The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 270 We are also planning to go to Linhai

Chapter 270 We are also planning to go to Linhai (three more)
Many people dream of joining the Xuan Group, and now the Xuan Group is offering an olive branch to Ji Yang.

But Ji Yang refused so resolutely.

Even Liu Shuyan wanted to tell him more about the benefits of joining, but he was unwilling to listen.

How much he is unwilling to join the mysterious group is why he has such an attitude.

Ji Yang didn't want to join the mysterious group, and he spoke in this tone again, Liu Shuyan frowned.

While feeling a little unhappy in my heart, I also feel pity.

The strength Ji Yang showed just now really moved his heart. The young master Liu Shuyan has seen many of them.

He has seen many people who are stronger than Ji Yang, but Ji Yang is the first one who made him have such a strong idea to let the other party join the mysterious group.

"Are you really going to stop thinking about it? After joining the mysterious group, it will be much more convenient for you to do things in the future."

"The Xuan group is actually very free, and there are not so many rules."

Liu Shuyan still didn't give up, even though he was a little dissatisfied with Ji Yang's attitude, he still hoped that Ji Yang could join the mysterious group.

Ji Yang smiled coldly, it would be strange if he believed him.

No matter how special this mysterious group is in Huaxia, even if there are fewer restrictions on the mysterious group, there must be restrictions.

Once I join the mysterious group, although I can get a lot of benefits, it is definitely not as free as I am now.

So Ji Yang still shook his head.

"No matter how many benefits there are, I still say that, I won't join."

Ji Yang's tone gave Liu Shuyan an undeniable taste.

After repeated refusals, Liu Shuyan could only sigh. He knew that Ji Yang would not be able to join the Xuan Group no matter what.

Looking up at Ji Yang for the last time, he said with a somewhat expectant voice.

"I still hope you can think about it carefully, no matter when you want to join the mysterious group, I will welcome it."

Ji Yang narrowed his eyes, this time he didn't say anything.

He had already rejected the other party twice, and he refused directly without opening his mouth again, which was considered to save face for the other party.

Ji Yang didn't directly refuse this time, and Liu Shuyan smiled kindly.

"Old Mu, I'm sorry to bother you today, we still have something to do, so we'll leave first."

One of Liu Shuyan's visits to Mu's house today was to visit Mu Qing, and the other was to meet Ji Yang in person.

Now that both goals have been achieved, he is ready to leave.

Mu Qing went to send Liu Shuyan and the others off in person, while Ji Yang and the others went back directly.

"Ji Yang, come with me."

After Mu Qing sent Liu Shuyan away, he brought Ji Yang to the study as soon as he came back.

As soon as he entered the study, Mu Qing sighed first, and looked at Ji Yang with a serious expression.

"Ji Yang, you were too impulsive just now."

"Based on your ability, there is no harm in joining the mysterious group. Why do you refuse?"

There was some reproach in Mu Qing's words, it seemed that he very much hoped that Ji Yang could join the mysterious group.

After all, Mu Qing knew much more about Xuanzu than Ji Yang.

He feels that people like Ji Yang are very suitable to join the Xuan Group, and he feels that as long as Ji Yang joins the Xuan Group, he can climb to a very high position in the Xuan Group.

But Ji Yang just refused. When he said goodbye to Liu Shuyan, the other party kept saying it was a pity.

"Old Mu, I also know the principle of good cultivation among the six doors."

"But joining the mysterious group is like putting a magic spell on your head. Once you put it on, it's very difficult to take it off."

"Although I didn't join the mysterious group, you can give them a message for me. If there is a need, if I can help, I will help."

Ji Yang had already said so much, so Mu Qing had nothing else to say.

"You young people, forget it, you still think I'm annoying if you talk too much."

"Let's play two games."

Mu Qing took out Go, Ji Yang smiled lightly, and the two of them stopped talking about the Xuan group.

After staying in Wanghai for another two days, it was time for Ji Yang to leave.

"Are you leaving tomorrow?"

Mu Hong leaned against Ji Yang's arms, a little reluctant to ask.

Although Mu Hong applied for a transfer, but the approval from above has not yet come down, she still cannot leave Wanghai.

The two had only been together for a few days, now that Ji Yang was leaving, she really couldn't bear it.

Ji Yang also knew that Mu Hong was reluctant to leave by herself, but Li Zixuan wanted to go back to work.

Li Xinghai also talked to him on the phone yesterday, saying that the health wine factory has been built, and the first batch of ginseng health wine has also been produced, so let him go back and have a look.

Although Mu Hong was reluctant, she was not an ignorant little girl, and she did not pester Ji Yang to stay.

Huang Xiaoxin and Li Zixuan also knew that they would leave tomorrow, so they left Ji Yang to Mu Hong tonight.

Holding the beautiful woman in his arms, looking at Mu Hong with a bit of reluctance, Ji Yang's mouth was directly printed on Mu Hongxiang's soft lips.

As soon as Ji Yang kissed her, Mu Hong closed her eyes, and at the same time a blush appeared on her face, she responded enthusiastically to Ji Yang.

This night, Mu Hong was like a ball of fire, igniting Ji Yang, burning Ji Yang.

The lingering night didn't come to an end until dawn.

When the two walked out of the room, the others were already having breakfast.

Just looking at the way everyone looks, why don't they seem to be very energetic?

When everyone saw Mu Hong and Ji Yang coming, their eyes were a little weird.

"Did you not sleep well last night?"

Ji Yang picked up a deep-fried dough stick on the table and took a bite, then asked softly as he looked at the people who were a little out of spirits.

Hearing Ji Yang's question, everyone's expressions changed slightly.

Li Zixuan who was sitting beside Ji Yang rolled her eyes and said with a snort.

"Hmph, some people were so loud last night, it's no wonder we can sleep well."

Hearing this, Ji Yang and Mu Hong froze, with embarrassment on their expressions.

It turned out that it was because of me, but the two of them didn't feel that they were too loud.

After breakfast in an awkward atmosphere, Ji Yang prepared to leave with Li Zixuan and Huang Xiaoxin.

But just as they were about to leave, a car drove into Mu's house.

When they saw the people getting off the car, everyone had doubts on their faces.

The people who came to Mu's house were actually Liu Shuyan, Lu Zhanxing and Lu Xue.

Everyone is wondering, what are the three of them here for?
Do you want to fight with Ji Yang?Or do you want to recruit Ji Yang again?
"Ji Yang, are you planning to leave Wanghai?"

When Liu Shuyan got out of the car, he saw Ji Yang, Li Zixuan and others holding luggage in their hands, and asked with a smile on his face.

"Yes, I've been away from Linhai for a while, and I plan to go back today."

Ji Yang said calmly.

He wasn't afraid that Liu Shuyan was here to find trouble. Anyway, the soldiers came to cover up the water and soil, so what they wanted, he could just take care of it.

But today Liu Shuyan really didn't come here to find trouble, and when he heard that Ji Yang was going back to Linhai, the smile on his face grew stronger.

"That's great, we're here to say goodbye to you today."

"We also plan to go to Linhai, and we just happened to go together."

 Asking for monthly tickets, recommendations, rewards, Xie is still at work this Saturday, so miserable...

(End of this chapter)

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