The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 265 The Little Sheep Sitting More Comfortably Than the Qilin

Chapter 265 The Little Sheep Sitting More Comfortably Than the Qilin (Part [-])
Seeing the person in front of him, Huang Tianhua smiled.

This person is one of the four heavenly kings of the Lingxiao Palace, Jin Zha, the eldest son of the Tota Heavenly King Li Jing.

And the wooden stick with three iron rings in his hand is a magic weapon called the Dunlong Pillar, which was refined by Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun.

Jin Zha is the disciple of Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun.

"Jin Zha, why did you come to find me when you have time?"

"This is not my magic weapon. It's called Little Sheep. I bought a mortal mount from Xiaobai's WeChat shop."

little sheep?Mortal mount?

This thing doesn't look like a sheep at all, so how can it be called a little sheep?

Jin Zha felt a little strange, but when he heard the word Xiaobai, he felt relieved.

Jin Zha is Mu Zha's elder brother, and it is Xiaobai's credit that Mu Zha and Fairy Qiangwei are together.

How could Jin Zha not know about Xiao Bai.

But when he said why he came to Huang Tianhua, Jin Zha's tone was somewhat helpless.

It turned out that Jin Zha was kicked out of the house by Li Jing.

Jin Zha is the eldest son of the Li family, and now Mu Zha has girlfriends, but Jin Zha is still single.

Li Jing was unhappy, so he asked Jin Zha to find him a daughter-in-law and go home immediately to continue the incense for the Li family.

Li Jing told Jin Zha that if he could not find a wife, he would not be allowed to return to Li's house.

Hearing that Jin Zha was kicked out of Li's house by Li Jing because he didn't have a wife, Huang Tianhua was overjoyed.

Didn't Ji Yang ask himself to find a male fairy with a good background and mana to introduce to Fairy Hongxing?

Isn't this Jin Zha completely in line?

Needless to say, Jin Zha's Laozi Niu, master Niu, and brothers.

Although he himself was not conferred a god during the Battle of Conferred Gods back then, he was sanctified physically, which is no worse than Huang Tianhua, the righteous god of the Three Mountains, Bing Linggong.

"Jin Zha, do you have a favorite fairy?"

Huang Tianhua tried to ask, if Jin Zha already had someone he liked, he would not be able to match Jin Zha and Fairy Hongxing.

Jin Zha smiled awkwardly and shook his head.

He wouldn't come here if he had someone he liked.

Jin Zha came here to find Huang Tianhua, in order to find Fairy Shaoyao through Huang Tianhua, and let Fairy Shaoyao introduce the female fairy to him.

"Come on, let's go to Baihua Garden."

Huang Tianhua was excited, as long as Jin Zha could be with Fairy Hongxing, half of his troubles would be solved.

For the rest, as long as I coax Fairy Shaoyao well, everything will be fine.

As soon as Huang Tianhua and Jin Zha came to the gate of the Hundred Gardens, they encountered a female fairy walking out of the Hundred Gardens.

This female fairy was Fairy Hongxing, and when Fairy Hongxing saw Huang Tianhua and Jin Zha coming, she walked over with a smile.

"The Red Apricot Fairy has seen the eldest prince."

"Tianhua, are you here to look for me?"

Fairy Hongxing first saluted Jin Zha, and then looked at Huang Tianhua.

Huang Tianhua didn't speak, he just looked at Fairy Hongxing, and then at Jin Zha beside him.

Huang Tianhua discovered that Jin Zha was stunned after seeing Fairy Hongxing.

While stunned, Jin Zha's face turned reddish, and he felt a little embarrassed.

Seeing Jin Zha's appearance, Huang Tianhua remembered that when he first met Fairy Shaoyao, he was exactly like Jin Zha. "Jin Zha, wait for me, I have something to say to Fairy Hongxing."

"Fairy Hongxing, please move over here."

Huang Tianhua took Fairy Hongxing to a place far away from Jin Zha.

Being far away from Jinzha, Huang Tianhua told Fairy Hongxing his heart.

Although Jin Zha was a little far away from Huang Tianhua and Huang Tianhua, if he wanted to hear what the two were talking about, he could hear it.

But Jin Zha didn't have to do that, he just looked at Fairy Hongxing with a smile on his face.

Jin Zha used to only know how to practice with his master and father, and had never formally contacted a female fairy.

When he saw the Red Apricot Fairy today, his heart trembled, a seed of emotion had sprouted in his heart.

When Huang Tianhua talked with Fairy Hongxing, the expression on Fairy Hongxing's face flickered.

When Huang Tianhua's finger pointed at Jin Zha, Fairy Hongxing looked at Jin Zha with a pair of almond eyes.

When she saw Jin Zha looking at her, Fairy Hongxing blushed, and her heart thumped wildly.

"Mr. Bing Ling, Hong Xing took the liberty before, but today you made your words clear, and Hong Xing also understands."

This Red Apricot Fairy is very witty, at this moment, she even changes her address immediately.

Hearing Fairy Hongxing's words, Huang Tianhua was relieved.

Then the two of them didn't know what to say, and then they came to Jin Zha's side.

"Jin Zha, I'm going to find Fairy Shaoyao, and Fairy Hongxing will show you around the Hundred Gardens, so I'll go first."

When Huang Tianhua left, he blinked at Jin Zha, and Jin Zha nodded knowingly.

"Eldest Prince, this way please, Hong Xing will show you around the Hundred Gardens."

"Thank you Fairy Hongxing, you don't have to be so polite, just call me Jin Zha."

Jin Zha is more enlightened than his muna younger brother Mu Zha, look at the two of them.

It shouldn't take long for Jin Zha to return to the Li Mansion.

After being separated from Jin Zha and Fairy Hongxing, Huang Tianhua soon found Fairy Shaoyao in the Hundred Gardens.

Seeing Huang Tianhua approaching, although Fairy Shaoyao was happy in her heart, her face was still cold.

"Hmph, are you here looking for Fairy Hongxing? Fairy Hongxing is not here, so you can go."

Hearing Fairy Shaoyao's obviously jealous words, Huang Tianhua smiled faintly.

"Why am I looking for Fairy Hongxing? Fairy Hongxing is visiting Baiyuan Garden with Jin Zha."

Huang Tianhua said softly.

Then Huang Tianhua told Fairy Shaoyao what he had told Fairy Hongxing clearly.

After hearing that Huang Tianhua had made it clear to Fairy Hongxing, and that he had arranged Jin Zha and Fairy Hongxing to be together.

Fairy Shaoyao's face softened a lot, but she was obviously still a little unhappy.

"Shaoyao, let me show you something interesting."

Since Fairy Shaoyao's complexion has eased, that's a good thing, when Huang Tianhua spoke, he directly took out the little sheep.

Looking at the little sheep in front of her, Fairy Shaoyao looked at Huang Tianhua suspiciously.

"This is called Little Sheep, and it is a popular mount in the world."

"You sit in the back, and I will take you to experience the mount in the mortal world."

After all, it was the first time to sit on the little sheep, and Fairy Shaoyao felt somewhat uneasy, and she carefully sat on the back seat.

"It's done, let's go..."


As soon as Fairy Shaoyao sat down, Huang Tianhua turned on the gas pedal.

But Huang Tianhua twisted it a little too hard, and the little sheep rushed out with a whoosh.

Fairy Shaoyao who was sitting in the back seat didn't react for a moment, she let out an exclamation, and instinctively hugged Huang Tianhua tightly with both hands.

Being embraced by Fairy Shaoyao, Huang Tianhua secretly rejoiced.

The speed of the little sheep is really too slow for Huang Tianhua who rides a unicorn.

But Huang Tianhua and Fairy Shaoyao enjoyed the slow speed.

Fairy Shaoyao, who was sitting in the back seat, said softly with a pretty smile on her face.

"Little sheep sit more comfortably than unicorns."

The dignified Qilin was actually told by Fairy Shaoyao, I don't know how Qilin would feel.

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(End of this chapter)

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