The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2679 The Fierce Emperor

Chapter 2679 The Fierce Emperor

"His Majesty...the two gods are not the opponent of this Ji Yang, is he still human?"

Shuishen and Huoshen were suppressed and beaten by Ji Yang, and it was not just Shushen and Huoshen who felt uncomfortable.

Treating them as life-saving straws, and counting on the two of them to kill Ji Yang and others to solve their own predicament, the emperor and others all looked shocked and pale.

The queen looked at the emperor and asked softly with a trembling voice.

What Ji Yang was facing were two gods from Country R.

But the two gods, not only failed to kill Ji Yang as easily as imagined, but were restrained everywhere by Ji Yang's beating.

Even Huo Distraction, who used his real body and took Lie Ren's life, failed to kill Ji Yang.

Is Ji Yang like this really human?

When the Emperor heard what the Empress said, he just frowned and clenched his fists tightly. The crimson short knife he held in his hand rattled as he squeezed it, and the whitened joints were exposed, but he didn't speak.

Or people, this is a commendatory term, but also a derogatory term.

At this time, the queen's "are you still human" is naturally a compliment to Ji Yang.

But what the emperor should say, he himself didn't know, if Ji Yang was still a human being, then he was stronger than the two distractions of water and fire.

"Do I really want to do that? Do I really want to do that?"

Although the emperor did not answer the queen's words, after he glanced at Shuishen and Huo, who were getting more and more in a bad situation, he looked at them strangely.

Beside the emperor, there are all the empresses, crown princesses, princesses and princesses of the R country's royal family.

When the emperor looked at these female relatives, they saw some reluctance in the eyes of the emperor, but in addition to reluctance, there was more cruelty, cruelty and violence.

This kind of look made the empress and the princess feel scared, and they unconsciously distanced themselves from the emperor.

Although they still don't know what the emperor is going to do, they all feel that something bad will happen to them.

Watching the empress, the crown princess and others retreat, the emperor loosened his grip on the knife, and the fierceness in his eyes became a little weaker.

Although the emperor is ruthless, he is not without the slightest emotion. These people are all his relatives.



When the atmosphere of the emperor and the royal family members was a bit weird, Shuishen, who was attacked by two clones of Ji Yang, was stabbed fiercely in the back by one of the clones.

The black glow sword (from the avatar) was inserted from behind, protruding from his chest, directly piercing his body.

Blood gushed out like a fountain, and the water god let out a shrill scream.

If it weren't for his quick reaction, he dodged in time and avoided the fatal point.

Not only would this sword penetrate his body, it would directly pierce his heart.

Screaming and screaming, the two palms shot continuously, and water wave palm shadows slapped at the two Ji Yang clones, and the clones retreated, easily breaking these water wave palm shadows.

Apart from retreating, there was no injury at all. After breaking all the palm shadows, the two clones rushed up to Shuishen again.

"God of water, if you don't want to die here today, release all your strength quickly."

The situation on Shuishen's side is not optimistic, and Huo's distraction is not much better than him.

But Huo's distraction, after all, is in the real state, so it won't be as miserable as Huo's distraction.

But in Huo's distracted mind, he was still surprised by Ji Yang's strength.

He just released all his power, and he didn't hesitate to be punished by Amaterasu to show his real body later. He thought he could kill Ji Yang.

But after actually using his real body, he found that he was not much stronger than before, and he was still restrained everywhere.

It is absolutely impossible to defeat Ji Yang on his own, even with the current Shuishen.

It is possible unless the god of water also uses the power of the real body.

Seeing Shuishen's miserable condition at this moment, Huo Fenshen took Ji Yang's sword forcefully, his whole body was shaken into confusion, his throat became sweet, and when he was about to vomit blood again, he hurriedly reminded Shuishen.

Once the water god dies, he dies too. He doesn't want to die.

His reminder, Moshen listened to his ears and remembered it in his heart.

Of course, he is very clear about his own situation, and the situation in front of him is also very clear.

" forced me to..."

If you don't fight, you will die. If you fight back to Gao Tianyuan, although you will be punished by Amaterasu, you may not be able to live.

Must die and have a chance to live, of course he would choose the latter.

The air in the water god's body began to release crazily, with him as the center, water gushed out continuously, his body was also changing, the water god was obviously releasing his power, and was about to use the water god's real body.


The god of water wants to release his real body, and the price is Fengren's life.

This is the last male of the royal family of country R. Once he dies, the blood of the royal family of country R will really be cut off.

Knowing this, the emperor couldn't stop the water god except for screaming.

Shouting in pain almost in despair, he saw Fengren's body turned into a light blue body, three to four meters tall, with a water god avatar with a head like a turtle's head.

It's over, it's over.

The emperor's two sons and a grandson are all dead.

Country R's royal family, the lineage of the emperor, is completely extinct today.

"Damn, you all should die, all of you should die."

"I want all of you to be buried with my son, to be buried with him."

There was only a little bit of unbearability in the eyes of the emperor, but now it is completely gone.

His only remaining hope for the royal family of country R is gone, so why should he be merciful?

As for the collateral lineage of country R's royal family, in his eyes, they are no different from outsiders, only his descendants are the orthodox royal family.

What's more, after tonight is over, the collateral members of the royal family will only have to live on their last days.

Because the collateral members of the royal family who participated tonight are also here, and not many of them are dead.

"Father, no, don't...poof..."

"It is an honor for you to give your life for the royal family."


Although the emperor was old, when he actually did it, he moved cleanly and very fast.

Amidst the terrified cry of the Crown Princess, the Emperor came up to him and stabbed the dagger directly into her heart, killing her.

"Your Majesty, I don't want to die, no... ah..."

"Grandpa, grandpa...uh..."


The emperor's youngest granddaughter was only five years old, but the emperor still did not let her go.

From the queen to the little granddaughter, more than a dozen royal family members, all died at the hands of the emperor in less than a minute.

The emperor was so cruel that Ji Yang, who was fighting with the god of water and the god of water, frowned.

Ji Yang also discovered that after the emperor killed more than a dozen royal family members with the dagger in his hand, the blood of these female relatives was actually being absorbed by the dagger.

The short knife flashed its strange blood-colored light, and a rather cold and powerful aura was gathering around the emperor...

(End of this chapter)

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