The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2710 Give me another 5 minutes

Chapter 2710 Give me another 5 minutes
"Nine Heavens Flame Dance!"

The Yu Tamarin King cooperated with the Lion Camel King. When the Lion Camel King's attack was broken by the Macaque King, the Yu Tamarin King started to attack.

With the strength and cooperation of the two of them, under normal circumstances, King Yu Tamarin would succeed in this blow.

There is no need to say more about the result after success.

With the strength of King Yu Tamarin, if he was hit by this shot, he would be seriously injured if he didn't die. 80.00% of them have no combat effectiveness and can only wait to die.

Keyu Tamarin King and Lion Camel King cooperate to attack, why can't the three Jiao Demon Kings cooperate.

Although it is still not possible to completely let go of hands and feet, completely release all the power to kill the Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King.

But the necessary attack is absolutely indispensable.

Peng Demon King has been staring at King Yu Tamarin. Seeing the Macaque King backing away, King Yu Tamarin made a move immediately, and he also made a move instantly.

The golden halberd waved, and the flames rushed and burned.

The flames that fell from the sky came from the Demon King Peng.


The flame hit the white python's spear shadow, and the white python was like a living thing. After twisting its body in pain a few times, it disappeared together with the flame, as if neither the flame nor the white python had ever appeared.

"Water that covers the sea!"

Both the Peng Demon King and the Macaque King made their moves, and the Jiao Demon King naturally wouldn't watch.

Flood Demon King himself has had enough of being passive.

This time, he chose to take the initiative.

Although this is not the sea, it cannot take full advantage of the dragon demon king's sea, and its attack power will also be affected.

But the power of water contained in his body is still enough for him to attack.

The soul splitting gun swept across, huge waves rushed out, and the sea water surged, hitting the lion camel king and Yu tamarin king.


Two cries of pain sounded, and the Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King waved their weapons to block the rushing sea water, but they were still pushed back again and again by the sea water.

Flood Demon King's attack didn't hurt the two of them, it just forced them back.

Although the Jiao Demon King said just now, as long as they don't kill the two of them, it doesn't matter if they hurt each other a bit.

But if it can not be hurt, it is better not to be hurt.

What really needs to be won now is time, to buy time for Ji Yang.

I hope Ji Yang can find Gao Shanji and Shinoda City during this time, and then kill them.

As long as the two of them die, many problems can be solved.

"Second brother, your attack this time is a bit weak, and it didn't bring any harm to the fourth and sixth."

"Yeah, second brother, you should at least hurt them to make them weaker, so that it will be easier for us to fight in the future."

Flood Demon King's attack was intentionally held back, because he didn't want to hurt his brother.

But for his attack this time, the Peng Demon King and the Macaque King were not very satisfied.

They felt that according to what the Flood Demon King said before, it is okay to hurt but not to kill, and it is completely possible to increase the power of this attack.

Because not every attack may achieve its goal.

If it weren't for the Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King attacking one after another, and the Roc Demon King and Macaque King attacking to resist, 90.00% of Jiao Demon King's attack this time would have no effect.

And this time, the hit has already given warnings to Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King.

It will not be so easy to try to make it work next time.

"It's my fault this time, I was too soft-hearted."

After being told by the Peng Demon King and the Macaque King, the Jiao Demon King also felt a little regretful.

This time he realized that he wasted a good opportunity.

If the Lion Camel King and the Yu Tamarin King were injured a little, their combat effectiveness would drop, and it would be much easier to block their attacks.

It's just that the opportunity has been missed, and regret at this time can only be self-examination, but it is of no practical use.

"Damn it, you all should die."

"Kill...I want to kill you, I must kill you."

Has always been in the upper hand, the Lion Camel King and the Yu Tamarin King are still nothing.

Now that the Flood Demon King came for such a sudden, although he was not injured, the anger in his heart was ignited.

Some mechanical voices sounded from the mouths of the two, and the lion camel king and the tamarin king were really angry this time.

Hearing what the two said, the three Flood Demon Kings all frowned.

They knew that the lion camel king and the tamarin king would attack more fiercely, but this was not the point.

More importantly, it is really uncomfortable to hear the words of killing oneself from the mouth of one's sworn brother.

"Second brother, fourth brother and sixth brother seem to be really angry. They are going to be serious this time."

"Looking at their current appearance, it seems that they are about to display their real bodies. What should we do?"

Depressed, really depressing.

Ever since the day they became monsters, the Peng Demon King and the other three had never felt so depressed.

Obviously able to fight, but can't really fight.

It's really uncomfortable to be restrained everywhere and have to endure it.

Through their understanding of Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King, and looking at their current appearance, they knew that Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King were planning to become real combat power.

Humanoid state and real body state are two different things.

The revealing of the truth is the true manifestation of the fighting power of monsters.

At this time, if you still want to do everything you can, Demon King Peng will be very dissatisfied with the situation of the three of you.

"Ji Yang, haven't you found those two bastards yet?"

The Flood Demon King was also anxious.

The Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King became their real bodies, and if the three Jiao Demon Kings remained unchanged, they would suffer a great loss.

But if he becomes his real body and fights in his true form, the damage will be very great.

It is inevitable to hurt muscles and bones, and this is not what he wants to see.

The Jiao Demon King's hand holding the Soul-Splitting Spear was trembling, he was at a loss for a while, and shouted loudly.

"Come on, come on."

"I can already feel their breath, and I will find them soon."

"Hold on a little longer, hold on a little longer."

Ji Yang and his avatar have been working hard to find Gao Shansi and Shinoda City.

But these two guys are really hiding very deep, and they haven't been able to really find it now.

But hard work will pay off. After searching for so long, Ji Yang has not found nothing.

He had vaguely felt the aura of Gao Shanji and Shinoda City, but it was not obvious enough, he still needs some time to find each other completely.

"Persist, if you keep going, some of our brothers may die."

When the macaque king heard Ji Yang's words, he couldn't help crying.

He was already impatient, and it was not easy to endure until now.

"5 minutes, give me another 5 minutes, I will definitely find those two guys."

Ji Yang didn't pay attention to the strength of Takayama Division and Shinoda City.

It was too easy to kill them.

It's just that the process of finding them is a bit more difficult, but judging from the breath at this time, Ji Yang will definitely be able to find them in 5 minutes at most.


"Damn it, third, fifth, become real, hurry up!"

5 minutes, this time is not short.

In battles between masters, the outcome is often resolved in an instant.

But Ji Yang had already tried his best, what else could the three of Jiao Demon King say.

At this time, the Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King have become their true colors.

Unable to hesitate any longer, the Flood Demon King made a decisive decision, that is the truth of the truth...

(End of this chapter)

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