Chapter 2745

Princess Iron Fan incited the plantain fan, and she mastered the strength very well.

She just wants to blow the flying powder, not the white powder woman in front of her.

So when the plantain fan was fanned, a gust of wind blew by, sweeping the white powder and blowing it towards Baifenpo.


Seeing that the powder she sprinkled was flying towards her, Bai Fenpo exclaimed in shock, her already pale face became even whiter now.

She knows best what effect her own powder has.

Once these powders touch her body, her skin will be burned and festered immediately, even if she is touched by herself.

Exclaiming in her mouth, an invisible air burst out from Baifenpo's hand, trying to send all the powder to other places.

"Ah ah ah..."

Baifenpo's method sent most of the powder elsewhere.

The two unlucky Huangquan ghosts were very close to Baifenpo, and all the powder that was blown away by Baifenpo fell on these two Huangquan ghosts.

The two ghosts screamed loudly, bursts of black air rose from their bodies, their skin quickly festered and fell off, and a piece of intact skin on Blink's body disappeared, leaving only a bloody, skinless body.

Although the body is still there, the festering is still continuing. It is obviously impossible for them to continue fighting.

Judging from their appearance, most of them are about to melt into two puddles of blood in the painful festering rhythm.

"Ah... Baga... ah..."

Although most of the powder was blown away by the white powder lady.

But there was still a small part that got onto her right hand.

The skin on the right hand festered and fell off, spreading to the arm.

Let the festering continue, Baifenpo's whole body will be like her right hand.

Heartbroken, Bai Fenpo took out a short knife with her left hand and cut off her right arm at the root.

Losing an arm is better than turning into blood in a painful fester.

"It's cruel enough, the things you use are vicious, and you are cruel enough to yourself."

"But if you do this, do you think you can survive?"

The terror of the white powder made Princess Iron Fan's complexion change.

The two hellish ghosts that were first contaminated by the powder have turned into two white bones, which are still corroding.

But what Princess Iron Fan didn't expect was that Bai Fenpo cut off her own arm in order to avoid the pain caused by the powder corrosion.

It's just that his actions are surprising, but Princess Iron Fan doesn't think her actions are right.

Princess Iron Fan didn't pay attention to the white powder woman in front of her at all.

Judging by the aura on her body, it would not exceed the cultivation level of a third-rank immortal at most. If not, Princess Iron Fan's fan just now would not be as simple as just fanning powder.

Originally, Bai Fenpo was weak, but now that she lost an arm, she became the meat on the cutting board of Princess Iron Fan, who could cut it however she wanted.

"Bai Fen Po, Ba Ga!"

The Tengu God was pressed down by the Bull Demon King's mixed iron rod and could only kneel on the ground, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get rid of it.

But after seeing Baifenpo's appearance, she still yelled angrily.

"I can't even protect myself, and I still want to take care of others, hum!"


The Bull Demon King also had lingering fears, but fortunately his wife made a timely move, otherwise the powder from just now would have touched his body.

He felt that even if he had a high level of cultivation, if these powders got on his body, even if he didn't turn into two puddles of blood like those two hellish ghosts, he would still have to shed a layer of skin.

This made the Bull Demon King fearful and angry at the same time, and the Tengu God in front of him became the target of his anger.

The nose snorted coldly, and the mixed iron rod in his hand was pressed down fiercely, and the two swords of the Tengu God were crushed. There was a sound of bones cracking in the arm, and there was a tightness in the chest, and a mouthful of blood was spit out from the mouth of the Tengu God .

At the same time, Princess Iron Fan rushed towards Baifenpo with a plantain fan in one hand and a long sword in the other.

Others may have to worry about Baifenpo's powder, but Princess Iron Fan has a plantain fan in hand, so she doesn't have to be afraid at all.

If you dare to use powder, I dare to incite you, and the unlucky one will only be the white powder woman.

The God of the Tengu was pinned down by the Bull Demon King's mixed iron rod, and Baifenpo's powder was useless. The two of them were killed by the Iron Fan Princess and the Bull Demon King. There is no suspense anymore...

"Old Hei, don't we two seem to be easy to bully? We were actually stopped by two little guys?"

"Old Bai, we are the ones who stopped them, not them who stopped us. Although they are two brats, I will not be soft on you, Lord Bai."

The Jingguo Shrine where the top ten Yin Shuai came together, but after the scuffle started, they broke up.

Black and white impermanence cooperate tacitly, but this cooperation has continued.

When there was a change in Country R, ​​the two of them also stopped the two of them.

These were two children who looked no more than seven or eight years old, a little boy in a black robe, holding a scythe bigger than his head.

The other, a little girl in a white robe, was holding a sail that was bigger than her, with the word "hun" written on it.

Although there were two children standing in front of them, their aura was very strong.

So don't look at the impermanence of black and white, it is easy to speak, but you are still very cautious in your heart.

On them, Black and White Wuchang felt an aura no weaker than himself, and some familiar auras.

They had felt this kind of breath in the black and white ghost envoys who had fought before.

"I'm a black boy. If you provoke me, you will end up digging your own grave. From your bodies, I can feel the aura of those two guys, the black and white ghost messengers. Did you kill them?"

"I also feel that the black and white ghost envoys died in China, they must have done it. I, Bai Boy, want to avenge the black and white ghost envoys today."

Hei Tongzi and Bai Tongzi spoke, but they could not speak Huaxia, only R Mandarin.

This is very embarrassing, the two of them talked a lot, but they looked at each other face to face, because they didn't understand at all.

"Old Bai, what did they say?"

"You ask me, who do I ask? Be careful, these two little guys are going crazy."

Hei Wuchang looked at Bai Wuchang suspiciously, and several black lines appeared on Bai Wuchang's forehead.

Hei Wuchang doesn't understand R Mandarin, and neither does he.

But when Bai Wuchang was speaking, the black and white boy had already charged up to Black and White Wuchang.


Black and white Wuchang waved the mourning sticks in the book at the same time, one black and one white waved two mourning sticks, just blocking the black and white boy's sickle and sail.

I don't know if it was because he blocked it too hastily, or because the black and white boy was more skilled.

When the black and white mourning stick blocked the attack of the two, they felt their hands sink, and the two took two steps back at the same time.

"Old Bai, be careful, these two little guys are not ordinary characters."

"Don't talk about me, you should be careful yourself, which one is a simple character who can appear here, here it is again!"

Black and white Wuchang saw the shock on each other's faces, and when they reminded each other, the black and white boy had already rushed forward again...

(End of this chapter)

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