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Chapter 2652 half said

Chapter 2652 half said

"I just said that this guy is untrustworthy, and he really started to play tricks."

"You dare to stay with this kind of guy, maybe one day he will stab you in the back."

"What are you asking, just kill it directly..."

The words of the six-eared macaque stopped abruptly when it was about to say the main point. The whole person looked very painful, and the seven holes began to bleed.

Seeing his appearance, Chi You's first thought was not how painful the six-eared macaque was at this moment, but that he was playing tricks and deliberately made himself into this appearance.

Because none of Ji Yang's people had touched him at this time.

He didn't even touch it, and suddenly he looked like this, obviously abnormal.

Chi You and the others looked at the six-eared macaque with cold eyes and contempt, they all thought the six-eared macaque was acting.

In fact, with their cultivation base, it is easy to tell whether the other party is acting or not.

It's just because of the instinctive resistance to the six-eared macaque in their hearts that they are more disgusted with the six-eared macaque, so they are directly deterministic.

"No, he's not pretending."

"Six-eared macaque, what's the matter with you? Could it be that you were injured too badly just now, but you just didn't have an attack for a while, and now you're having an attack?"

"Nuwa Stone..."

Compared with Chi You and others, Ji Yang is undoubtedly much more rational.

At this time, if everyone had acted impulsively, the six-eared macaque would have been killed long ago.

If it's really acting, the performance of the six-eared macaque is too real, and the seven holes are bleeding.

Ji Yang is more willing to believe that the injury in the six-eared macaque's body just started to explode at this time, so it is suddenly so painful.

After summoning Nuwa Stone, Ji Yang used the power of Nuwa Stone to heal the six-eared macaque.

Ji Yang didn't want the six-eared macaque to live, but the current six-eared macaque really couldn't die.

"Uh... ah ah..."

With the help of Nuwashi, the six-eared macaque seemed to feel better, at least he could make a sound from his mouth.

It's just that the sound he made was not an answer to the question, but a shrill scream.

There was a scream, and a big mouthful of thick blood overflowed from his mouth.

"Why, why is this happening, why..."

The six-eared macaque is indeed not acting, he is not a showman.

Even if you want to act, you won't make yourself so miserable.

The six-eared macaque didn't know why he did this suddenly, but he also guessed something. His sudden behavior must have something to do with the master behind him.

It must be his master, who used some spell on him.

Once he wants to betray the other party and reveal the other party's identity, this spell will activate by itself.

It's just that the six-eared macaque didn't know what kind of spell it was, let alone when the other party cast it on him, and the other party never revealed a word to him.

Muttering a few words in disbelief, the six-eared macaque looked towards the west with slightly sad eyes.

"Shen Nong Cauldron..."

The effect of Nuwa Stone is not enough, so use Shennong Ding together.

But with the addition of Shennong Ding, the situation of the six-eared macaque is still not optimistic, and the situation continues to deteriorate.

At this time, Ji Yang also understood that the pain of the six-eared macaque was not due to the injuries in his body.

If it's just an injury, the Nuwa Stone and the Shennong Ding can definitely control it.

But now, the six-eared macaques were slightly better at first, but now they are getting worse.

"Six-eared macaque, tell me, who is the master behind you, who is it?"

"Tell me, and I will avenge you."

To save the six-eared macaque, Ji Yang knew that he could not do it.

But he will not give up on this. He continues to treat the six-eared macaque with Nuwa stone and Shennong Ding, hoping to delay his death.

Ji Yang wants to get the answer he wants within a limited time.

Since the appearance of the six-eared macaque has something to do with his master behind him, then the six-eared macaque must hate his master very much.

But if Ji Yang said avenging him, he could draw closer to him.

Ji Yang believes that if the six-eared macaque is asked to tell the identity of that person at this time, the six-eared macaque will tell.

"Uh uh uh……"

"He... is... Lingshan..."

The six-eared macaque already looked like this, so what else could he not say.

How could the six-eared macaque not hate his master for using such a sinister spell on him.

The situation of the six-eared macaque was very bad. He tried hard to tell the other party's identity, but every one of them seemed so laborious.

After he finished saying the word Lingshan, the body of the six-eared macaque swelled up rapidly like an inflated ball, with its mouth open, it was completely speechless.

"The six-eared macaque said, who is it, who is it?"

Halfway through the conversation, there was a critical step. The six-eared macaque was about to say the name of the other party, but it suddenly couldn't make a sound.

Ji Yang yelled anxiously, as if he didn't see the swollen body of the six-eared macaque, and he didn't seem to feel the chaotic evil spirit in the opponent's body.

"Don't ask, just follow me, this guy's body is going to explode."

It's not that Ji Yang is ignorant of the danger, but he is unwilling to give up.

This is like a long march of [-] miles, only the last step is left.

To ask him to just give up like this, Ji Yang really can't do it.

Looking at Ji Yang, who was a little crazy because of anxiety, Jiang Chen and Hou Qing each grabbed his two arms and hid in the distance.

"Let go of me, let me go, the six-eared macaque said, said..."

Ji Yang wanted to break free from Hou Qing and the generals, but everyone was injured, and no one was much stronger than the other.

Ji Yang wanted to break free from the two of them, but he couldn't.

Watching the six-eared macaque wanting to make a sound but unable to do so, Ji Yang's face turned red with anger, and he felt like he was about to bleed.

Although there is not much breath left in the six-eared macaque's body.

But once his body explodes, his strength will still be terrifying.

"Immortal in the pot, what are you waiting for, quickly suck everyone into the world in the pot."

Under the dual effects of the Nuwa Stone and the Shennong Ding, although the injuries of the generals and others have recovered a lot, they are still far from the peak.

Once the six-eared macaque exploded, the general and the others might not be able to hold on.

To be on the safe side, Chi You shouted loudly.

As his words fell, the Demon Refining Pot flew out of Ji Yang's arms, quickly taking Ji Yang and others, including the unconscious Han Yi, Wei Suo and the golden eagle, into the world inside the Demon Refining Pot.

"Six-eared macaque, tell me, who is it..."

These were the last words Ji Yang yelled after being sucked into the world in the pot.

But he is destined not to get any answer from the six-eared macaque.

Because at the same time he sucked into the world in the pot, the six-eared macaque's body exploded.

There was no flesh and blood, no blood dripping, the six-eared macaque was blown to ashes, and its soul was scattered, leaving only a dilapidated ruin, as if the six-eared macaque had never appeared...

(End of this chapter)

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