dare to say that he was cut open, this red beard is the first one.

With a sneer on his lips, Mutu looked into the eyes of the red beard, but they exuded a cold light.

"Looking for death... little ones, you have rested long enough, it's time to get up and continue fighting!"

"Let these ignorant guys see what eternal life is!"

Mutu first talked about his own eyes, and now he talked about his broken arm.

After poking the red beard twice in a row, the red beard was extremely angry.

I saw the red beard standing on the bow of the ship, looking down at the corpse of the pirate floating on the sea, and shouted in a strange voice.

The red beard yelled loudly, and the floating pirate corpses on the sea did not move at all.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Longnu and the others were a little surprised. They really didn't understand what the red beard meant.

The pirates who had clearly attacked were all dead now, so why did he think he could continue to fight?

Now he also shouted, didn't there be no response?


But when everyone was wondering, Red Beard began to say something that Xiaolongnv and others couldn't understand.

"I don't know what he's reading, he doesn't speak Western language!"

"But what he said sounds like some kind of spell."

Mutu is a native Western "person" and has lived for thousands of years.

Whether it is an ancient Western language or a modern Western language, Mutu is very familiar with it.

Xiao Longnu and the others couldn't understand what Red Beard said, so they thought he understood.

Unfortunately, everyone was wrong, because Mutu couldn't understand what he said.

I don't understand the specific meaning, but based on everyone's experience, I feel that what the red beard said should belong to some kind of spell.

When the red beard was chanting the spell, a strange red light emanated from his one eye. Although the voice was loud, it gave off a very gentle feeling.

Chanting a mantra loudly, but feeling soft, the contrast is huge.

"He, he, they moved."

"It's really moving, not only the floating corpses are moving, but even the scattered ghosts are condensing."

"These pirates are really alive, and the spell he chanted can actually bring these pirates back to life..."

What is the effect of the red beard's spell, everyone was not clear at first.

But when everyone found that the pirates floating on the sea moved one by one, they understood what was going on.

It turns out that the red beard's spell is a spell used to bring the pirates who have been completely dead back to life.

Of course, the so-called resurrection is not really becoming a living person.

Although these pirates can move, they can only belong to the category of zombies. They have some thoughts, but they are not real living people.

As for the pirates in the ghost state, let alone.

Thousands of pirates who were thought to be completely dead, came back to life one by one with the red beard's spell.

"Hahaha, tell me, who is blind?"

"Don't you think they are all dead? Now? Hahaha..."

Redbeard's spell made all the pirates stand up again. Although the wounds they were attacked just now are still there, they are really alive. At least for the pirates themselves, they are resurrected.

Looking at his subordinates who stood up again, the red beard laughed arrogantly.

Seeing the pirates standing up again, everyone on Xiao Longnu's side frowned.

Didn't Redbeard and the other pirates get angry because of the death of these pirates just now? It turns out that they all know that these pirates can still live.

Redbeard is just a pirate chief, how could he use such a spell?
A group of pirates who should have disappeared from this world a long time ago have survived and come here to do evil, what is going on?

One question after another appeared in everyone's mind.

At this time, the Ouyang family members found it even more difficult to accept the scene in front of them.

Although they are stronger than these pirates alone, but if they are fighting in groups, it was not easy for them to fight just now.

Finally, with the help of Cain and Mutu, these pirates were completely killed, but now they are alive.

They believed that even if they killed the pirates one more time, as long as the red beard chanted the spell, the pirates would still be alive.

A group of pirates who can be resurrected continuously, is there any more...

(End of this chapter)

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