The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 272 Pricing Ginseng Health Wine

Chapter 272 Pricing Ginseng Health Wine (Part [-])
The Golden Triangle and the Ye family teamed up to deal with him.

This is a bit of a big game. Is it so difficult to deal with him? He even wants to join forces.

But Liu Shuyan said these words, whether it is true or not, Ji Yang still can't fully believe it.

Who knows if Liu Shuyan is cheating himself, in order to make himself act with them, deliberately making things so serious.

"Have the people from the Golden Triangle come to Linhai?"

Although this matter cannot be determined, Ji Yang has to guard against it.

After all, both the Golden Triangle and the Ye family have enmity with themselves.

"The people from the Golden Triangle haven't arrived yet, and the exact time is still under investigation."

When Liu Shuyan heard Ji Yang's question, he spoke directly.

"If you have a specific time to inform me, it's best not to lie to me."

"I know you are strong, but if you lie to me, I promise you will regret it."

When Ji Yang spoke, his eyes were fixed on Liu Shuyan.

This Liu Shuyan's aura gave Ji Yang a sense of crisis, but it didn't mean that Ji Yang was really afraid of him.

Although the opponent is strong, Ji Yang is not a vegetarian.

Liu Shuyan really didn't lie to Ji Yang, what he said was true.

When Ji Yang questioned his words, he didn't say anything, anyway, the facts will prove his words.

"Besides the room for me and my wife, there are several vacant rooms in the villa. You can choose for yourself."

After Ji Yang said these words, he went back to the room.

The three of Liu Shuyan also went to rest after finding their own rooms.

After Ji Yang returned to his room, he first took a look at his WeChat store.

In Wanghai these days, he has no time to take care of his WeChat store.

Looking at his own merits, it has reached more than 50 at this time, although the number is not small, but Ji Yang sighed.

"Before upgrading the intermediate WeChat store, I had 40 merits in my hand."

"It took 20 merits to upgrade the mid-level WeChat store. After calculating this period of time, I only earned 10,000+ merits."

Look at your commodity shelves, there are still some merits in these commodities, and these add up to 10,000+ merits.

Perfume is still the fastest-selling category at present, but the sales rate has declined compared to the beginning.

Although he has not earned much merit recently, Ji Yang feels that the speed is still not fast enough.

Immortal status promotion requires merit. If you want to be promoted to seventh-rank immortal status, you need 200 million merits.

I still lack more than 100 million merits, which is not a small amount.

The sales of goods in the WeChat store are no longer as good as they were at the beginning, and the growth rate of merit has dropped significantly.

At this rate, it would still take a long time to be promoted to rank seven immortal.

But selling things is not something that you want to sell as fast as you want.

The speed of sales depends entirely on the purchasing power of the Heavenly Court and the Underworld.

The more he thought about it, the more troubles he had, so Ji Yang stopped thinking about it.

After replenishing the merchandise, he turned off his phone.

After returning to the room, Ji Yang never left the room until the next morning.

When Ji Yang left the room, he first looked at the room where the three of Liu Shuyan lived.

Ji Yang discovered that the three of Liu Shuyan had left early in the morning, and he didn't know what to do.

However, although I provided them with accommodation, I did not have the right to restrict the freedom of the other party.

What the other party does has nothing to do with Ji Yang.

Ji Yang didn't have time to worry about what they were doing, he still had his own things to do.

Before returning to Linhai, Li Xinghai had already told himself about the Sanzhi health wine, and he planned to go and have a look today.

I drove all the way to the land I bought before. The originally empty land had already been built with a factory building.

This factory building is specially built for the production of Shenzhi health wine.

When Ji Yang came here, he had already called Li Xinghai, who was waiting for Ji Yang in the office.

"You only know how to pick up girls, you don't even ask about the factory, do you?"

As soon as Ji Yang came to the office, Li Xinghai spoke.

Ji Yang didn't take Li Xinghai's words seriously at all.

If you say you pick up girls, it's not your daughter who you pick up.

"I'm not good at management. With you here, I don't have to worry about it."

"Didn't you say that Shenzhi health wine has been produced, bring it to me to have a look."

Li Xinghai had already prepared Shenzhi Health Wine, and Ji Yang wanted to see it, so he just brought a bottle to him.

The Shenzhi Health Wine comes in a half-jin bottle, and the color of the wine is pale gold.

When the bottle cap was opened, a smell of wine with a medicinal aroma came out.

Ji Yang took a sip of Shenzhi Health Wine and felt that the taste was not bad.

"The effect of this wine is good. After the wine was produced, I distributed it to the employees, and they all felt good after drinking it."

"And it's not just about relieving fatigue, it's also effective for that."

When talking about that aspect, Li Xinghai looked between Ji Yang's legs with a smile on his face.

It's just Li Xinghai's smile, which makes Ji Yang feel a little wretched no matter how he looks at it.

"Didn't you say at the time that you were going to produce an oral solution suitable for teenagers? Have you researched it?"

Although the effect of Shenzhi health wine has achieved the expected effect, it is not suitable for teenagers to take.

Ji Yang remembered that Li Xinghai wanted to adjust the formula to make oral liquid, so he asked casually.

Li Xinghai shook his head when he heard Ji Yang asking about the oral liquid.

"It's still under study, and it will take a while."

"Oh, have you ever thought about the price of this Shenzhi health wine?"

Since the oral solution suitable for teenagers has not been studied well, let's leave it alone.

Now that Shenzhi health wine has been produced, the next step is to introduce it to the market.

If you want to push it to the market, the price must be set.

"I've already had someone calculate it. The cost of a bottle of Shenzhi health wine is only about 30 yuan. I plan to set the national unified sales price at 99 Huaxia coins."

"After removing the operating costs, we can also earn half the price."

Li Xinghai actually only set the price of a bottle of Shenzhi Health Wine at 99, which is low enough.

If it was produced by other people, the price of this Shenzhi Health Wine would at least be several times higher.

For some unscrupulous bosses, it is estimated that the increase will be more than ten times, or even more.

There is no doubt about the effect of Shenzhi health wine, and the required market volume is relatively large.

Even if Li Xinghai really raises the price, this Shenzhi health wine will not worry about selling.

However, Ji Yang did not raise any objections to the price set by Li Xinghai, instead he felt that it was very appropriate.

Don't look at the price of this Shenzhi health wine is not high, but the profit is small but the turnover is high.

The two hundred-year-old wild ginseng and two hundred-year-old wild ganoderma lucidum that Ji Yang provided to Li Xinghai are enough to brew 300 million catties of ginseng health wine.

That is, 600 million bottles, 99 a bottle, can also sell for more than 5 million Huaxia coins.

More than 5 million Huaxia coins are enough to fully recover the cost of the land and the construction of the factory. Even if other expenses are removed, there is still a surplus.

The effect of Shenzhi health wine is placed here, and the sales volume in the later period must not be questioned.

Calculated in this way, even if a bottle of Shenzhi health wine is 99, it is a huge profit.

 Thank you for sitting in front of your tombstone and molesting you and waiting for others to reward, thank you for your support, ask for a monthly ticket, recommend, and reward
(End of this chapter)

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