The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2754 Zhang Guolao's Iron Bamboo

Chapter 2754 Zhang Guolao's Iron Bamboo
For the four of Han Zhongli, it seems that there is no major problem in dealing with Thor for the time being.

Although they didn't take the initiative to shoot, but a few people were not injured, right?

As for the fact that Han Zhongli wants to use Lihuo to burn Thunder God, he has to have a chance. As for when he will have the chance, who knows.

Opportunities are discovered by oneself, and no one will tell him in advance.

Compared with Han Zhongli and four people dealing with Thunder God, it is easier for Lu Dongbin and Tieguai Li to deal with Fengshen.

After all, both Lu Dongbin and Tieguai Li have the rank of second-rank immortal. Although Zhang Guolao and Han Xiangzi are weaker, at least the two strongest of the Eight Immortals are here.

Compared with Han Zhongli, who only has a low-level second-rank immortal rank, the overall situation is indeed much better.

"Zhang Guolao, block the gust of wind!"

"Okay, Tie Zhusheng..."

The wind released by Fengshen has surpassed ordinary wind.

It is not the wind of the first and second grades, nor the terrifying wind of the tenth and eighth grades, but the kind of fierce wind that is like a knife like a sword, and it will hurt you when it blows.

Lu Dongbin and the others have been trying to get closer to Fengshen.

But Fengshen didn't want to fight them in close quarters, he just kept letting the wind out, preventing Lu Dongbin and the others from approaching.

At this time, the Fengshen released his own wind again, and the strong wind blew, and the substantive wind looked like a thousand arrows, and it blew fiercely towards Lu Dongbin and the others.

Tieguai Li asked Zhang Guolao to deal with the gust of wind, naturally he had his reasons, and it was also his trust in Zhang Guolao.

Zhang Guolao picked up the fishing drum and threw it in front of him. The fishing drum was suspended in mid-air and instantly turned into a thick bamboo.

This bamboo doesn't look like ordinary bamboo, it feels like an iron pillar floating in the air.

Following the appearance of this bamboo, one bamboo after another appeared out of thin air, and in an instant, dozens of bamboos stood side by side, like a steel wall, standing in front of Lu Dongbin and the others.

"Puff puff……"

The wind from the Fengshen was directly blocked by these bamboos.

The wind blew on the bamboo, splashing a lot of sparks, where is the wind blowing the bamboo, it looks more like a sword chopping gold and iron.

Why is this happening? Fengshen's wind has just said that it is like a knife and a sword, and it is not an ordinary wind.

As for Zhang Guolao's bamboo, it is because of his image of shaking wood, his immortal energy that the bamboo transformed by Yugu has undergone a qualitative change, and it is as hard as gold and iron. Sparks only appear when iron collides.

Seeing that Zhang Guolao's bamboo blocked Fengshen's wind, Tieguai Li and the others all had smiles on their faces.

These bamboos are not born and grown, but transformed by Zhang Guolao's immortal energy, so they can be moved.

Lu Dongbin's eyes signaled that Zhang Guolao controlled the movement of the bamboos, and while using these bamboos to block the wind, the four of them slowly approached Fengshen.

"Hmph, do you really think I can't break through these broken bamboos!"

"I'm the God of Wind, don't think too highly of yourself, and look down on me!"

"Wind burst!"

Although the previous wind was not an ordinary wind, it was not a particularly strong one either.

So Fengshen wasn't particularly shocked when he saw that his wind didn't have the expected effect.

If Feng, who in his eyes can only be regarded as a normal attack, can easily kill Lu Dongbin and the others, then they are not worthy of being his opponent at all.

At this moment, when he saw Lu Dongbin and the others approaching him slowly while using bamboo to block his wind, his eyes turned slightly cold.

Drink lightly in the mouth, the wind blowing from Fengshen's shoulder pocket, the wind pressure greatly increased to form a conical spiral, blowing towards Zhang Guolao and the others.

"Puff puff puff... click, click, click..."

These cone-shaped spiral winds hit the bamboo, and it was quite normal at the beginning, just splashing some sparks.

But between breaths, things are not right.

Seeing Zhang Guolao's bamboo, as if being drilled by the drill bit of an electric drill, some small holes appeared, and there was a slight cracking sound, Zhang Guolao's face changed instantly.

"Not good, my cultivation base is far behind his, my iron bamboo is about to break!"

Zhang Guolao knows best about the bamboo he made himself.

These bamboos are very important to Lu Dongbin and the others at this time, and they are used to protect them.

Once the bamboo is destroyed, the four of them will directly admit the wind from the Fengshen.

Zhang Guolao was in a bad mood, he felt that his iron bamboo would not last long, so he hurriedly shouted to Lu Dongbin and the others.

"let me help you!"

When the three of them heard the words and looked at each other, Han Xiangzi shouted.

The flute was brought to his mouth and began to blow.

Han Xiangzi belongs to the image of Kanshui. In ancient times, there was a severe drought among the people, and Han Xiangzi played the flute for the people to rain.

At this time, he played the flute to make it rain.

Although Zhang Guolao's bamboo is iron bamboo, it is still bamboo and a plant.

Anyone with a little common sense understands the usefulness of water to plants.


The rain fell from the sky, washing Zhang Guolao's iron bamboo, causing the already cracked iron bamboo to grow wildly, becoming thicker and looking more tenacious.

These rainwaters are not ordinary rainwater, but blessed by Han Xiangzi's immortal energy. Otherwise, even if Tiezhu would change due to the rainwater, it wouldn't change so obviously and so quickly.

If the Eight Immortals were taken out alone, even Lu Dongbin would not be enough to see them in the Heavenly Court and the Underworld.

But when the Eight Immortals get together, relying on their respective advantages and using the complementary advantages of the Eight Diagrams and the Five Elements, they can make up for their own shortcomings and maximize their own strength.

The cooperation between Han Xiangzi and Zhang Guolao at this time is the reason.

"The bamboo has become tougher, and the cracks just now have been repaired. I underestimated you."

My Feng Sudden failed to achieve the effect I expected, this time Fengshen's face was a bit ugly.

A few enemies whose cultivation base is obviously inferior to his own, and he has been unable to do anything about them, this is very embarrassing to his Fengshen, and very embarrassing to the gods of country R.

His complexion became gloomy, and Fengshen continued to release the wind in the wind bag.

As these winds approached Zhang Guolao's bamboo, Fengshen made a weird hand formula and shouted angrily.

"Blade of Windburst!"

Feng Shen's voice fell, and the wind tuft, which was just spinning, began to change.

These winds turned into huge rotating wind blades, and the wind blades rotated rapidly, cutting the iron bamboo.

The iron bamboo was cut by these wind blades, and cracks appeared again.

It's just that the cutting is not counted. As the cut deepens, the rotating wind blade explodes like a bomb.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Crack... bang... bang bang bang..."

With the explosion of the wind blade, Zhang Guolao's iron bamboo, even with the blessing of Han Xiangzi's rain, couldn't bear it anymore.

One by one, the iron bamboos were broken after the wind blade exploded, and they were blown away. In the blink of an eye, seven or eight bamboos were already broken.

The remaining iron bamboos will all be blown apart...

(End of this chapter)

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