The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2723 Can't keep here

Chapter 2723 Can't keep here
Megumi Miura, the president of Jinguo Shrine, appeared when the gate and worship hall were destroyed, and almost all the priests of Jinguo Shrine were killed.

It only took a few minutes from when he got the news to when he rushed to the worship hall.

But in just a few minutes, something happened that he couldn't even imagine.

When Megumin Miura heard the report from the priest, he had already listed Ji Yang as a dangerous person, thinking that he would be very strong, and could even stand shoulder to shoulder with herself.

But when he saw the battle in front of the hall, Megumin Miura knew he was wrong.

He saw with his own eyes that a minotaur with a big red ax destroyed the gate of God with one axe.

I also saw with my own eyes a strong blond man and two people (Houqing and General Chen) smashing the worship hall, and the whole worship hall was collapsed by them in just two breaths.

I think highly of myself too much, I am no match for people like Ji Yang at all.

Miura Megumi's cultivation is stronger than Ito Kalan's, but it can only be regarded as the peak of the fourth-rank immortal rank, which is close to the third-rank immortal rank.

This kind of cultivation is incomparable to Ji Yang, and even more incomparable to Chi You and Hou Qing.

At this time, it is useless to join in and help Ito Kalan and others by himself. Going in can't help, it's just death.

So he didn't get close to the battle circle, but gave the order to retreat to the remaining Ito Kalan and dozens of priests in a relatively safe position.

Megumi Miura's voice was very old and not pleasant to hear, but hearing his voice at this time, Ito Kalan and others felt that this voice was more beautiful than the sound of nature.

"Back, back quickly, back to the main hall and Feng'an hall, quickly..."

"Run... run quickly..."

"I don't want to quit, I miss my mother..."

Ito Karan and the others were at a loss, and Megumi Miura undoubtedly pointed them to a bright path.

I was already wondering whether I should quit, but now that the president, Megumi Miura, has spoken, why am I still hesitating.

As the priests of Jingguo Shrine, they know more secrets here than ordinary security personnel.

Compared with the worship halls in the open area, the main hall and the Feng'an Hall of Lingxi Book are very scary places.

Ji Yang and the others can wreak havoc here, but when it comes to the main hall and the Feng'an Hall of the Lingxi Book, it will be completely different. Here, he must die. Waiting for someone.

"Purple Fire...chasing..."

Ito Jialan ran away very fast. They were already scared of being beaten, and now they all wished they could grow a few more legs to run.

Seeing them running towards the back of the worship hall, Ji Yang glanced coldly at Miura Megumi who had disappeared in the air a hundred meters away. Immortal energy surged in his body, and the purple fire was released, igniting the damaged and collapsed god gate and worship hall. .

Following Ji Yang's soft drink, Peng Caixuan, Xiaolongnv, King Yutamarette, Huang Fengguai and others chased towards the back of the worship hall together with him.

After escaping from the hall of worship, Megumi Miura, Ito Karan who escaped, and dozens of priests came to the location of the main hall.

"The Yin Qi here is stronger and heavier than the previous place."

This is what everyone felt after Ji Yang and the others chased him over.

Standing more than ten meters away from the main hall, gusts of wind blew past, and even Ji Yang and others could feel the chill.

It's not because the temperature at night is low, so the wind is cooler.

It's because the yin air here is too heavy, and the wind blowing is all yin wind, full of chilly yin wind.

"The real battle tonight seems to be about to begin."

Ji Yang didn't dare to say how much he knew about the Jinguo Shrine, but he still knew the basics.

Looking at the main hall in front of him, and seeing the waves of yin qi floating in the main hall that are invisible to ordinary people with the naked eye, he has already guessed something.

I said before that the worship hall is only for people to visit, but there is actually nothing particularly valuable in it.

Although the Yushu Hall is open, it is not the most valuable place to store relics, materials, modern war weapons of R country, military supplies, and thousands of portraits. There are more than [-] things.

For Seikuni Shrine, the most precious things are actually the main hall enshrining lenses and swords representing gods, as well as the Lingxi Book Feng'an Hall, which preserves the names and seal books of more than 200 million dead souls.

These two places are not open to the outside world, and they are the most mysterious places of Jinguo Shrine.

Even the priests of the Jinguo Shrine, not everyone can come in and out at will.

It is even more difficult for outsiders to enter.

If Ji Yang's guess is correct, the main hall and the Lingxi Book Feng'an Hall are the real places where more than 200 million dead souls of Jingguo Shrine are located.

Here is also the center of the place of gathering yin.

He could feel that there was a strong seal around the center of the Yin Gathering Land.

"Boss, it doesn't seem right here. Why do I feel isolated from the world after I get here?"

When Ji Yang felt a seal around him, Peng Caixuan frowned and looked at Ji Yang.

Although Peng Caixuan himself was about to break through the fifth rank and hit the fourth rank, he was still much worse than others in many aspects.

Although he had a vague feeling that something was wrong here, he wasn't sure what it was.

"There is a strong seal here, and after we stepped here, the entire Jingguo Shrine has been wrapped in a layer of enchantment."

Miura Megumi and the others would retreat here, but Ji Yang had already thought that they must have trouble with him.

But knowing that the other party was up to something, Ji Yang still brought someone here.

He came here today to destroy the entire Jingguo Shrine and kill more than 200 million undead here.

So even if the other party makes troubles, Ji Yang can't be timid and can't back down.

If he messes up things, he'll mess things up.

At first, Ji Yang only felt that there was a seal in the main hall, but when Peng Caixuan spoke, Ji Yang clearly felt that there was a strange force emerging around him.

It is the power of the enchantment, and the enchantment has been opened around Jingguo Shrine.

This enchantment was definitely not made by the priests like Megumi Miura. With their cultivation base, they couldn't make such a strong enchantment.

Moreover, this enchantment is filled with an aura similar to immortality, which makes Ji Yang more affirmed his thoughts.

The enchantment of Jingguo Shrine was created by the gods of country R

Usually the enchantment does not exist, and only at a certain moment will it be opened by people like Megumi Miura.

This enchantment is to protect the Jingguo Shrine, to defend against enemies, and to prevent the secrets of the Jingguo Shrine from leaking out.

"People from China, you are very powerful, so powerful that it makes me shudder."

"But you shouldn't come here and destroy the Jinguo Shrine. You must accept the punishment of the gods. Your body and your soul will be left here forever."

The face of Megumi Miura no longer had the fear of seeing Ji Yang and others for the first time, but a look of arrogance and confidence.

In other places, Megumin Miura asked himself that if he fought with Ji Yang and others, he would definitely die.

But in this place, it is not the turn of Ji Yang and others to act fiercely.

He believes that what he will do next will definitely kill Ji Yang and others here...

(End of this chapter)

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