The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2649 Willing to be killed by Ji Yang

Chapter 2649 Willing to be killed by Ji Yang

Ji Yang prevented Chi You from directly killing the six-eared macaque because he felt that the six-eared macaque had something to do with the leakage of the situation in the Three Realms of China to foreign gods.

When asked now, Ji Yang guessed correctly.

Looking at the six-eared macaque's expression of "I'm very frank, but not aware of my mistakes", Ji Yang's face was a little ugly.

What is this, this is a "traitor", a traitor.

This kind of person should be hacked into pieces, cut into pieces,

But I admit it, but I don't have any remorse for what I did wrong, which makes people very angry.

"I've already answered your question, should you let me go?"

"Don't you keep your word, do you do what you say, don't you want to keep your promise?"

The six-eared macaque asked Ji Yang to let him go, but Ji Yang didn't speak.

The six-eared macaque noticed that Ji Yang's expression was not right, and his heart skipped a beat.

Now I am no different from the fish on the chopping board, but Ji Yang is Dao Zu, he can chop him however he wants.

If Ji Yang doesn't keep his promise, the six-eared macaque can't do the same.

Hearing what the six-eared macaque said, killing intent flashed in the eyes of Chi You and the others.

It turned out that Ji Yang didn't kill the six-eared macaque because he wanted to ask about the leakage of intelligence from the Three Realms.

They don't care what the six-eared macaque thinks, if Ji Yang wants to kill the six-eared macaque now, they will do it right away.

However, the six-eared macaque was wrong, and Chi You and the others prepared earlier.

"Why are you in a hurry, I haven't finished my question yet?"

"Admitting this matter, you think I let you go. Is your life worth so little?"

After calming down the anger in his heart, Ji Yang looked at the six-eared macaque calmly.

The six-eared macaque is related to the leakage of China's situation. Although this information is quite big, it is not enough.

Looking at the appearance of the six-eared macaque, he is just a subordinate, and Ji Yang wants to know who the master behind him is from him.

Ji Yang believed that in the hands of the people behind the scenes, there must be more than one subordinate of the six-eared macaque, and the six-eared macaque can only be regarded as an executor.

Only by finding the real person behind the scenes can the crisis be completely resolved.

"Anything else to ask?"

Maybe it was because he thought that even if he followed what Ji Yang said and said everything Ji Yang wanted to know, if Ji Yang didn't let him go, there was nothing he could do.

So when he heard that Ji Yang still had something to ask, the six-eared macaque seemed much more cautious.

His tone was no longer as casual as before, and his expression became a little deeper.

He began to ponder in his heart whether he should continue to answer Ji Yang's question next.

It is not that the six-eared macaque does not know that it is not good to inform the gods of other countries about the information of the Three Realms.

But sometimes, people can't help themselves.

From being forced to adapting, it gradually became a habit and numbness. That's why he didn't feel any regret when he mentioned this matter just now.

I have answered such questions myself, what else does Ji Yang want to know?

"The situation in the Three Realms of China was leaked, your master told you to do it, right?"

"Tell me the person behind you, who is your master?"

Ji Yang knew what he wanted to ask, and he had to ask these questions.

No matter how the six-eared macaque's attitude changes, Ji Yang has to ask this question.

Ji Yang didn't procrastinate or talk nonsense, he looked at the six-eared macaque with a straight face, and asked the question he wanted to know the most.

"You want to know who the master behind me is?"

Ji Yang wants to know the identity of the person behind the six-eared macaque, and the six-eared macaque should know this.

But he didn't think about this question, or he didn't want to think about it, and he didn't dare to think about it, he was afraid that Ji Yang would ask this question.

Now when Ji Yang asked about this, the expression of the six-eared macaque changed drastically.

Thinking of the person behind him, his body trembled.

For the person behind, that is, his master, the six-eared macaque's fear comes from the bottom of his heart.

Tell Ji Yang the identity of his master, how miserable his result will be, he himself dare not think about it.

Looking at Ji Yang with an ugly face, the six-eared macaque roared loudly with all its strength.

"I can tell you that the gods who leaked the situation in China to other countries were indeed ordered by the master."

"But you want to know the identity of my master, I can't tell you, I can't tell you."

The six-eared macaque roared suddenly, and Ji Yang thought he was going to resist.

But judging from his appearance, it wasn't resistance, but some fear.

This fear did not originate from Ji Yang, but from deep within his heart.

"Six-eared macaque, tell me the identity of the person behind you, or I will kill you immediately?"

The six-eared macaque is very powerful, but it has to be at the mercy of others.

This shows that the strength of that person is even more terrifying.

Ji Yang can understand that the six-eared macaque is so afraid of the people behind it.

But even if he gave up on this, Ji Yang couldn't do it.

In the face of death, Ji Yang wants to see how the six-eared macaque will choose.

He doesn't believe it anymore, no matter how afraid he is of that person, what can that person do to him?

I can kill the six-eared macaque, the six-eared macaque is a smart person, he should know how to choose.

"Say, tell me who your bullshit master is, or I'll cut your neck right now."

Ji Yang was only threatening words, but Chi You beside him was very active.

As for the six-eared macaque, Chi You had already started to kill him.

Regardless of whether the six-eared macaque would answer Ji Yang's question, or whether Ji Yang would let the six-eared macaque go afterwards, Chi You had no intention of letting him go.

Anyway, what Ji Yang said just now is that after answering the question, Ji Yang himself will not kill the six-eared macaque.

He didn't say that other people can't do it, Ji Yang's words had already dug a hole.

Now as soon as Ji Yang opened his mouth to threaten, Chi You stepped forward, stretched out his already movable arm, pinched the six-eared macaque's neck, and lifted it from the ground.


"I can't say, if I say, even if you let me go, the master will not let me go."

"Anyway, it's death. Instead of being punished by the master and dying in fear that life is worse than death, I would rather be killed by you directly."

"Kill me, I will never tell you who is behind me."

Ji Yang asked the identity of the owner behind the six-eared macaque. This question has put the six-eared macaque in a mortal situation.

Either be killed by Ji Yang, or be killed by his master.

Based on the six-eared macaque's understanding of its master, his master will punish him severely before he dies.

That being the case, why didn't I choose a relatively comfortable way of death?

"If you want to die, then I will fulfill you."

The six-eared macaque has said it himself, and it will never tell who is behind it.

This made Chi You, who was pinching the six-eared macaque and planning to kill him a long time ago, no longer have any scruples. With a tight palm, he wanted to cut his neck directly.

"Chi You, don't kill him yet."

"It's too cheap to cut off his neck directly. Do you think I'll let you die so easily!"

But when the six-eared macaque's neck was about to be cut off by Chi You with the sound of bone cracking, Ji Yang suddenly stopped it.

The six-eared macaque is afraid of his master and will go through a horrible process before dying.

Could it be that with Ji Yang here, there is no way Ji Yang can make his life worse than death...

(End of this chapter)

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