The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2595 Beware of Lucifer

Chapter 2595 Beware of Lucifer
Ji Yang and Lucifer formed an alliance, what is it that they value?
It must be the entire abyss of purgatory, not Lucifer himself.

Although Lucifer is very powerful, he has many helpers comparable to Lucifer.

But the overall power of Abyss Purgatory is really alluring.

Especially against heaven, the abyss purgatory as the mortal enemy, that is the best helper.

But now, Lucifer said such words to himself, which made Ji Yang's heart sink.

This question is a bit difficult to answer.

He believed that when Lucifer said this, he must have known that he could understand the meaning of what he said, but he didn't say it clearly.

If he dared to say that, he must have been prepared. No matter how Ji Yang answered, he would definitely have a way to deal with it.

But how to deal with it and how Ji Yang makes a choice are two different things.

Because coping, there are good and bad points, there are pros and cons.

"Lucifer, what you said makes it difficult for me to answer now!"

After Ji Yang pondered for a while, he did not make any choices blindly, but expressed his true thoughts.

This answer is somewhat risky.

With Abyss Purgatory, Ji Yang can only contact Lucifer.

Whether he can continue to be an ally with Abyss Purgatory actually depends on Lucifer.

If Lucifer ignored his request in the future, the ally would no longer exist.

In other words, he directly vetoed it. If Lucifer went to Satan and said something unfavorable to him, he would not be able to cooperate in the future.

But he can directly say that he is cooperating with Lucifer, and has nothing to do with other people. As long as Ji Yang supports Lucifer's decision, Ji Yang can't say it all at once, because he doesn't have this idea now.

So, this answer is really difficult.

"Ji Yang, you are a cautious person, I am very satisfied with your answer!"

very satisfied?
Originally, after Ji Yang sent Lucifer his thoughts, he was afraid that Lucifer would say something else to him.

For example, win over yourself, dissatisfied with your own answer and so on.

Unexpectedly, Lucifer actually said a word of satisfaction, which surprised Ji Yang very much.

"I was originally the Archangel of Heaven, and I have a very high status in Heaven. It is no exaggeration to say that I was the most powerful Archangel under the Lord."

"After becoming a fallen angel, although I have a high status in the abyss and purgatory, except for Satan, the creatures of the abyss are not as good as me, and I dare not compete with the fallen angels."

"But the master of the abyss and purgatory is Satan after all. Because I was the archangel, Satan actually guarded me very well. Although he seemed very polite to me on the surface, he did not make things difficult for me."

"The relationship between me and Satan is not master and servant. It is more accurate to say that we use each other, but now he is getting more and more excessive, and he has almost reached the limit of my patience. There will be a battle between me and him sooner or later."

"After so many years in Abyss Purgatory, apart from fallen angels, I have also established a good relationship with other abyssal creatures. I also know that many abyssal creatures are also dissatisfied with Satan, but they dare not show it because of their strength."

When Ji Yang was in an accident, his WeChat beeped continuously, which was the reason why Lucifer sent him WeChat.

A lot of words were sent, and Ji Yang frowned.

A moment ago, Lucifer had spoken very cryptically.

But this time, he actually got out of his heart and told him everything.

What does he mean by this, is it to express his trust in himself, or is he going to tie himself to his boat and be like a grasshopper on a rope with him.

"Lucifer, if you tell me this, aren't you afraid that I will tell Satan?"

"After all, the current Lord of Abyss and Purgatory is still Satan, let him know that you have anti-him thoughts, what do you think he will do to you?"

Not knowing, Ji Yang still replied a few words to Lucifer.

How should he evaluate it?

Said it was a threat?Or is it a test?Is it a joke?

No matter how you evaluate it, it seems inappropriate.

As for what Lucifer thinks, only Lucifer knows.

"The relationship between me and Satan is clear to each other, but no one has pointed it out."

"Satan himself is very clear in his heart that the relationship between me and him will be broken one day, but he won't touch me easily."

"There are many races in Abyss Purgatory. Although the Fallen Angels are a late race, they are strong enough to compete with the Demon Race led by Satan himself. To defeat Heaven, the Fallen Angels are indispensable."

"If he touches me, it will hurt both sides, and it will ruin the big event, so even if you say so, he won't dare to touch me now."

"And I believe that you would not say that you are a cautious person, otherwise you could have lied to me just now, but you didn't, and someone else could have lied in order to build a good relationship with me, but you didn't, that's why I said Say you are satisfied with your answer."

"If you agree with me directly, I will think about whether I should continue to cooperate with you."

"Besides, you want to contact Satan, but you can't!"

The interest relationship is the best way to maintain the relationship between the two parties.

The same is true between Lucifer and Satan.

Satan wants to use the power of Lucifer and the fallen angels to defeat heaven. Lucifer wants to find a shelter with the fallen angels so that he can rebel against heaven with him.

As long as heaven is still there, whether it is Lucifer or Satan, even if they have grudges against each other, they will not directly destroy the relationship between the two parties.

So Lucifer is not afraid of what Ji Yang will say to Satan at all, because it doesn't matter whether Satan knows or not.

And his last sentence made Ji Yang shake his head and smile.

That's right, even if I want to say it, I can't contact Satan.

"Lucifer, you are very confident, are you so confident?"

"I, Lucifer, will not do things that I am not sure about. If you cooperate with me, I guarantee that you will benefit more than cooperating with Satan."

"Raphael has been brought here, and I won't tell you anything. What I tell you today is to confess to you and express my sincerity. You can think about it carefully."

"No matter how you decide, I will help you when dealing with heaven, because heaven is our common enemy."

Everything was told by Lucifer, Ji Yang actually felt a little uncomfortable.

How does he feel that he is being led by the nose and used.

But he didn't say it directly, he just replied to Lucifer with a bit of ridicule.

After Lucifer said that Raphael arrived, the chat between Ji Yang and Lucifer ended.

Looking at his mobile phone, Ji Yang also had some thoughts in his mind.

Ji Yang realized one thing, that is, he needs to be more on guard against Lucifer.

This Lucifer is not a stable master.

Regardless of the reason why he betrayed heaven back then, he betrayed after all.

Now, in the abyss of purgatory, he still has the desire to resist Satan.

Then if on that day, the interest relationship between himself and Lucifer is gone, will Lucifer also attack him?
So for Lucifer, I have to be on guard.

If he really dared to turn against him, Ji Yang couldn't catch him off guard, and he should even make a move in advance...

(End of this chapter)

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