The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 258 Little Dragon Girl Shows Her Power

Chapter 258 Little Dragon Girl Shows Her Power (Part [-])

Outside the detached villa where Ji Yang lived, twenty or thirty people dressed in black with indifferent expressions had already approached the villa.

These men in black are none other than members of the Ye family, and the leader is Ariel.

"Brother Lie, this is the villa, a man and three women are all inside."

When the Ye family approached the villa where Ji Yang lived, a young man in overalls ran out not far away.

As soon as he ran out, he whispered to A Lie, and pointed to the villa where Ji Yang lived.

Looking at the young man's hand, Ariel's eyes turned cold, and a sneer appeared on his face.

"Heaven has a way, you don't go, hell has no door, you just break in."

"You'll be fine if you stay obediently in the compound of the Wanghai District, but you want to come out, and you even came to Wanghai Cuiyuan Villa. You are a sheep in the mouth of a tiger."

The sneer on A Lie's face became stronger and stronger. It turned out that the owner behind Wanghai Cuiyuan Villa is the Ye family.

As soon as Ji Yang came here today, someone had already notified Ariel.

Although the Wanghai Cuiyuan villa belongs to the Ye family, but because there are other people there during the day, it is not convenient to start.

So it wasn't until night that Allie brought people over.

"This guy brought three women with him here, so he really enjoys it."

"But that's good too. There are three women around, so he doesn't dare to run away."

"When this guy is caught, these three women will belong to my brothers, hehe."

A smirk appeared on Allie's face.

While talking, the members of the Ye family had already arrived in front of the villa.

Under Allie's arrangement, 30 people spread out around the villa.

Following Allie's order, these people climbed over the villa's wall from all directions and entered the villa.

After Ariel followed the crowd into the villa, the expression on his face changed immediately.

Because he saw a young man leisurely sitting by the pool, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, enjoying it.

The villa didn't occupy a large area. People from the Ye family climbed over the wall to enter, and the young man sitting by the pool had already seen them.

But the young man seemed to treat them as transparent people, he ignored them, and just took a sip of the red wine in his glass.

"Bah, this wine is really not very good."

The young man tasting wine was Ji Yang. After he felt someone approaching, he came here to wait for these people.

When he felt that everyone had come in, Ji Yang put down the wine glass, and he spat out the red wine he drank into his mouth.

"Are you from the Ye family?"

Ji Yang looked at the people around him and asked with a faint smile.

There have never been fewer people who want to trouble Ji Yang, but it seems that there are not many who can be so capable.

But the Ye family happened to have this ability, and the foundation of the Ye family was in Wanghai.

So when Ji Yang saw these people, he instinctively felt that these people were sent by the Ye family.

When A Lie and the others heard Ji Yang mentioning the Ye family, they all couldn't help showing arrogance on their faces, as if the Ye family had more people than others.

Seeing everyone like this, Ji Yang smiled disdainfully.

Seeing Ji Yang's smile, Ariel narrowed his eyes.

"What are you laughing at? Do you know that you will die today, so you are going to give yourself a last laugh before you die?"


As soon as Allie finished speaking, the people around burst into laughter.

Hearing the laughter of the people around him, Ji Yang shook his head.

"a bunch of idiots."

With this idiot's mouth, the smiles on the faces of A Lie and the others froze, and the eyes turned cold.

"Boy, you are courting death."

"Come on, whoever can catch him today will be rewarded by the Patriarch."

After A Lie's voice fell, the two No. 30 rushed towards Ji Yang.

Looking at the rushing crowd, Ji Yang fixed his eyes and was ready to make a move.

Just when he was about to make a move, Xiao Longnu spoke up.

"Don't move tonight, let me play?"

"I haven't fought with anyone for a long time, let them teach me."

Xiao Longnv asked for a shot, Ji Yang was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and agreed.

How powerful this little dragon girl is, to be honest, Ji Yang has never seen it before.

Ji Yang knew before that the little dragon girl's perception was stronger than his own, but he really didn't know what the fighting power was.

But thinking that Xiaolongnv's cultivation is much higher than her own, even though she has changed from a dragon to a little white snake, she shouldn't be bad.

With Ji Yang's consent, the little dragon girl crawled out from Ji Yang's sleeve.

The people rushing towards Ji Yang saw a little white snake crawling out of Ji Yang's sleeve, they were stunned for a moment.

But when they saw that Xiaolongnv was only a small snake of more than ten centimeters, they couldn't help showing a touch of contempt in their eyes.

"I'm sorry, boy, you are so funny, a big man, you can raise a miniature snake."

A middle-aged man in his 30s from the Ye family was the first to rush in front of Ji Yang.

When he saw the little dragon girl outside Ji Yang's sleeve, he said mockingly.

Sensing the other party's ridicule, Ji Yang didn't show anything special.

Instead, he was sneering in his heart, this guy is definitely looking for death by himself, how dare he say that about Xiao Longnu.

Xiao Longnv was upset when she became like this, but now that others are still mocking her, she felt angry.

The small body turned into a ray of white light and rushed towards the middle-aged man in front of him.

The middle-aged man didn't expect Xiao Longnu to be so fast, seeing Xiao Longnu rushing towards him, he instinctively stretched out his hand to grab it.

It's just that as soon as his hand touched Xiao Longnu, he felt a sharp pain in his mouth.


Xiao Longnv bit the middle-aged man's tiger's mouth, and a gust of cold air entered the middle-aged man's body along the wound.

The chill entered his body, and the middle-aged man felt his body stiffen.

He felt that the blood, bones, and muscles of his whole body seemed to be frozen.

"How is this going?"

The middle-aged man looked at Xiao Longnu with disbelief, and saw that the corners of Xiao Longnu's mouth were slightly upturned, revealing a smile that belonged to Xiao Longnu.

"Can a snake laugh? Is it laughing?"

When this smile appeared, the middle-aged man seemed very surprised.

It's just that when he was surprised, his thoughts froze, and a chill emanated from his body, and then his body was wrapped in a thin layer of ice.

Standing in front of the middle-aged man, Ji Yang was shocked to see such a change in the middle-aged man.

Xiao Longnu was stronger than he thought, and it was indeed terrifying.

It seems that even though the little dragon girl looks like a miniature snake, her strength still belongs to the dragon.

The rest of the Ye family, looking at the middle-aged man who looked like an ice sculpture, gave a pause as they rushed forward.

This was the first time they had seen such a weird scene in this life.

"What's going on here? What the hell happened to middle-aged people?"

Everyone was stunned. These people just saw the middle-aged man being bitten by a snake.

But if you were bitten by a snake, even if you were poisoned, it wouldn't be like this, would it?
Everyone really couldn't understand what was going on.

 Because of some things, the time was delayed, and this chapter was updated a little late, please don’t blame it

(End of this chapter)

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