The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2739 Ji Yang VS Susano

Chapter 2739 Ji Yang VS Susano
The fighting strength of Ji Yang's side, whether it is a single body or a whole, is actually not weak.

But in the present situation, it is obviously not enough.

The individual strength of the manpower that Susanoo summoned was not weaker than that of Ji Yang's side, and the overall strength surpassed that of Ji Yang's side by a lot.

If Ji Yang continues to waste time and does not call in more Chinese gods to help, the situation will continue to deteriorate.

At that time, Ji Yang's side will suffer heavy losses, so he must immediately call for help.

However, just when Ji Yang was about to take out the Illusory God Nether Palace, no matter who it belonged to, he felt a strong wind blowing from his back.

The sound of tearing the air was harsh, and the sense of crisis was very obvious. If he didn't dodge this blow, he might lose his life.

Ji Yang could only be forced to stop his plan to call for helpers, and move his body quickly to avoid the blow from behind.


Ji Yang used Liefeng Xing to quickly avoid the attack from behind.

As soon as he dodged, he heard a roaring explosion, the waves turned up, and the mud splashed.

"The reaction was pretty quick. It's a pity that I couldn't kill you all at once."

"Susano, you are also the great god of country R, ​​and you can do such things as sneak attacks. Even if you kill me, others will laugh at you!"

Ji Yang stood still, turned his head to look with a gloomy expression.

He saw that where he was just now, a large deep hole was blown out of the ground.

Susanoo floated above the deep pit with a sword in his hand, looking at him with a sneer.

"Joke me? Hahaha..."

"Who would laugh at me? Only if I don't kill you will I be ridiculed."

Susanoo would make a sneak attack, but he didn't care what others said about him.

Although he has his own arrogant side, he also knows the truth of winning and losing.

In the battle of life and death, if you die, you will lose everything. As long as you can kill your opponent, he doesn't care about the means.

"It's not that easy to kill me, Qian Kun Bai Ying Fist!"

Even if Ji Yang has the cultivation base of the pinnacle of the second-rank immortal rank, compared with Susanoo, he is still far behind.

Not to mention the peak of the second-rank immortal rank, even the ordinary first-rank immortal rank is no match for Susanoo.

Whether the Lion Camel King and the Yu Tamarin King are strong or not, the two of them teamed up, and they were not dealt with by Susanoo.

Facing Susanoo, and Susanoo, who doesn't care about means for the sake of victory, there is no point in talking nonsense with him, and the real thing is to do it directly.

Ji Yang didn't hesitate at all, he took the initiative to attack without waiting for Susanoo to attack again.

When the Qiankun Hundred Shadows Fist was cast, the sound of the air vibrating could be heard endlessly, and the shadows of the fists blasted towards Susanoo like a big net.

"Tips for carving insects!"

"Izumo Congjian...broken..."

Exercising the Qiankun Baiyingquan, Ji Yang did not know how many people he had killed.

There are so many shadows of fists, and one punch is heavier than one punch, and the attack range is wide, it is difficult to avoid it, and it is not easy to block it.

But in Susanoo's eyes, he didn't take these fist shadows seriously at all.

Susanoo smiled contemptuously. What he was holding in his hand was the Izumo Congjian, one of the three great artifacts of country R, ​​also known as the Cao Zhijian.

With a light drink in his mouth, the streamer light on the Izumo Congjian flickered, and he swung the sword quickly in his hand, releasing sword energy one after another, easily smashing hundreds of shadows of the Qiankun Hundred Shadows Fist.

There is a reason why Susano didn't take Ji Yang seriously, and didn't take Ji Yang's attack seriously, because he was strong enough.

"Ghost wind and thunder swordsmanship... Earth fire art..."

The Qiankun Hundred Shadow Fist was broken, and Ji Yang held Xuanyuan Sword and Heimang Sword in his hands.

Compared with the Izumo Congjian, the Heimang Sword is definitely inferior, but Ji Yang's Xuanyuan Sword is not inferior to the Izumo Congjian.

With two swords in hand, the purple fire rises from the Xuanyuan sword, and uses the ground fire art.

The purple thunder flickered on the black light sword, and he used the nether wind and thunder sword technique.

The Earth Fire Jue and Nether Wind and Thunder Swordsmanship alone may be inferior to the Qiankun Hundred Shadows Fist.

But when it is used at the same time, it is the sky thunder hooking the ground fire, which is much more powerful than the Qiankun Baiyingquan.

The dark clouds gathered, the purple thunder fell, and flames emerged from the ground, merging with the purple thunder.

"This trick is a bit interesting, but it's still far from hurting me."

The fusion of Zilei and Zihuo is very powerful.

But Susanoo's face remained unchanged, his body was full of energy, and the light on the Izumo Congjian was even stronger.

The body rotates, the Izumo Congjian sweeps across a circle, and the sword energy forms a circle, sweeping in all directions.

"Boom boom boom..."

The sword qi met the sky thunder hooking the earth fire, and the blasted air wave was turbulent, but it also broke Ji Yang's earth fire formula and Nether wind and thunder sword technique.

Seeing that his attack was broken easily again, Ji Yang tightened his grip on Heimang Sword and Xuanyuan Sword.

The gap in cultivation between himself and Susanoo is indeed too great.

The artifact in his hand is not dominant, even if he has a slight advantage, it cannot make up for the difference in cultivation between the two sides.

With one's own ability, it is simply impossible to beat Susanoo.

"Ah ah ah..."

Staring fixedly at the tumbling air wave in front of him, looking at Susanoo walking out of the air wave, Ji Yang felt a little at a loss.

It takes time to use the Phantom God Talisman, but Susanoo obviously doesn't give it to himself.

But listening to the screams coming from around, the losses on his own side are constantly expanding.

If you don't call a helper quickly, the consequences will be unimaginable.


I can't touch Susano head-on, and I can't touch it.

What Ji Yang has to do now is to call in helpers.

He chose to be invisible, hoping to distance himself from Susanoo, give himself enough time to take out the Phantom God's Life Talisman, and call the Chinese gods to help.

But the invisibility he learned from Monkey King, although very clever, has a very good hiding effect and is difficult to be discovered.

But the one in front of him is Susanoo, even if the invisibility effect is excellent, it is still very difficult not to be discovered by Susanoo.

"Even the breath is hidden, it is a very clever invisibility technique."

"But you escaped my perception, but you couldn't escape my eyes, psychic eyes... open..."

Just by feeling, Susanoo didn't feel Ji Yang immediately.

The surrounding atmosphere is too chaotic, it will take some time to find Ji Yang just by feeling.

Susanoo didn't want to waste time, so he directly used his psychic eyes.

His eyes flickered with strange white light, Susanoo showed a faint sneer on his face, his body moved slightly and disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already a hundred meters away.

"I've found you, die!"

Susanoo used his psychic eyes to find Ji Yang.

At this time, Ji Yang was within his attack range.

Izumo Congjian raised high, and fiercely slashed towards Ji Yang's position.

This sword hit Ji Yang, Ji Yang probably lost his life.

"Clang clang clang..."

"Ji Yang, go do your own business, he has been handed over to our brothers."

Just when Susanoo's sword was about to hit Ji Yang, his sword was blocked by someone.

The one who blocked him was none other than the five brothers of the Flood Demon King who forcibly broke through the encirclement...

(End of this chapter)

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