The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2734 Raging Tojo

Chapter 2734 Raging Tojo
"Hey... Baga..."

"Protect General Tojo, stop him..."

"Chinaman, go to hell..."

Beside Tojo, there were four dead souls of war criminals standing all the time, and there were also many red-eyed dead souls.

Their mission here is to ensure the safety of Tojo.

At this moment, Tojo screamed in panic, the four dead war criminals and all the red-eyed dead souls rushed up to Ji Yang at the same time.

They are the absolute elites in Jinguo Shrine, all of them are masters.

Seeing hundreds of dead souls rushing at the same time, Ji Yang showed a sneer on his face.

He rushed all the way, and in order to kill Tojo with his own hands, he had already killed tens of thousands of dead souls.

There are only a few hundred dead souls in the area, and it is a dream to stop him.

"Since you all want to stop me, you're all looking for Mimi!"

"Tojo, no one can save you today, Qiankun Baiyingquan!"

Ji Yang put away the Heimang Sword and Xuanyuan Sword in his hands, and unleashed the Qian Kun Bai Ying Fist.

Hundreds of fist shadows flew out, killing a war criminal dead soul and dozens of red-eyed dead souls in an instant.

Then holding Xuanyuan Sword and Heimang Sword again, Ji Yang charged towards the remaining three war criminals and other red-eyed souls.

The strength of the remaining three war criminals has reached the level of a fourth-rank immortal, and they can barely block Ji Yang's attack.

But the other red-eyed dead souls were not Ji Yang's opponents at all, even blocking his blow, as long as they touched Ji Yang, they would be wiped out instantly.

After a few minutes, there were only two dead war criminals and dozens of red-eyed dead standing in front of Tojo. Judging from their appearance, they were just struggling.

"General Tojo, run away, we will stop him."

The situation in front of him is very obvious. If you want to rely on the remaining two dead souls of war criminals and dozens of red-eyed dead souls, you will definitely not be able to protect Tojo.

They are almost unable to hold on now, and they will be wiped out by Ji Yang in a short time.

But none of these dead souls retreated. Maybe they knew that there was no way out for them.

One of the dead souls of the war criminals clenched the red saber in his hand and stared at Ji Yang.

His body was shaking, and he didn't know if he was frightened by Ji Yang's strength, or if his strength had dropped too much.

He yelled at Tojo without turning his head, and rushed towards Ji Yang again with another dead war criminal and the rest of the dead with red eyes.

He just watched the souls protecting him charge towards Ji Yang again, but Tojo didn't move.

It's not that he doesn't want to run, but that he can't run at all.

Not to mention the dead souls around, the entire Jingguo Shrine is so big, as long as he can't break the barrier, he can't escape.

"The last one, Earth Fire Art!"


Soon, under the witness of Tojo, Ji Yang performed the earth fire art and burned the soul of the last war criminal to ashes.

This is the last soul protecting Tojo. With the destruction of this group of war criminals, there are no souls around Tojo except some ordinary souls that he can't protect himself.

"Tojo, as I said, no one can save you today."

"Aren't you the spirit of samurai, come on, throw your sword at me, come here!"

Ji Yang stood ten meters away from Tojo. At this distance, Ji Yang could reach Tojo in an instant with a single charge.

But Ji Yang didn't make a direct move, but made a provocative gesture towards Tojo with indifferent eyes.

Not only did he want to kill Tojo today, but he also wanted to completely defeat him before he could kill him.

Ji Yang wants Tojo to be completely defeated by him, both mentally and physically.

"Baga, you lowly Chinese, you dare to provoke me, you want to die!"

Tojo is a proud person. In his eyes, he has never put Chinese people in his eyes.

Being provoked by Ji Yang at this time, even though he was afraid of Ji Yang in his heart, and even felt that his strength was not as good as Ji Yang, he still roared angrily, and rushed towards Ji Yang with his saber.

Tojo has his own face and self-dignity. He does not allow anyone to provoke him, especially a Chinese who does not know how many times he has killed.


Tojo's saber slashed towards Ji Yang's face.

Tojo's cultivation base is the strongest among all the dead souls, and he already has the strength of a third-rank immortal job. His saber is powerful and heavy, and the sound of tearing the air is a bit ear-piercing.

But his knife was still blocked by Ji Yang.


"You are not as good as a pig or a dog. At this time, you still don't know how to repent."

"This kick is punishment for insulting me just now."

The black light sword blocked Tojo's saber, Ji Yang's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of unconcealable anger.

At this time, Tojo still dared to slander himself, he was really unrepentant and stubborn.

With one kick, it kicked Tojo's body.

Tojo's body was hit hard, and he flew upside down dozens of meters away, knocking some dead souls to the ground.

"Come, come again, come here!"

Ji Yang's kick did not directly kill Tojo, but Tojo's body was already much more illusory.

Seeing Tojo struggling to stand up, Ji Yang roared loudly.


Shame, a strong sense of shame appeared in Tojo's body.

He was kicked away by a Chinese person, which made him feel a great shame.

Shouting again, he rushed towards Ji Yang, Ji Yang narrowed his eyes, and then swung the Xuanyuan Sword.


With this sword swung, Tojo's saber snapped and was cut off by Xuanyuanjian.

Then Ji Yang's black sword moved from bottom to top, and cut off one of Tojo's arms with one sword.

"This sword is your punishment for not repenting."


Although he was already a dead soul, not a living person, Tojo still screamed when Chi You chopped off his arm.

Hearing his screams, Ji Yang didn't have the slightest sympathy, but only relieved his hatred.

"This sword is given to you by my fighting heroes who fought for those apps."

"I will return this sword to you for those soldiers who died on the battlefield."

"I will return this sword to you for all the women in China who were persecuted by the people of country R. This sword is for children... this sword..."

The Heimang Sword and Xuanyuan Sword in Ji Yang's hands slashed at Dong Tiao's body one after another.

Tojo's limbs were all severed by Ji Yang Qigen, and Ji Yang never stopped swinging his sword.

His sword slashed at Dong Tiao's body time and time again, cutting Dong Tiao's body into tatters, his whole body was full of sword wounds, and there were countless holes. These holes were penetrated by Ji Yang's sword caused by the body.

"Ah ah ah..."

The shrill and terrifying screams continued to resound from Tojo's mouth.

He wished so much that Ji Yang could kill him with a sword, but Ji Yang made him hurt again and again, making him miserable, but he still kept awake.

"Admit your mistakes, apologize to all the Chinese people who were killed by you, and I will give you a happy time!"

Tojo's body was cut to pieces by Ji Yang, but his consciousness was still clear.

Looking at Tojo whose head was still intact, Ji Yang said coldly.

"I apologize to Huaxia, I was wrong, I was wrong, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

At this time, Tojo had no dignity or backbone to speak of.

With tears all over his face, he yelled out in pain...

(End of this chapter)

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