The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2572 I really thought Ji Yang was a werewolf

Chapter 2572 I really thought Ji Yang was a werewolf


Although Ji Yang didn't look back, the force of this kick was really not small.

The red beard was kicked away by Ji Yang, and he screamed in mid-air, spitting out a mouthful of blood was not counted.

Redbeard's body hit the cabin of the pirate ship, cracking the surface of the cabin, and his body flew directly into the cabin.

Dust was splashed from the cracked cabin, and it was unknown what happened to Redbeard.

But Ji Yang can be sure of one thing, that is, the red beard is not dead, because he can feel the breath of the red beard.

"It's not too bad, Mutu couldn't clean him up for a long time."

He kicked Redbeard himself, and he kicked Redbeard so badly that even the cabin was smashed.

This result made Ji Yang think of Mutu who was fighting the red beard just now.

Mutu and the red beard have been fighting for so long, but they have not been able to catch the red beard for a long time.

Ji Yang thought that the red beard was capable, but now it seems that he is really disappointed.

"You talk about me behind my back, do you think I can't hear you?"

"That guy is not as easy to deal with as you think... sneak attack on me, courting death... roar..."

Ji Yang muttered softly, Mutu's ears were very sensitive.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, his face changed slightly.

When he retorted to Ji Yang, a pirate took the opportunity to attack Mutu. A cold light flashed in Mutu's eyes, and he grabbed the pirate's head to pieces with one claw.

"Damn... ah..."

Just now, Ji Yang just remarked casually, without any other meaning.

Now that Mutu spoke, he wanted to say something else.

But before Ji Yang opened his mouth, he heard an angry roar from the cabin.

A roar sounded, and a figure rushed out of the broken cabin, and rushed towards Ji Yang extremely fast.

There were blood stains on the corners of the red beard's mouth, and the bloodshot eyes were densely covered in one eye. With the machete in his hand, he slashed towards Ji Yang's body.

Judging by his posture, he wanted to split Ji Yang in half.

But if he wanted to cut Ji Yang in half, he had to be able to cut Ji Yang.

The corner of Ji Yang's mouth curled into a sneer, his steps changed, and his body instinctively retreated.


As soon as Ji Yang retreated, Redbeard's scimitar fell into the air.

The scimitar struck the deck, and he created a crack in the deck, which spread five or six meters long.

The power of the red beard's knife is really not small, but with such strength, even if it hits Ji Yang, it may be useless, let alone not hit at all.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

"Don't hide if you have the ability, coward, you are a coward, you don't even dare to confront..."

The knife failed, and the red beard raised his head to look at Ji Yang who was only three to five meters away from him.

Lifting the scimitar, the body rushed towards Ji Yang again.

The scimitar slashed, the iron hook swung repeatedly, and there were bursts of tearing sounds in the air. He attacked very well, but he still couldn't get close to Ji Yang's body.

Every time, Ji Yang was able to avoid the red beard's attack, and kept a distance of three to five meters from Ji Yang.

The red beard was helpless and angry when he couldn't beat Ji Yang.

He yelled angrily, calling Ji Yang a coward, irritating Ji Yang verbally.

Being called a coward is indeed an infuriating thing.

But when Chi You was rescued last time, Master Tongtian gave him a serious warning because of Ji Yang's easy anger.

So now Ji Yang is not so easy to be stimulated.

Even if he felt a little uncomfortable, Ji Yang did not react blindly.


"In my eyes, you are just a weak chicken that can be killed at any time. I just want to see what you are capable of. If you only have this ability, then I really don't need to waste time with you! "

The red beard's attack really couldn't catch Ji Yang's eyes.

His attack looked fierce, but it was also full of loopholes.

Don't say that Ji Yang is better than Redbeard, even if they are evenly matched, it is very easy for Ji Yang to deal with him.

"Weak chicken? You actually called me a weak chicken?"

"You werewolf, today I will let you die without a place to bury you!"

Until now, Ji Yang hadn't really made a move.

Of course, that doesn't count Ji Yang kicking the red beard just now.

So until now, Redbeard thought that Ji Yang and Mutu were both werewolves.

Ji Yang resisted being called a coward by the red beard, but the red beard couldn't resist being called a coward by Ji Yang.

His eyes, which were already bloodshot, turned redder now.

While speaking, the red beard's scimitar cut towards his wrist, and blood gushed out immediately.

A confident smile appeared on the corner of Redbeard's mouth, and he swung his arm towards Ji Yang, and the blood on his wrist flew towards Ji Yang.

"Do you really think I'm a werewolf?"

"Such dirty blood cannot be splashed on me!"

Redbeard used his own blood to red Ji Yang, Ji Yang shook his head and smiled.

The blood of the red beard has not weak sacred power, and it caused some troubles for Mutu just now.

Now that the red beard attacked him in this way, it was obvious that he really equated himself with Mutu.

Don't say that this blood is useless to Ji Yang, even if it is, Ji Yang will not let the red beard touch him.

With a wave of his arm, a purple fire appeared in front of Ji Yang.

When the red beard's blood touched the purple fire, it was instantly evaporated by the purple fire.

"Damn... ah..."

His own blood was evaporated by the purple fire, and the red beard was still stubborn.

He didn't give up at this point, but cut his arm a few more times, and more blood was thrown towards Ji Yang.

But the result is still the same as before.

All the blood was evaporated by the purple fire.

"It's okay to abuse yourself, your brain is not enough."

"Your attack is useless to me. If you continue, you don't need me to take action at all. You will die from excessive blood loss."

Redbeard's self-healing ability is good, but he can't stand him doing this.

He cut himself with the scimitar faster than the wound healed.

Ji Yang could clearly feel that the aura of the red beard had become weaker, and his face had also turned a lot paler.

"It seems that you really have this ability. If this is the case, there is no need for me to waste time with you."

I thought that there would be some surprises on Red Beard's body.

Because a pirate has a strong sacred aura, which is really not normal.

Unfortunately, the red beard disappointed Ji Yang.

Ji Yang, who didn't want to waste any more time, withdrew Zihuo and rushed towards the red beard.

"Boom bang bang..."

"Ah ah ah..."

Ji Yang intends to make a move, but he will not be soft-hearted.

The body was close to the red beard, and he swung his fists continuously, like punching sandbags, hitting the red beard one after another.

Not to mention, Redbeard's body is quite tough.

But this kind of hardness is nothing to Ji Yang.

The red beard was beaten fiercely by Ji Yang, and he was powerless to fight back. He screamed again and again, and blood spit out from his mouth one after another.

"It's quite durable, I don't think you're dead yet!"

With one punch, the red beard was not killed.

Ji Yang frowned, and kicked out, sending the red beard flying 20 meters high.

But what Ji Yang didn't expect was that after the red beard flew up, his whole body was suspended in the air, and a circle of dazzling golden light surrounded his body...

(End of this chapter)

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