The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2719 Clearly a small army

Chapter 2719 Clearly a small army


Although there are no military and police patrols around Jingguo Shrine, Jingguo Shrine itself has its own security personnel.

Arranging personnel and priests are two different things. The biggest difference is that priests are practitioners, while security personnel are just ordinary people who are responsible for daily security, that is, security.

Ji Yang and the others walked towards the Jingguo Shrine, and the two drowsy guards in front of the Jingguo Shrine frowned and shouted loudly.

Jinguo Shrine does not accept tourists to visit at night. Except for the people of Jingguo Shrine, outsiders are not allowed to enter unless there is a special invitation.

This rule is known to the people of R country, and foreign personnel will also know it if they follow the travel agency.

Now in the middle of the night, I suddenly saw a few people coming to the Jingguo Shrine, and the recent unrest in country R made the two guards immediately vigilant.

The two were vigilant in their hearts, and their voices were quite loud, with a feeling of arrogance.

They are from Jinguo Shrine, and they feel very proud of themselves. If they don't even understand the rules of Jinguo Shrine, they must not be from R country.

Jingguo Shrine, a place where even the souls of war criminals are worshipped, is completely indifferent to people outside R country.

Whether it is the priests or the security personnel here, they all think that the people of country R are the most noble, and people from other countries cannot compare with them.

Ji Yang and the others had seen the guards at the door a long time ago, and when they heard them questioning themselves, they ignored them and just continued walking forward.

Seeing that the other party didn't answer or stop, the two guards' expressions darkened, and they even took out their guns from their pockets.

The Jingguo Shrine is revered by country R, ​​and it is used to commemorate the warriors in their hearts.

But for people from other countries, this place is full of hatred, and everyone knows it well.

In fact, there have always been quite a few people who come to Jinguo Shrine to make trouble.

Arsons, marches, and demonstrations happen from time to time, but some are reported and some are not. As for the results of the troublemakers, even fewer people know about them.

There are priests sitting in the Jingguo Shrine, but they can't show up for everything. After all, they are practitioners. If it wasn't for the practitioners who came here to make trouble, they would not take action.

Most of the time, the people who come here to make trouble are ordinary people, and the ones who deal with the problem are naturally the security personnel, so they all have guns in their hands, which is also a kind of safety guarantee for the security personnel.

If there were no guns, these security personnel would probably be killed by those troublemakers.

"Jingguo Shrine does not accept visitors at night. You leave immediately and move closer. We will judge you as terrorists who came here to cause sabotage. We will shoot you."

One of the guards yelled as he drew his gun.

This guy can't be funny, right? When he arrives at the Jinguo Shrine at night, he will become a terrorist directly, and even if he wants to shoot, they are still really awesome.

In fact, in normal times, the security personnel of the Jingguo Shrine would not talk like this, mainly because what happened in the past two days is completely like a terrorist.

A place as sensitive as the Jinguo Shrine is likely to follow in the footsteps of the Imperial Palace of Country R and the Yamaguchi-gumi headquarters building.

Therefore, the higher-ups have already issued an order. Once a suspicious person is found, Jingguo Shrine can take necessary measures.

Listening to the other party's words, Ji Yang and the others showed a mocking smile on their faces.

It's nonsense for the guard to directly label someone as a terrorist.

But what they said was correct. Although Ji Yang and the others were not terrorists, they were more terrifying existences than terrorists to the R country officials.

"Thirteen, Caixuan!"

At this time, Ji Yang and the others were less than ten meters away from the Jingguo Shrine.

The feeling of being pointed at with a gun is not a kind of enjoyment. Although Ji Yang and the others are not afraid of pistols, they don't like being pointed at like this.

Ji Yang narrowed his eyes, and called Peng Caixuan and Liu Shisan in a cold voice.

Liu Shisan and Peng Caixuan understood, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the two guards, and then stared at the shocked eyes of the two guards, the bodies of the two arrived in front of the guards like a gust of wind.

"Don't you want to know who we are? You guessed it right, we are the terrorists you call!"

Liu Shisan and Peng Caixuan arrived in front of the two guards in an instant. The two guards didn't even have a chance to react. They were holding the guns, but Liu Shisan and Peng Caixuan grabbed them.

At the same time, the two moved in unison, and at the same time grabbed the guard's neck with their hands.

When Liu Shisan sneered and spoke to the guard in front of him, he exerted a slight force on his hand and directly broke the other's neck.

At the same time, Peng Caixuan broke the neck of the guard in front of him.

"Ta Tata..."

"Someone broke into the Jinguo Shrine at night, hurry, hurry, hurry"

"They have killed the doorman, it must be terrorists"

"Baga, if you dare to come to Jingguo Shrine to make trouble, you will die..."

Peng Caixuan and Liu Shisan had just killed the man when they heard a burst of chaotic footsteps coming from inside the Jingguo Shrine.

At the same time, there were bursts of shouting.

The two were a little confused, but they were not afraid that the other party would find out that people like themselves had come to the Jingguo Shrine to make trouble. Anyway, they couldn't hear it now, and they would definitely know it later.

It's just that when I killed the man just now, I didn't make a sound?

When they saw the camera at the door, they realized what was going on. The Ganqing Jinguo Shrine was also monitored.

"Don't be dazed, they are here."

Peng Caixuan and Liu Shisan were still standing there, Ji Yang, Yanjiao and Xiao Longnv also came beside them.

The gate of Jingguo Shrine that Ji Yang and others mentioned is not the kind of closed gate.

This is actually just a road leading to the interior of the Jinguo Shrine. In the middle of the road stand two thick pillars several meters high with beams on them, and there is a sign of Jinguo Shrine next to the pillars.

This is actually the courtyard of the Jinguo Shrine, and it is a place for worshipers to park their cars.

The two guards just now were standing under a pillar.

At this time, Ji Yang and the others were standing in front of the gate of the Jingguo Shrine, looking towards the other end of the road, they could see a group of people coming here.

How many people are in this group?
Initially, there are dozens of them, some with pistols, some with rifles, and some with sniper and 40 fire in their hands.

Seeing what these people were holding in their hands, Ji Yang was slightly taken aback.

Ordinary security personnel are generally nothing more than electric batons. To have two pistols requires official approval. They are clearly a small army.

Country R's confidence in Jingguo Shrine is not blind, but has a deep foundation.

No wonder there are no military and police patrols here at Jingguo Shrine. The firepower of these people, even if some countries send special departments, it will not be easy.

"Stand back and let me deal with them."

If it's just an ordinary pistol and rifle, sniper and 40 fire are more powerful. Even if you reach the level of a heavenly warrior, you can't guarantee that you won't be injured at all.

Ji Yang didn't want Peng Caixuan and others to be injured, so he let out a soft drink, and the black sword appeared in his hand, and he rushed up alone...

(End of this chapter)

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