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Chapter 2736 An Unbreakable Barrier

Chapter 2736 An Unbreakable Barrier


The more than 200 million spirits of Jingguo Shrine have finally been resolved.

This process was not easy, if not for the help of the top ten yin commanders and one hundred thousand yin soldiers, Ji Yang's side would definitely have suffered a miserable result.

Looking around, in the battle just now, the entire Jingguo Shrine has been dilapidated, and there is no intact building.

Ji Yang and others don't need to destroy it again, and this place is also in ruins.

It is true that the overall combat effectiveness of the 200 Yin soldiers is stronger than the more than [-] million dead souls at the Jinguo Shrine, but in the battle just now, there were also some injuries.

According to the statistics of the top ten Yin soldiers, there are still more than 8 Yin soldiers left.

It is normal that there will be casualties in wars.

Being able to kill 1 million dead souls with the loss of more than 200 Yin soldiers is already a big victory. After all, there are many powerful characters among the more than 200 million dead souls.

"Everyone has worked hard, let's take a break first."

"All the wine in the world in the jug has been drunk. I will invite everyone to drink after I return to Huaxia."

After a battle, no matter whether it was the others or Ji Yang, they could see obvious signs of exhaustion.

At this time, it is actually quite appropriate to drink and celebrate.

However, the survival of the world in his pot was drank by Chi You, Lion Camel King and others before.

These people are more than wine vats.

"What you say is what you say, it's not just us, you can't forget my brothers."

The bird's mouth looked at Ji Yang, and pointed to the Yin soldiers around him.

"That's natural. Anyone who contributes today is guaranteed to have wine."

Ji Yang smiled faintly, and promised loudly.

What he said earlier included all the Yin soldiers, so the words of the bird's mouth are a bit redundant.

"Thank you, Little White Ghost King!"

"Oh oh oh... Ho Ho Ho... Thank you Ghost King... Thank you Little White Ghost King..."

The Yin soldiers shouted excitedly, and the smile on Ji Yang's face became wider and wider.

The feeling of exhaustion in the body was much worse amidst the excited shouts of the crowd.

Little White Ghost King, yes, he still has the title of ghost king, but when it comes to dealing with ghosts, it doesn't matter if he throws out his cultivation, he is not as good at dealing with ghosts as ordinary ghosts.

Everyone rested, and the top ten yin commanders did not take the remaining 8 yin soldiers back into the order of the yin commanders.

When Ji Yang was resting, he took out the Shennong Ding and Nuwa Stone, and used the aura of these two artifacts to help everyone recover the exhausted energy.

When Ji Yang felt that his strength had almost recovered, Xiao Longnv came to his side with a serious expression.

"Ji Yang, have you noticed anything is wrong?"

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

"Are there still dead souls that haven't been destroyed? Black and white impermanence are here, even if I don't feel the hidden dead souls, they can feel it."

When Xiao Longnu asked, what Ji Yang thought of was dead souls.

After all, dead souls are not human beings. They hide and cannot be found as easily as human beings.

But with the top ten yin commanders and tens of thousands of yin soldiers here, it is basically impossible for the dead souls to hide without being discovered.

The feeling between ghosts and ghosts is not comparable to that between people and ghosts.

"It's not about the dead souls. Don't you feel something's wrong with the surroundings? It's been a few hours since we came here and we finished killing all the dead souls."

"But look at the sky, it's still so dark, it doesn't seem to be bright at all, isn't it strange?"

Xiao Longnv shook her head resolutely when she heard Ji Yang's words.

Then he stretched out his hand, pointed to the surroundings, and pointed to the sky.

"It's really abnormal when you say that. We arrived at Jingguo Shrine around twelve o'clock in the middle of the night. At least six or seven hours have passed since we arrived at Jingguo Shrine."

"Based on this, it should be close to seven o'clock at this time. Even if the sky is not bright at this time, there should be some signs of dawn."

When Xiao Longnv said this, Ji Yang also noticed the problem.

If today is a cloudy day, it shouldn't be such a dark night sky at this time.

"There's something wrong here, everyone, don't rest here, we'll leave immediately."

It's fine if you don't find a problem. Once you find a problem, Ji Yang won't stay here any longer.

In his heart, he was a little flustered at this moment, with an inexplicable sense of crisis.

Everyone has almost recovered, and Ji Yang asked everyone to leave, but no one said anything.

The top ten yin commanders took back all the yin soldiers, and the next step was to break the barrier and leave.

"Leave this enchantment to our brothers."

The barrier that can trap more than 200 million dead souls and withstand the energy of Ji Yang and others fighting the dead souls without breaking is very strong.

Among the people present, even the strongest Chi You could hardly do it if he wanted to break the barrier alone.

Jiao Demon King proposed that he, Peng Demon King, Lion Camel King, Macaque King and Yu Tamarin King should break the barrier, and everyone nodded.

The strength of the five great saints is not weak, and they all have cultivation levels comparable to first-rank immortals.

It shouldn't be difficult for the five of them to work together to break the barrier.

If it really doesn't work, just add more people.

The five great sages looked at each other, took out their own weapons, shouted almost at the same time, and rushed towards the barrier.


The attacks of the five people landed on the barrier at the same time, a huge roar sounded from the barrier, and the ground of the entire Jingguo Shrine trembled.

But what shocked everyone was that the Five Great Sages broke the barrier quite loudly, but the barrier did not break because of this, and even some slight cracks did not appear.

"How could this be? This enchantment is so strong?"

"Could it be that this place is still like a dark night because of this enchantment?"

The situation in front of them was something that no one expected.

Ji Yang frowned, looked at the dark night sky, and muttered to himself.

The enchantment in front of us is not easy to break, and everyone is mentally prepared.

It can be said that with the ability of the five great sages, even if they can't break the barrier all at once, they shouldn't leave no traces.

When everyone was puzzled and shocked, the five great sages were also a little angry.

"Come again!"

The Jiao Demon King roared angrily, and the demonic aura on the body of the five great sages shook, everyone raised their demonic aura, and then shot again.


It was still an ear-shattering sound, and the ground was still shaking, but the barrier was still very strong, and still did not leave the slightest damage.


"Everyone be careful."

Although the situation is similar to last time, it is also different.

That is, although the barrier was not broken this time, there was a strange burst of thunder flashing on the barrier. When the thunder flashed, it instantly slashed towards the five great sages, Ji Yang and others.

"Boom, boom, clang..."

The five great sages, Ji Yang and others reacted quickly, and when they defeated the thunder and lightning one by one, an abrupt voice suddenly sounded in the enchantment.

"Hmph, what kind of place do you think this is? Come whenever you want, leave whenever you want..."

(End of this chapter)

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