The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2732 The big Yin handsome is here

Chapter 2732 The ten handsome men are here
Bird's mouth: "Please rest assured that the Jade Emperor, Yama, and all the immortals, after I descend to the earth, I will definitely wipe out those 200 million ghosts, and I will not insult my reputation in the Three Realms of China."

Baowei: "It's just 200 million ghosts, our top ten yin commanders can't deal with them, it's very simple."

Ye Youshen: "Everyone, wait for our good news. If time permits, I will help Xiaobai solve Susanoo and return to China with the Pangu axe. At that time, the law of the Three Realms of China will be broken... "

The top ten yin commanders obtained the decree of the Jade Emperor, but the lower realms helped Ji Yang deal with 200 million dead souls, and everyone seemed very excited.

Dealing with ghosts is commonplace for the top ten yin handsomes, and they don't know how many times they do it every day.

Although they have to face more than 200 million ghosts at once this time, they are not afraid.

Don't look at them as just ten people, but there are many personal guards in their yin commander order.

They believe that solving more than 200 million ghosts is not difficult at all.

Not only do they have to deal with more than 200 million ghosts, but they also have to deal with Susanoo together with Ji Yang. If they can really do what they want, they will be the great heroes of the Three Realms of China.

"Stop talking nonsense, please hurry up and wait for you to complete the task, and you won't lose you when you come back."

When the top ten handsome men were there with fearless faces, they spoke confidently.

Master Tongtian frowned, and said in a cold voice.

Ji Yang is his apprentice, and now that his apprentice is in trouble, he is already a little upset that he can't go down to the world to help.

Now that there are candidates, he can't listen to the top ten yin handsomes who are still talking endlessly.

If you need to help, you should hurry to help. No matter how much you talk, it is better to do it directly.

The top ten yin handsome who were still talking freely, shut their mouths when they saw the Tongtian leader speak.

They can't afford to offend the Master Tongtian. If the Master Tongtian is angered, no one can protect themselves. The beating is light, and it is not worthwhile to be wiped out directly.

"Don't be angry, the leader, black impermanence, hurry up and do what the leader said."

"As ordered."

The top ten yin commanders are strong generals in the underworld, and the king of the ten palaces of Hades doesn't want them to offend the Tongtian leader.

The top ten handsome men kept their mouths shut, and when Qin Guangwang apologized, he asked Hei Wuchang to reply in the circle of friends...

"Why haven't anyone replied yet? Could it be that I'm really scared and dare not go down to earth?"

"Is the ten places too small, should I relax the requirements?"

The little dragon girl in the world in the pot waited for a long time but no one replied, she was walking around anxiously like ants on a hot pot mountain.

Although Ji Yang asked for ten, the plan could not keep up with the changes.

Xiao Longnv felt that since no one replied for so long, ten people might not be able to handle it, so she planned to add more places.

"Replied, finally someone replied."

Just when Xiao Longnv was about to repost a Moments, she saw Hei Wuchang's reply.

Hei Wuchang only replied four words: Top Ten Yin Shuai.

There are exactly ten of the top ten yin commanders. Seeing such a reply, Xiao Longnv was overjoyed and left the world in the pot in a hurry.

"Those who stand in my way will perish..."

Xiao Longnv left the world in the pot just in time to see Ji Yang's black sword piercing the head of a war criminal.

The flame rose and ignited, and the soul of the war criminal was reduced to ashes under the burning of the purple fire.

Although it has been some time since I entered the world in the pot, Ji Yang and others have also killed a lot of spirits from the Jinguo Shrine.

But the dead souls they killed were just the tip of the iceberg among the more than 200 million dead souls, and the overall feeling was not much less.

But Xiao Longnu could see that no matter whether it was Ji Yang or Chi You, they were obviously not as brave as they were at the beginning.

Everyone began to show different degrees of exhaustion due to the exhaustion of energy.

"Anyone has asked for a job? Who is it?"

Seeing Xiao Longnv coming out, Ji Yang hurriedly asked.

Xiao Longnv was right in thinking, such uninterrupted fighting would be too much for anyone.

If it is still unclear who will help, Ji Yang and others will suffer.

"It's the top ten handsome men, the top ten handsome men."

"Ten handsome men? Can they do it?"

"It doesn't matter, since they took the initiative to invite Ying, let them go down to earth first. They are all experts in dealing with ghosts. If it really doesn't work, I will call the Ten Kings of Hades directly."

Ji Yang is very clear about the cultivation base of the top ten handsome men.

Taken out alone, none of them can beat the current Ji Yang.

But when it comes to dealing with ghosts, the top ten yin commanders are definitely experts, and Ji Yang can't compare.

The situation has shown that the top ten yin commanders dare to descend to earth at this time, and they should have some background.

And through the top ten yin commanders, Ji Yang also thought of the ten kings of Hades.

Anyway, I will save it first and use it when necessary.

"Go away... Your nemesis is here..."

The immortal energy in the body circulated, shaking away the surrounding dead souls.

Ji Yang took out the ten Illusory Destiny Talismans of Yinshuai, and as the ten Illusory Destiny Talismans were ignited, bursts of extremely strong winds blew up.

With the emergence of these yin winds, Ji Yang has already felt many familiar auras. This is the black and white impermanence of the bull-headed and horse-faced aura with which he has more contact. handsome.

"Hahaha... Xiaobai, here we come."

"A group of R country ghosts who are looking for their own death, let you have a taste of the power of Huaxia's yin and handsome today."

"I like this kind of bad environment. A ghost is a ghost. How can it compare with me and other yin handsome..."

Ten dark winds blew past, and ten figures appeared beside Ji Yang.

Among the ten figures, some Ji Yang knew and some Ji Yang was not familiar with.

The ten handsome men appeared, facing the millions of dead souls in front of them, there was no fear in their eyes, but a strong disdain.

For them, ghosts are ghosts, and they can only be cleaned up by them.

No matter how many there are, they will not pay attention to them.

"Everyone, don't talk too much, the dead souls here were all sinners before they were alive, so don't leave any of them behind."

"After killing all these dead souls, when I return to Huaxia, I will treat you to a drink."

The arrogance of the top ten yin handsomes naturally has their arrogance capital, Ji Yang does not comment.

But right now, it's not just about chanting slogans, it's more important to actually do it.

It's just that Ji Yang is really not optimistic about the top ten handsome men.

But Ji Yang won't talk about it, he'd better look at the situation first, and then talk about it if it doesn't work.

"Xiaobai, don't forget who we are, we are the top ten evil commanders who specialize in dealing with ghosts."

"Whether they are evil ghosts or ghosts, no matter how evil and powerful they were in life, as long as they become ghosts, they will only be dealt with."

"Brothers, put some pressure on them..."

Black and White Wuchang looked at Ji Yang with a smile. Although Ji Yang didn't say anything, they could also see that Ji Yang's expression was still serious at this time. This was a question to them.

Black and White Impermanence called out the other eight handsome men.

The top ten handsome men released their aura at the same time. The dead souls who were rushing madly stopped their bodies unconsciously after feeling the breath of the ten handsome men, and backed away in fear.

The handsome and sinister breath can suppress other ghosts.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Ji Yang relaxed a little bit, but it was just suppressing, which seemed not enough, after all, they couldn't suppress more than 200 million dead souls at once...

(End of this chapter)

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