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Chapter 2725 Pay the price for your stupidity

Chapter 2725 Pay the price for your stupidity
10 minutes is enough for Ji Yang and others to kill dozens of priests like Megumi Miura countless times.

This kind of person can easily kill the opponent, but it is really difficult to wait quietly.

Finally seeing the release of the seal and the appearance of dead souls, Ji Yang and the others, who had been suppressed for 10 minutes, did not fall directly from the sky, but their expressions became dignified.

"so much?"

"How much does this have to be? Is it too much?"

"Who the hell is it that seals so many ghosts here? If so many ghosts are released, it will be a huge disaster..."

It's true that Chi You, General Chen and the others are very aggressive, and they also have the kind of character that doesn't change their colors in front of the landslide.

They were still shocked to see countless dead souls appearing in Jingguo Shrine.

Although Ji Yang and others have already thought that the number of dead souls in Jingguo Shrine is very large, more than 200 million.

But when I actually saw these dead souls appear, the scene was still too shocking. Even if I had mentally prepared, I couldn't calm down.

" me..."

"What's going on, Baga, we let you out, how can you attack me, help me..."

"Baga, get out, you guys get out, get out... ah..."

Ji Yang and the others were in the air, and the ghosts that appeared below screamed and howled, but they did not fly to attack them.

While they were looking at these dead souls, there was a burst of screams and curses, coming from where the priests of Megumi Miura were.

Following the sound, Ji Yang saw that the priests who opened the seal were being attacked by the dead souls.

The rest of the priests are all above the earth-level warriors. Under normal circumstances, even if there are hundreds of dead souls, dozens of priests have the ability to fight.

But now, they don't even know how many dead souls are in front of them.

Bitten and pulled by countless dead souls, these priests were overwhelmed by countless dead souls after a short resistance.

"They must have lifted the seal for the first time, they were so naive."

"These undead are all evil ghosts. They have been sealed for so long, and there is a lot of resentment in their bodies. The undead will not thank them just because they were released by those guys. These undead will only regard them as targets for attack. Vent the resentment in your body."

Ji Yang listened to the screams and watched those priests being killed by the souls, without any expression change on his face.

He believed that these priests definitely didn't know how terrible the situation they would face after releasing these dead souls, otherwise they wouldn't have chanted the spell so easily to lift the seal just now.

"Go away...all of you go away...President Miura, what's going on, what's going on?"

"I don't know, run away..."

Not only ordinary priests don't know, even Megumi Miura and Ito Kalan didn't expect that after lifting the seal, they would become the target of the attack of the dead.

Following the somewhat flustered conversation between Ito Kalan and Miura Megumi, several figures flew up from the dark air and flew towards the air.

Of these figures, two of them are Megumi Miura and Ito Kalan, and the other priests have reached the level of heaven-rank warriors.

The dead souls in the Jingguo Shrine were all soldiers of country R before they died, and most of them had no special abilities.

But after death, they have become dead souls, and dead souls can fly.

If people like Megumi Miura and Ito Kalan thought that Feiqi would escape the catastrophe, they would be very wrong.

When Megumi Miura and the others flew up, among the undead who were originally standing on the ground, hundreds of undead flew up.

Miura Megumi and Ito Karan have high cultivation bases, and they are fast, but the other priests who flew up were not so lucky. They were pulled back to the ground by hundreds of flying souls, and with a few screams, When the sound sounded, the priests who were pulled to the ground became silent.

"President, what shall we do?"

Ito Kalan looked at Megumi Miura with some fear. Just now, he was almost caught by the flying undead.

If he hadn't exploded the power in his body and scattered the pounced souls of the dead, he would be the same as those priests who have lost their voices now.

"What should I do? I know what to do? At that time, Lord Shenming only told me how to lift the seal, but he didn't say that the undead would also attack us."

"If we stay any longer, we will be killed by these undead just like other priests. Now we must leave, yes, leave."

Ito Kalan asked Miura Megumi, and Miura Megumi was sweating coldly behind his back at this time.

The situation in front of him has completely exceeded his expectations, and he himself has already panicked.

As for what to do now, he felt that the only way to escape was right.

"Yes... escape..."

Hearing this, Ito Kalan nodded heavily.

If you want to leave here, you must break the barrier. Once the barrier is broken, the more than 200 million dead souls here will be "free". What kind of disaster will it bring to country R? Miura Megumi and Ito Karan Didn't even think about it.

For them, their survival is the most important thing.

But Miura Megumi and Ito Karan wanted to escape, and they seemed to have forgotten something.

The barrier here is used to prevent more than 200 million dead souls from leaving. It is impossible for them to break the barrier with their abilities.

Moreover, the difficulties they have to face are not only the barrier problem, but also Ji Yang and others.

"Where are you two going? Didn't you say that we will die here? Who is going to die here now?"

Ji Yang and the others were in the air, and after the ghosts on the ground appeared, they hadn't landed yet.

Seeing the priest being killed with their own eyes, they will not save them. They are the enemy in the first place, so why should they save them?

But when he saw that Miura Megumi and Ito Kalan were clearly trying to escape, Ji Yang would not sit idly by.

"Baga...damn Chinaman, get the hell out of here!"

Miura Megumi and Ito Kalan were about to escape, but were stopped by Ji Yang.

I want to run for my life, but if I am stopped by someone, I will die at any time.

Ji Yang's cultivation base is higher than his own, but in the eyes of Miura Megumi and Ito Karan, the countless dead souls are more terrifying.

"Stupid guys, pay for your own stupidity!"

At this time, instead of begging for mercy, Miura Megumi and Ito Karan even yelled at themselves?
Although begging for mercy, I will not let them go, but their clamor will only make their death worse.

Originally, Ji Yang planned to kill the two with his own hands, but now he has changed his mind.

He wants Miura Megumi and Ito Kalan to die at the hands of those undead.

" ah..."


When Ji Yang opened his mouth to speak, Lie Fengxing performed it, and Miura Megumi and Ito Kalan didn't see Ji Yang's movements clearly, so he came in front of them.

When Miura Megumi and Ito Kalan saw Ji Yang, Ji Yang had already swung two punches, hitting them respectively.

For these two punches, Ji Yang used all his strength.

Ji Yang controlled the power very well, and would not kill the two of them, but only let them fall from the sky to the ground.

The result was the same. When hit by Ji Yang's fist, Miura Megumi and Ito Karan vomited blood and screamed, and fell to the ground among countless undead...

(End of this chapter)

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