The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2757 Just want you to despise me

Chapter 2757 Just want you to despise me

Not to mention the small wind-fixing bead that Jade Emperor gave him in Ji Yang's hands, even the real wind-fixing bead has no other use except for the wind-fixing effect, neither can it increase defense power nor destructive power.

Therefore, it is unrealistic for Ji Yang to kill Fengshen who is much more advanced than himself.

"Okay! Then be careful yourself."

Although Lu Dongbin and the others didn't know what Xiaoding Fengzhu was, they had heard of it.

In the current situation, it is impossible for the four of us to break through Fengshen's hurricane strangulation, and to escape, we must abandon our companions, so we can't escape, and letting Ji Yang, who has the small Dingfeng Orb, give it a try is the best choice in front of us.

"Don't worry, I still cherish my life."

"Don't waste time, so as not to cause more deaths, inject your immortal energy into me."

Ji Yang smiled back at Tieguai Li's words of caution.

Ji Yang is not talking nonsense, he really cherishes his life, but he has to do what he has to do.

The tornado that swept in was getting closer and closer to Ji Yang and the others, and Ji Yang had already taken out the small wind bead and put it in his mouth.

The four of LV Dongbin didn't talk nonsense, each released the immortal energy in their bodies, and injected as much as possible into Ji Yang's body.

As the immortal energy of the four people entered his body, Ji Yang felt that the immortal energy in his body became more and more full, almost to the point of bursting out.

"I'm going to fuck... big and small... big..."

It's just that in his normal state, he couldn't bear the injection of immortal energy by the four of Lu Dongbin.

When Ji Yang's face was flushed, his whole body was tinged with whiteness, his body's veins were bulging, and his body was clearly at the limit of his endurance, Ji Yang used his big and small body to allow himself to bear more immortal energy.

As his body grew bigger, Ji Yang let out a loud shout, his body was like a moving mountain, and he rushed directly into the spinning tornado.

The level of immortal energy in Ji Yang's body now has far surpassed that of a second-rank immortal, and has reached the level of a first-rank immortal.

Although this is only a first-rank immortal job achieved by borrowing external forces, and there is still a long way to go before the peak of Fengshen's first-rank immortal job, Ji Yang is already content.

In this state, the attacks he unleashes are much stronger than those at the peak of the second-rank immortal class.

With Xiaoding Fengzhu, Ji Yang could not care about the strangling power of the hurricane, but seeing the Yin soldiers shattered in the wind one by one, Ji Yang's body began to tremble unconsciously.

"Fengshen, I must kill you!"

Fengshen's hurricane strangled, causing heavy losses to both sides.

In just a short moment, the number of Yin soldiers lost by Ji Yang's side exceeded the previous deal with the ghosts of Jingguo Shrine.

Such a huge loss made Ji Yang's heart bleed, and his anger reached the extreme.

"How can you not be afraid of my hurricane strangulation? How is this possible?"

When Ji Yang walked through the tornado strangled by the hurricane and appeared in front of Fengshen, Fengshen's eyes were so astonished that he couldn't believe it.

He couldn't be more clear about the power of his own hurricane strangulation. Even a first-rank god, as long as he is involved in it, it is almost impossible to get out of his body.

It can be seen that Ji Yang is unscathed, the aura exuding from his body is stronger than before, and there is a violent feeling, which makes Fengshen puzzled, but at the same time, it is more angry.

He is the aloof Fengshen, one of Susanoo's confidantes, and has a very high status among the gods of country R.

But today, he was beaten again and again in front of several Chinese gods whose cultivation base was not as good as his own, how could he bear it.

Facing Fengshen's question, Ji Yang had no intention of answering at all.

He just clenched his fists tightly, his body quickly rushed towards Fengshen, and at the same time swung his fists.

"Cosmos and Hundred Shadows Fist"

"wind bomb"

Ji Yang himself is not afraid of the wind, but it means he is not afraid of the attack.

Seeing that Ji Yang made a move, Fengshen stopped saying that it was useless, that anger is useful, and killing the opponent would relieve the anger.

Fist shadows came at him one by one, Fengshen smiled disdainfully, and countless wind clusters, like shells, met the flying fist shadows.

"Boom bang bang..."

"Even if your aura becomes stronger and the spell power you cast becomes stronger, this kind of attack is useless to me."

Easily blocking Ji Yang's Qiankun Baiying Fist, Fengshen's originally angry expression gradually improved, and his eyes became a little arrogant.

Although it is not clear how Ji Yang passed through the tornado strangled by his own hurricane, it seems that he is still so weak.

Disdainful and despised by the other party, Ji Yang didn't speak, he just did his own actions.

"The Demon God Shakes, Jiuli Breaks the Army and Kills"

"Break Me"

"Ghost Wind and Thunder Sword Technique"


"Earth Fire Art..."

Ji Yang used several tricks in a row, but Fengshen easily broke them away.

Even the purple fire that can burn more and more vigorously in the wind, because Fengshen's wind is too powerful, instead of being assisted by the wind, it was blown out directly.

Ji Yang's attacks were broken again and again, but he was getting closer and closer to Fengshen.

Fengshen's attack, after all, originated from the wind, such an attack would not bring substantial damage to Ji Yang's body who used the Xiaoding Wind Bead.

So he didn't hurt Fengshen, and Fengshen didn't hurt him either.

However, during this process, Fengshen became more and more disdainful of Ji Yang, and despised Ji Yang more and more.

He knew that Ji Yang must have a way to resist the attack from the wind, otherwise his wind attribute spells would not be completely useless to him.

Don't think that he can only attack with wind attributes, his physical strength is also top-notch among first-rank immortals.

When Ji Yang gets close to him, he will let Ji Yang taste it, his fists are powerful.

Anyway, Ji Yang's attack, I can easily break through it, just play with him for the time being.

"Almost, it's over."

Fengshen wants to play with Ji Yang, this idea is very suitable for Ji Yang.

All the moves I released earlier, it is impossible to hurt Fengshen, and they will be easily broken by the opponent, all in Ji Yang's expectation, he did it on purpose.

He wants to make Fengshen relax his vigilance, he just wants to make Fengshen despise him.

Only in this way, it would be easier for him to realize his idea of ​​killing Fengshen.

Because of Fengshen's contempt, it will bring fatal damage to Fengshen.

"It's now!"

"Earth Sha Push Mountain Palm."

Everything Ji Yang did before was to use Earth Shatui Mountain Palm.

This is his most powerful attack move now, but if he uses it directly as soon as it appears, Fengshen will definitely block it with all his strength.

But now, Fengshen has relaxed his vigilance, he already thinks that he is too weak and doesn't pay enough attention to himself.

At this time, the effect that can be achieved by using Earth Shatui Mountain Palm will be the best.

"Hmph, bluffing, wind and clouds!"

Ji Yang cast Earth Sha Push Mountain Palm, and two shadows of palms flew towards him. Although Fengshen felt that the power of these two palm shadows was not small, and he used a move that was not too weak to resist, the disdain on his face was very obvious.

After seeing the moves performed by Fengshen, a triumphant smile appeared on Ji Yang's face.

Fengshen's moves are not weak, but compared to Earth Shatui Mountain Palm, they are still much weaker...

(End of this chapter)

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