Chapter 2730
"Ahhhh... Baga... Baga... I'm going to kill you, kill you... ah..."

Mu Teng was entangled in Ji Yang's Zi Lei and Zi Huo's two forces, black yin energy was floating around his body, and his painful and ferocious expression made the undead around him terrified.

But while Muto was screaming in pain, he still said that he wanted to kill Ji Yang.

Listening to his words, Ji Yang only felt that this guy's brain must be abnormal, otherwise how could he say such words under such circumstances.

At this time, Muto had lost the saber in his hand, and his body was floating in the air. Zilei and Zihuo entangled him, making him unable to move. How could he kill Ji Yang?

Even if he could move, he didn't have the ability to kill Ji Yang.

"You just slowly lose your soul in Zilei and Zihuo. If you don't have no time to waste with you, you will be even more miserable than you are now."

Ji Yang took a last look at Muto, whose soul had begun to show signs of disintegration, and after coldly dropping his words, he and all clones launched an attack on the dead souls in front of him again.

When Ji Yang's body was dealing with Muto, Ji Yang's avatar was not idle either.

When Ji Yang and the avatar continued to approach Tojo's location, there were 28... At this time, it should be said that there were 27 dead souls of war criminals.

The remaining 27 dead souls of war criminals, except for four standing beside Tojo, the other 22 souls led the dead souls to rush towards the direction of Ji Yang's party.

Some rushed towards Chi You and Jiao Demon King and others in the air, while others rushed towards Zhao Kuo, the black wizard and demons, and some war criminals rushed towards Ji Yang after Ji Yang shot at Muteng. Come……

"Baga, what kind of monsters are these, kill them, kill..."

"Kill... kill them all..."

The souls of the two war criminals rushed to the position of the great demon led by Tailaya and Manos with many souls.

Whether it is Tailaya and Manos or the great demons they lead, they all look like monsters, without the slightest human appearance.

Seeing them, the two souls of war criminals directly defined them as monsters.

"One per person, the master seems to hate them very much, don't let the master down."

"Don't worry, he will soon know that the fire demon lord Tyraya is terrible."

The worst souls of war criminals are also close to the strength of fourth-rank immortals, but Tailaya and Manos are not afraid of them.

The strength of the fire demon lord Tairaya is a real fourth-rank immortal, and the demon lord Manos has the strength of a third-rank immortal. It is not entirely possible for the two of them to deal with each other.

Even if it wasn't as easy as Ji Yang's, Muto lost his combat power with one move, but it would only take a long time to kill the two souls of war criminals in front of him.

"Block these guys, leave the one with the strongest breath to me, the ghosts on our side have died enough, damn it!"

On Zhao Kuo's side, a dead soul of a war criminal and a large number of dead souls with red eyes also ushered in.

The ghosts collected by Ji Yang with Soldiers are not bad, in terms of individual, compared with these dead souls in Jingguo Shrine, they are definitely only stronger than weaker.

However, there are too many dead souls, and there are some gaps between them, but most of the gaps are not big.

In this case, Ji Yang's ghost can be said to be the one who suffered the heaviest loss among his side.

Just as soon as they appeared, hundreds of them were killed.

This is war, no one is always victorious, and casualties are inevitable on the battlefield.

At this time, the number of remaining ghosts is only half of the original number.

As the leader of these ghosts, Zhao Kuo must reduce casualties as much as possible, although he himself knows that if Ji Yang does not have new helpers to join, these ghosts will not be left.

Not only other ghosts, even himself and the Yin soldiers beside him, the blood ghost king and hundreds of vampires could not be left.

But it doesn't matter what the result is, anyway, if it can be delayed for a while, and one can survive in the end, that's what he has to do.

Staring at the souls of the war criminals, Zhao Kuo charged towards the souls of the war criminals. At the same time, the best of the ghosts, such as the Yin soldiers and the blood ghost king, rushed towards the red-eyed souls.

At the same time, the dark wizards and members of the Night Alliance on the ground were also attacked by the souls of war criminals and red-eyed souls.

Similarly, there are spirits of war criminals joining on the ground, and there are spirits of war criminals leading the attack in the air.

"Finally, there are three interesting ones. Leave these three guys to me, and you can deal with the others."

None of the ordinary dead souls could block Chi You's blow.

Chi You felt that the pure crushing battle was boring.

It's not that Chi You is perverted (perverted), but he really prefers to be slashed twice and hurt himself a bit, and he doesn't like this kind of enemy who just hits others by himself, and others have no power to fight back.

When he saw the souls of the three war criminals rushing towards him, a little excitement flashed in his eyes.

Although the soul of the three war criminals, the one with the strongest aura is only the strength of the initial stage of the third-rank immortal job, and it is definitely not his opponent.

But it's better than playing ordinary dead souls.

"Chi You, you can't be so greedy, whoever sees it has a share, and the one on the left is mine."

"The one on the right is mine, and the one in the middle is for you, Chi You."

It's just that Chi You wanted to enjoy the souls of the three war criminals alone, but Han Ye and Huang Fenggui would not agree.

Chi You's fight was boring, and they were also boring.

Finally, a stronger one came over, how could Chi You be allowed to enjoy it alone.

They didn't give Chi You a chance to object, and while talking, they each determined their opponents and rushed forward.

"You two guys... don't touch the one in the middle, he's mine."

Seeing Han Ye and the Yellow Wind Monster rushing up, Chi You chopped off the heads of the two red-eyed ghosts in front of him with an axe, and then rushed up to the ghost of the war criminal in the middle.

"It's good to assign each of you one by one? What about me?"

"I don't have anything to fight, so I can only kill you."

On Chi You's side, there were four people in total, and the last one left was the golden eagle.

Compared with the other three, his cultivation base is much worse, but it is only at the level of the third rank.

But it is still possible to deal with the souls of the war criminals, but the three souls of the war criminals have already fought with the three of Chi You, so what can I do?
He could only vent his unhappiness on the rushing red-eyed dead soul.

The drama similar to Chi You's side is also being staged in other places in the sky.

The souls of the war criminals thought that after they appeared and led the souls to launch an attack, the battle would be resolved soon.

As everyone knows, they are facing opponents who are not weaker than themselves.

Their results were doomed from the very beginning, and it was only a matter of time before they were killed.

Compared to the chaotic battles in Jingguo Shrine, Xiaolongnv is very relaxed now.

After hearing Ji Yang's words, she returned to the world in the pot, and sent the circle of friends news that Ji Yang wanted to send through WeChat on her mobile phone.

Waiting for someone to take the initiative to sign up for the battle...

(End of this chapter)

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