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Chapter 2762 Susanoo how do you want to die

Chapter 2762 Susanoo how do you want to die

"Do not……"

The Thunder Tribulation Destroyer was broken, and Thunder God suffered a lot of backlash. After all, he not only performed the Thunder Tribulation Destruction just now, but also output a lot of divine power to increase his strength during the whole process.

But in the end, it still failed.

At this time, seeing the Eight Immortals cast the final ultimate move of the Eight Immortals Formation, the Eight Immortals Formation Annihilation, the eight magic weapons, supported by the Eight Immortals' celestial energy, each shot a ray of light and hit the Thunder God.

Raytheon himself knows best what his current physical condition is.

At this time, even if it was a god with a rank five or six immortal rank, if he was dealt a heavy blow, he would be finished.

What's more, the Eight Immortals are in the Eight Immortals Formation, and the Eight Immortals Formation in actual combat is destroyed.

It's just that the word "no" he yelled at this time, apart from expressing his fear and unwillingness, what use is it?

Do you expect the other gods of R country to save him, or don't think about it.

The gods of country R are all entangled by the Chinese gods, and each of them is unable to protect himself. Who can save him.

"Boom bang bang..."

"Ah ah ah..."

So his yelling was useless except to vent his accident.

The light from the Eight Immortals' magic weapon hit him and penetrated his body, and Thunder God screamed incessantly.

Blood flowed out from the wound, Thor's aura was getting weaker and weaker, and his vital signs were also weakening, but if his body didn't fall down, the Eight Immortals had no intention of stopping.

The eight magic weapons shot out rays of light one after another, Thor's body was riddled with holes, his eyes widened, and his body lay limp on the ground.

Thor can't die with peace in his eyes, but he can't change the reality.


First it was the God of Wind, and now it is the God of Thunder. In Country R, ​​the two first-rank gods who were second only to Susanoo, died one after another. While the people in Country R screamed with grief and indignation, they were even more fearful.

Because of the death of the two gods of Fenglei, the holism of the gods of country R was instantly reduced, and they all knew that they would soon follow in the footsteps of the two gods of Fenglei.

Facts, too.

After the death of the two gods of Fenglei, the overall combat effectiveness of the gods of R country decreased, and their overall momentum was also weakened because of the fear in their hearts, which made their combat effectiveness even worse.

On the other hand, the immortals of Huaxia increased their momentum greatly at this time, and their attacks became more violent.

The situation between the two sides is so different, the speed of death and injury of the gods of R country has become much faster.

"Eight Immortals, how are you doing?"

At this time, Ji Yang didn't pay too much attention to the situation of the two sides, but quickly came to the side of the Eight Immortals.

At this time, the Eight Immortals Formation had been withdrawn, and each of the Eight Immortals looked a little pale.

Casting the Eight Immortals Formation consumes a lot of immortal energy, and the process of killing Thor is not easy. They are really tired now.

"It's okay, it's just that the immortal energy is consumed too much, and I'm afraid I won't be able to continue fighting for the time being."

Holding the Chunyang Sword, Lu Dongbin smiled at Ji Yang with a pale face.

Although the body is very tired, the Eight Immortals are very excited.

In this battle, the Eight Immortals did not fight easily, but they managed to kill Lei Shen, who was the peak strength of a first-rank immortal. This is something to be proud of.

"The death of the two gods, Fenglei, will have a great impact on the gods of R country. You have already contributed more, go to the world in the pot to recuperate."

Ji Yang could use Shennong Ding and Nuwa Stone to restore the Eight Immortals, but he didn't intend to do so.

One is the current state of the Eight Immortals, which obviously cannot be recovered in a short while, and there are some injuries on their bodies, and China has already gained a clear upper hand at this time, so they can go to the world in the pot to rest.

"Okay, then let's go and have a rest first."

The Eight Immortals were also aware of their situation, and they did not insist on fighting.

This time, the Eight Immortals teamed up with Ji Yang to kill the two gods of Fenglei.

"Refining the demon pot, take it!"

Hearing this, Ji Yang directly took out the demon refining pot, put the Eight Immortals into the world in the pot, and asked the immortals in the pot to take care of them before continuing to observe the surrounding situation.

The scuffle between the Chinese immortals and the gods of country R in the Jingguo Shrine is still going on, but the Chinese side has completely suppressed the gods of country R.

At this time, the number of gods in Country R is less than half of what it was before.

Among the immortals of China, although there were some injuries, overall, they were much better than the gods of Country R.


While Ji Yang was observing the surrounding situation, a miserable cry caught their attention.

There were a lot of screams in the scuffle. If it was just ordinary screams, Ji Yang would not have paid so much attention to them.

The point is, the screaming sound at this time came from Susanoo.

I saw Chiyou's Chiyou battle ax slashing diagonally from Susanoo's left shoulder, and a hideous wound extended from his left shoulder to his right waist.

The flesh of the wound was turned outwards, blood flowed horizontally, and the breastbone had been exposed.

Although this ax did not directly kill Susanoo, it also seriously injured him. Susanoo had been holding on until now, and this injury had already brought him to the brink of death.

"Don't you need the Pan Gu ax?"

Under the joint efforts of Chi You and Jiao Demon King, Xu Zuozhinan was able to survive until now, which was beyond Ji Yang's expectation.

He would lose, but Ji Yang expected it.

But at this time, Susanoo was obviously at his peak, and Ji Yang didn't understand why he didn't take out the Pangu axe.

Could it be that he was thinking right, the Pangu ax was not on Susanoo's body at all?

"Susano, you can die, look at the sword..."

Because of the matter of the Pan Gu axe, Ji Yang told Chi You and the others before, not to kill Susanoo.

But the enemy was right in front of his eyes, and when everyone's eyes turned red, many words were forgotten.

When the Lion Camel King saw that Chi You had severely injured Susanoo, he prepared to chop off Susanoo's head.

"Brother Lion, stop!"

When Ji Yang saw that the lion camel king was about to kill Susanoo, Lie Fengxing used Lie Fengxing to rush over and stop the lion camel king.

The Lion Camel King frowned, and then remembered what Ji Yang said before.

The raised knife fell slowly, and he looked at Susanoo and Ji Yang with some reluctance. Although he didn't say anything, his expression was obviously displeased.

He has been treated as a puppet for many years because of the other party, and now he is finally able to take revenge on the other party, but Ji Yang refuses to let him.

"Susano, you must die today, but you have two choices, one is to die quickly, the other is to die slowly in pain."

"Tell me where the Pangu Ax is, and I can give you a happy ending."

The overall situation is the most important thing, Ji Yang can't change his mind just because the Lion Camel King is unhappy.

He didn't explain to Lion Camel King, nor did he comfort him, but directly asked Susanoo what he wanted to know the most.

"Want your ax? Want to kill me? Hahaha..."

After hearing Ji Yang's words, Susanoo, who was obviously seriously injured, looked up to the sky and laughed loudly,

Then Susanoo's face darkened, and he shouted loudly to the sky: "Eldest sister, second sister, how long are you going to watch the show? Do you really want to wait until I die before you act? Do you really want to bear the wrath of God the Father?" ..."

(End of this chapter)

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