The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 2764 Chi You's thoughts are blasphemy

Chapter 2764 Chi You's thoughts are blasphemy
Ji Yang had never seen the Pangu axe before, but he recognized the ax in Yuedu's hand as the Pangu axe at a glance.

On the one hand, it was because of the strong force of Yuedu Yiyi's axe, and when she took out the Pangu axe, he felt that some of his artifacts had some reactions.

These reactions are telling Ji Yang that they are very familiar with this axe, which is the real reason why Ji Yang blurted out the Pangu axe.

"This magical weapon from China is really powerful."

And Yue Duan's casual sentence also proved Ji Yang's guess that the ax in her hand was one of the top ten artifacts from China, and what Ji Yang wanted to take back during his trip to country R: the Pangu axe.

"Fourth, sixth, how are you doing?"

The Pangu ax is one of the top ten artifacts in ancient times. It is very powerful in itself, coupled with Yuedu's powerful strength, this ax seems to be swung at will, but in fact it is terrifying. Otherwise, how could the lion camel king and Yu tamarin king retreat so easily.

Jiao Demon King, Peng Demon King and Macaque King looked worriedly at Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King, and asked with concern at the same time.

"It's okay, it's just that I was shocked by the strength, and I wasn't injured."

"It doesn't matter who you are, and I don't care what Pangu ax is. Anyway, he must die today. Whoever stops me will be buried with him..."

Neither the Lion Camel King nor the Yu Tamarin King has a good temper, especially after being suppressed for so many years.

After answering the caring inquiries of the three Jiao Demon Kings, the two glared at Yuedu and Amaterasu, and said in a cold voice.

At the same time, the monster energy in their bodies surged out from their bodies.

"Hmph, a group of people teamed up to deal with my younger brother, and it took so long to seriously injure my younger brother. It's a joke that you want to kill us too."

Like Susanoo, Tsukiyomi and Amaterasu both understand Chinese.

So after hearing the words of Lion Camel King and Yu Tamarin King, both of them smiled with disdain.

"What an arrogant woman, but I like it. I won't let them kill you. I will capture you alive and enjoy it."

"Boy, don't try to stop me today. I'm going to make a deal with these two women."

Chi You teamed up with the Five Great Sages and Susanoo to fight for so long before seriously injuring the other party. It really took a long time.

It doesn't mean that because of this, Amaterasu and Yuedu can despise Chi You and others.

So after hearing what the two said, the five great sages all opened their eyes with anger.

On the contrary, it was Chi You, with a strange smile on his face for a second, his eyes were on Amaterasu and Yuedu's body, scanning from bottom to top and then from top to bottom several times, his voice was playful.

He just likes this kind of woman with personality, and she is also a sister with the best figure and face.

If Ji Yang hadn't stopped the Snow Mountain Goddess last time, Chi You would have done it.

But today, Chi You was going to make an appointment with the two, so he told Ji Yang not to stop him.

"I won't stop you today, if you can capture them alive, they are yours."

"However, I want to remind you that the two of them are difficult to deal with. Compared with Susano, they will be more difficult to deal with."

Ji Yang also dislikes the arrogance of Amaterasu and Yuedu, but it is undeniable that they are difficult characters.

Needless to say, his cultivation base is at the same level as Susanoo's, and the Pangu ax is in the hands of Tsukiyomi, which improves the combat effectiveness of Amaterasu and Tsukiyomi again.

And at such a dangerous time, Susanoo would call Amaterasu and Tsukiyomi, and he must be asking the other party to save him, not to be buried with him.

It's not that Ji Yang didn't trust Chi You and the Five Great Sages, but he really felt that Chi You and the Five Great Sages in front of him might not be able to deal with Yuedu and Amaterasu.

"How dare you humiliate me, I will imprison your soul and make you suffer for thousands of years."

After hearing Chi You's words, Amaterasu and Yuedu's expressions immediately sank, and they both spoke at the same time, and the words and emphasis were exactly the same.

One of them is the sun goddess, the other is the night god, and they are the daughters of Izanami and Izanagi. They are the princesses among the gods of country R, ​​and they are very noble.

To be molested like this is a blasphemy to them, the greatest insult.

While talking, Amaterasu and Yuedu's airs leaked out, their clothes were agitated and there was a whistling sound, their eyes glared at Chi You sharply at the same time, and they rushed up directly.

"Sun God General, protect my younger brother."

"Observe, protect Susano Omikami."

When his body was about to get close to Chi You, Amaterasu first yelled out of thin air, several golden lights descended from the sky, and then he saw more than a dozen god generals wearing golden armor like a human wall, protecting Susanoo in it .

"Night God will show up to protect my brother."


At the same time that the Golden Armored God General appeared, Yuedu also called out.

More than a dozen night generals wearing black armor and whose aura was similar to that of the sun general formed another human wall.

"They are all above the third-rank immortal rank. It will be difficult to kill Susanoo now."

The sun god general and the night god will have about 30 people. The strongest aura has reached the second rank, and the worst is the third rank. These people are gathered together, even if they are not as strong as Susanoo at the peak state, they will not be as strong as Fenglei. God difference.

Susano must die, but in this case, how to kill him?
It might be possible if Chi You and the Five Great Sages joined forces, but now Amaterasu and Yuedu have teamed up and rushed in front of Chi You.

As soon as the fight between the three of them started, Chi You acted very bravely, and he knew very well that Amaterasu and Yuedu were formidable in strength, so he couldn't be careless.

But even if Chi You is brave enough to fight against Amaterasu and Yuedu on his own, he is still at an absolute disadvantage.

If it weren't for Chi You's own strength and bravery, he might have been wiped out by Amaterasu and Yuedu the moment the three of them fought.

So don't count on Chi You at all, he cannot protect himself.

At this time, the five great sages seemed to be in a dilemma. They really wanted to kill Susanoo, but Chi You's situation was not good.

Under the protection of the Night God General and the Sun God General, Susanoo has already begun to heal and recover. At this time, it is most appropriate to kill the two god generals first, and then kill Susanoo. Otherwise, it will take a long time for him to recover from his injuries. It was even harder to kill him.

But killing all the Sun God Generals and Night God Generals is not something that can be done in a short period of time. If Chi You can't last that time, what should we do?

"These two women won't be able to kill me for a while, don't waste our previous strength, kill that guy first."

At this time, Chi You still has time to see the Five Great Sages, which is considered big enough.

But his words pointed out the direction for the entangled five great saints, no longer hesitated in their hearts, and rushed towards Sun God General and Night God General.

Get rid of these guys as soon as possible, kill Susanoo as soon as possible, so that they can help Chi You.

"Chi You, I'll help you!"

The five great sages moved, and so did Ji Yang.

Chi You's situation is not optimistic, even if his strength is much worse than that of Amaterasu and Yuedu, he still has to bite the bullet.

When Chi You, Ji Yang and others were fighting with Amaterasu, Yuedu and the general who protected Susanoo, some gods in China had already noticed this place, and some people began to prepare to come to help...

(End of this chapter)

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