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Chapter 2687 Ji Yang's Willfulness

Chapter 2687 Ji Yang's Willfulness

In terms of personal cultivation, Ji Yang is stronger than any blood ghost king.

But the cultivation base of the blood ghost king is not weak, and their bodies are a bit weird. In the case of one against two, the two blood ghost kings can't beat Ji Yang, but Ji Yang can't get rid of the two blood ghost kings in an instant. possible.

So after the three clashed again, sparks flew from the black sword, and the ghost claws of the two blood ghost kings also clanged.

A stream of energy spread and oscillated under their collision, the oscillating ground cracked, the air was like firecrackers, and the sound of air explosions was endless.

"This guy is really difficult to deal with. The thunder and fire aura on his body is getting stronger and stronger."

"Who are they? Many of the vampires we brought have died. If we can't kill them, Master Huang Quanjin won't let us go lightly after returning to Huangquan."

The blood ghost king has two enemies against one, but has not been able to gain the upper hand.

This made the expressions of the two vampire kings more and more serious, and the yin energy on their bodies became stronger and stronger.

It was a double-edged sword that was brought to the world by the emperor with a forbidden technique.

The emperor would do this, naturally he encountered a very big trouble, if he could solve this trouble, it would be a great credit, and by the way, he could wreak havoc in the mortal world.

But if this matter is messed up, and nearly a thousand vampires dissipate in the world, even if the vampire king is lucky enough to return to Huangquan alive, the punishment he will face will be very serious.

It is very possible that Huang Quanjin personally killed the two blood ghost kings in a fit of anger.

The way to be immortal is to get rid of the culprit, which can alleviate some crimes.

Clearly aware of this, the two vampire kings attacked more violently.

"Clang clang clang..."

The blood ghost king's attack became fiercer, but Ji Yang didn't panic at all, the immortal energy in his body increased, and there was no sense of tension and oppression when he swung the black sword in his hand.

"These two guys are really not weak."

"Be patient for a while, if it is really impossible to capture him alive, then I can only kill him."

Ji Yang and the Blood Ghost King are now evenly matched, but this is the case when Ji Yang hasn't fully shown all his abilities.

It was not easy to deal with two vampire kings joining forces to beat him, but it was not difficult either.

Ji Yang felt that the combination of the two of them was at the late stage of the second-rank immortality, and their cultivation was close to the peak.

Ji Yang would not believe that the two of them could compete with Gao Tianyuan's first-rank gods.

If it can really compete, then Gao Tianyuan's first-rank immortal god Ming Taicai is too rubbish.

This kind of cultivation, for Ji Yang, who is at the peak of the second-rank immortal job and can really compete with the first-rank immortal job, although it takes a little time, it doesn't take so long to solve them.

Keeping each other's equal strength is entirely because Ji Yang kept his hand.

If he wanted to take these two vampire kings into his hands by using Soldiers, he had to beat them half to death first, but he couldn't really beat them to death.

This made him a little timid to make a move, and he couldn't let go completely, which limited Ji Yang's strength.

The two blood ghost kings didn't know this, they only thought of Ji Yang and that's it.

Because even Ji Yang in his current state, neither of them is sure to win.

If Ji Yang still had reservations, what would happen to them? They knew in their hearts that they would not dare to fight Ji Yang any longer, at least they would not dare to fight Ji Yang with just two people.

It's a good idea to capture two blood ghost kings alive and use them as soldiers for your own use, but it's not okay to waste time without limit.

Ji Yang did not come to country R to take over his subordinates, wasting time without limit is not good for Ji Yang's side.

Even if there is an enchantment blocking the inside and outside of the palace, the outside is not clear about the situation inside the palace.

But what if tonight is over and tomorrow is daytime?
The entire royal family of country R is gone?All the partygoers didn't go home?This is obviously abnormal.

In country R, ​​there are also practitioners, even if they are not capable of breaking the barrier, they will still find something wrong with the palace.

When the time comes, is it necessary for Ji Yang to bring people to a real massacre in Country R?

Look at the sky, it's not as dark as before.

Dawn is getting closer and closer.

There is not much time left for himself. If Ji Yang cannot successfully take over the two blood ghost kings within the allowed time frame, then he will kill the two blood ghost kings as quickly as possible.

At this time, Ji Yang was a bit willful. He was facing two blood ghost kings, but there were more than a dozen blood ghost kings and nearly a thousand blood ghosts around him.

It's worth it for his waywardness and his long-term vision.

The two vampire kings in the mid-stage of the second-rank immortality will be of great help to him in many things to do next.

After all, what Ji Yang will face in the future are not ordinary practitioners, they are gods from various countries.

It is naturally because of his reliable partners that Ji Yang can be so willful.

If he was alone without the companions he brought, let alone wanting to capture two vampire kings alive, it would be good for him to save his own life.

Ji Yang kept his strength capriciously, and fought happily with the two blood ghost kings. He tried to find a chance to completely suppress the two without letting their souls fly away.

Those partners who allowed him to be so self-willed didn't have the slightest scruples, and they didn't show mercy one by one.

Zhao Kuo took some Yin soldiers and hundreds of ghosts to fight to the death with nearly a thousand vampires.

This is a real fight to the death, anyway, either your soul will fly away, or my soul will fly away.

But Zhao Kuo still remembered Ji Yang's words, that is to keep some alive.

Anyway, there are a lot of vampires, so let's talk about it later, let's talk about it after doing it first.

The battle of ghosts is very direct, they are head-to-head, you grab me, I bite you, you kick me, I kick you...

Vampires are strong, and the Chinese evil spirits brought by Zhao Kuo are no worse than them.

The strength of the two sides is relatively average, and it is impossible to tell the winner for a while.

Compared with the battle between Huaxia ghosts and country R blood ghosts, Chi You, Peng Demon King and others who fought against the blood ghost king were much more intense and exciting.

Ji Yang's partners are all very strong, but their number is smaller than that of the Vampire King.

General Chen, Yellow Wind Monster, and Han Yeye Houqing, the four who have reached the rank of first-rank immortals, are going to deal with the four gods of thunder in Huangquan.

The rest of them fought against the blood ghost king one-on-one. Even the little dragon girl and the golden eagle who were less cultivated could completely suppress a blood ghost king whose cultivation was higher than theirs.

But once they were besieged by two or three blood ghost kings, not to mention the little dragon girl and the golden eagle, even the Peng demon king, Jiao demon king, and macaque king would not be easy to fight.

But this is not easy, but it will not make Peng Mowang and others irritated, but they all screamed excitedly.

They like this kind of stimulating and exciting battle, the kind that is easily crushed, but makes them uninterested...

(End of this chapter)

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